What can big cities do to improve their air quality?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What can big cities do to improve their air quality?
79 answers:
Mad Dog
2010-01-27 12:01:22 UTC
Encourage fuel cell vehicles to come asap because although hybrids help somewhat, they are still polluting and it's not really a solution to our problems.

They should also encourage cycling around town as well. Not only will it take a lot of pollutants away, but it'll also make the United States skinny again! Hey, if media can encourage the public to think a specific way, they should do the same on fat people and cars!

For electricity? Make solar panels and wind turbines standard and more affordable. When an electronic breaks, get one that's energy efficient (most will have an Energy Star logo on it.) Governments should pay attention and make all electronics Energy Star standard. My mother has a desktop that isn't energy efficient and it's BRAND NEW.

For trees? Encourage schools and businesses to start doing everything electronically. That way, we can continue to save trees and let them eat the CO2 that's in the air.
2010-01-27 11:18:21 UTC
Stop farting
2010-01-27 11:12:38 UTC
They could make their major areas more pedestrian and/or bicyclist friendly. Some cities are actually doing this and I think it would not only help in terms of pollution, but it would also help cut down on the amount of traffic congestion in those areas.
2010-01-27 15:47:02 UTC
I think air quality is of very high concern right now mainly because when you look toward places like China, you just hpe to never come to that level of pollution.

Things that can help improve air quality are little things like car pooling as well as walking or biking to places

Another thing thats pretty big that can help a lot is wind-energy and hydro0energy. A lot of construction to begin using wind and hydro energy is costly and risky, but i think that we really should invest in something like that. I we really need is for one person to just begin with ind energy and introduce it as a huge success for everyone else to catch on and really society will conform to wind and hydro energy. If we do this it'll be immensely gratifying; just using wind and hydro energy can help improve air quality by a lot. Also the effects of improving air quality are great. I mean if we do significantly improve air quality its possible to increase 'smartness'.

In addition, another thing that would really help even greater than wind energy is a counter to air pollution now. If we could find a way to counter the pollution we're producing, then we could use that and it would definetly significantly improve our air quality.
Sandra S.
2010-01-27 13:49:35 UTC
Here's a list of things that can be incorporated in improving air Quality..Even if we start with one, at least it's a start. Starting asap at home, and in workplace by either walking or ride your bike instead of driving, whenever possible. Join a carpool or van-pool to get to work, companies can incorporate flex hours to help with time issues...

Below is a list, consider one today... Source in source box..!

•Employing a sustainability manager and supporting a "Green Team"that coordinates environmental awareness and outreach.

•Coordinating a recycling program that collects paper, plastics, aluminum, printer cartridges, and frequently, used office furniture.

•Using recycled ink in business materials.

•Using biodegradable cups in the cafeteria and offering reusable cups at a subsidized cost to employees. Refills in reusable cups are provided at a discount.

•Applying LEED certification standards to all new facilities.

•Analyzing low-traffic areas in existing buildings to potentially reduce lighting needs.

•Using EnergyStar Portfolio Manager to track facility upgrades and changes in emissions.

•Conducting transportation surveys and using a carbon calculator to quantify carbon emissions.

•Offering bus subsidies, monthly carpool incentives, monthly biker/walker drawings and other programs that encourage employees to explore commute alternatives.

•Providing bike racks at three facilities and showers for bike-riders at one facility.

•Linking internal activities with regional resources offered through RideShare.

•Posting air quality information in common areas and featuring air quality trivia challenges on the UMB intranet.

•Encouraging employees to give their time to recognized social and environmental programs by offering 16 hours of paid volunteer time.

•Becoming a member of the Climate Protection Partnership, Bridging the Gap, the Greater Kansas City Chamber Chamber of Commerce’s Environment Committee and Keep Kansas City Beautiful.

•Offering a Visa® Eco Rewards Card through which customers can earn double reward points for environmental purchases and donate points to selected environmental charities.

•Holding their own Green Commute Fair.

•Participating in EarthFest, health fairs and farmer’s market events.

•Helping other companies form "Green Teams" by giving presentations and offering technical assistance.

2010-01-27 19:06:30 UTC
1.Substituting coal with natural gas.

2. Promoting the use of fuel efficient or hybrid cars for means of transportation could also help with the air quality.

3.Planting trees in your community/city helps clean the air.
2010-01-27 11:17:17 UTC
Become part of the conservation commission - a group of people that get to review the problems of the city and any new development. Form your own environmental committee. Call EPA and government officials and tell them they are not enforcing the Clean Air Act enough or correctly (which is very common.) Green design is a new movement. Some plans that i like include: putting more apartments in downtown areas (closer to the businesses), moving away from roads and more to public transportation and bike friendly travel. Basically the most important thing you can do is support good legislation by calling your local and state representatives.
2010-02-04 06:52:41 UTC
2010-01-28 18:14:28 UTC
We can always to the usual stuff we normally do. Instead of riding Cars or Busses, use bikes and if you have to use the car, try Carpooling or walking. I watched this program and it mentions that people are in love with their car and they like to drive them around and around for no purpose other than a joy ride. I think that people should get over their love or at least drive them less.

We should also have cities open multiple areas around the city. The main purpose for these area are generally for planting trees so they can produce oxygen and get rid of Carbon Dioxide which is one of the most common Greenhouse Gases.

You know, riding bikes is very good exercise but the problem is that people drive to these work-out places with exercise bikes and training equipment. However, they just drive to those places and they go no where using those equipment. They should save their energy and use their bike to go to work or go to the store.

Another problem is that bikes don't have a lot of storage so that's why people generally use cars to go to the store when they are buying a lot of stuff. If we can increase the storage of the bikes then maybe we will bike to the stores instead. In return, the cars don't give off as much emmision. One human may not seem like anything at all but a million people can make a huge difference. If only we can educate them into learning all of this.

Factories are a little harder to handle. My best advice is to reduce the amount of chemical energy that is burned off in the factory without slowing down their production. Plus you should also limit the amount of factories in the City where air quality isn't the greatest.

Traffic jams are a complete problem too. If you use common sense, more cars are stuck in the same place for like 2 minutes and they burn fuel without going anywhere. If we can stop traffic Jams then this wouldn't be too much of a problem like bringing helicopters that can carry cars. Over population is one of the reasons why traffic jams are so common in big Cities like Ney York so if we can control out population like they do in china then it should be too much of a hassle in the future.

If we have all adults come to this activity to discuss about the harmful effects to this then they will realize what they're doing and try to do their part in saving the environment and the world!

So that's all i can say. Hope this helps!
2010-01-27 13:07:14 UTC
free public transportation
Carolina V
2010-01-28 16:11:23 UTC
Be involved in your community, example take a bus tour of your area and see what the problems are. Identifying the problems will help to come up with a solution. Join a group that is involved in the area of solutions to the problems. The new word now is Urban emissions for lack of a better word where I live at. We have to see that if you can't change the way of the polluting like shutting down places that pollute you can protect the people by adding rules that were not working to protect the people. In other words if their was an accident. What caused it and what should of been done to prevent it. Proper protection of our elders and grandkids future are at stake here. Basta report came out recently saying that Asthma is a big problem in our Imperial Valley Area. Sometimes it is not even reported for whatever reason(lack of medical insurance, money to take to the Dr. ) A Dr.Kahn from the Imperial Valley spoke at this Basta report an said that parents sometimes are not aware that a child might have asthma and thinks that they are just allergies and therefore do not get diagnose and therefore do not get treated for Asthma.1 Idiling of Trucks should be a ticket because they are throwing emissions into the air. Example when you pick up your kids at school. Turn off the car and get off and wait under a shaded tree for your kids. Instead of wasting the gas on your A/c. Flag program with differant colors of flags for that day protecting children that might have susceptible to pollutants like allergies, breathing problems Asthma etc... The teachers would be responsible for checking the internet for the Air conditions for that day and posting the right color of flag for that day. If bad day for quality children with problems stay indoors with a teacher to protect their health for that day. I am on a group that is for Clean Air.
2010-01-29 14:25:18 UTC
Automobile companies are expected to make vehicles that do not emit much, if any, harmful gases. It is then up to the population of the city to purchase a vehicles that complies with their standards. A method such as offering of cleaner fuel sources for many vehicles is also contributing the gradual clean up of their air.

Many factories should control emissions regulations and laws that govern what they can emit into the air and how much they can emit.

Rubbish should be recycled in order to prevent bad odor. Industries which do not recycle rubbish should be heavily fined.

Industries that manufacture products that have bad odors should be constructed in the outskirts of the city.
2010-01-30 07:20:22 UTC
Use a monorail system between large cities for those people who commute long distances to go to work each day. The proposed system in Fl (Tampa to Orlando) should go to speeds of 120 miles per hour. This could have been started throughout the US if Obama wasn't so dead set on bailing out the large banks at the first month of his presidency. This would be a great way for people to live outside of big cities.
2016-07-18 20:27:17 UTC
Some people will feed the dog when dinner is over and they think that's different, but the dog can't tell when it's dinner time and will bug you until you stop dinner and then feed him. So think about the chain of behavior that you're rewarding here. Learn here

Contrary to what you're being told here, feeding your dog "people food" is not what's making him beg. I'm a professional trainer and always feed my dog human quality training treats (cut up chicken, cheese, beef, turkey, etc.) and those of us trainers who do this never have a begging problem. Our dogs know that they get "paid" for correct behavior and never from the table. You could feed your dog dogfood from the table and have a begging problem. It isn't *what* you're feeding, but *when* and *where* you feed him that counts.

If you have a problem with begging, the odds are that you have other problems as well. Consider taking your dog to a basic training class to teach him to obey when you ask him to do something or stop doing something undesirable. Dogs that bark and pester you have learned bad habits-- from you! Going to a training class will help you unlearn those and help you get into better habits.
2010-01-28 17:56:15 UTC
Thats a tough question I have the answer but its never gonna happen.All power plants should change their technology to stop gasses and fumes going up in the air.Automobiles can use oil depthwater or pumpkin oil to run their machines.Big citys should train there population to learn how to put fires out especially children train them in school all about fire hazards not to commit fires or burn any other materials that can cause fumes.If big citys would have less fires and no forest burning up.Then it would be a safer and fresher air quality.

Number one No fires in the city or oil leaks or gas leaks etc.The reason its not gonna happen is cause you have greedy selfish humans in politics and goverment and its all about getting rich do they care about the air we breath or they care about the profits they recieve from these big companys???
2010-01-30 23:46:01 UTC
Well I'm only 14 years old and I can't say much, but I learned this in geography class, how to get people to participate in helping give the world's environment a brighter light in the future.

One of the two ways we learned is to get the government to charge fees to the industries who, for example, plan on dumping their wastes into lakes, contaminating the water and killing the sea creatures inside them.

The other way I know of is to impose laws concerning the environment, do researches on renewable energies and resources, and look up for treatments on used water.

There are also other ways I just learned by following friends and family. Taking public transportation is one of the ways to reduce pollution. In the place I live, they say 1 bus = 50 cars. Or, if people live close to where they plan on going, they can take their bikes (if they have), instead of their car.

But, like always, there IS a loophole. Some cities are so big, it's hard to move around without cars.

Another way to protect the environment is to recycle. I watch what I put in the garbage can, and the recycle bin.

That's just me.
2010-01-28 09:59:53 UTC
Pakistan is world’s ninth most populous country.

Pakistan has a land of 769095 sq km, spread over a diverse terrain, comprising steep mountains and deep valleys, fertile plains of Indus valley and deserts in sindh and balochistan.

Pakistan has the Largest Canal Irrigation System and the Forests in the World .

I thought that Trees are the important factors in improving the air quality of the big cities
Susan S
2010-01-28 09:47:49 UTC
Do a 7-year itch treatment for your soil and your toilet/drain pipes. Put fungicide on your soil and make sure you use drain cleaner every month: by getting rid of the unnecessary filth in your drains. Cut down on oil in the foods you make/and turn your exhaust fans on for. Do not burn your home cooked food because that is harmful when eaten and when you turn on the exhaust fans to let those cancer causing agents into the air outside. If you have to cut corners, stop using make-up, hair-dye, and fingernail polish. Cut your own hair as neat as possible or get it cut at a beauty shop as neat as possible. Put no extra ickies into the water supply; and take a bath, simple lotions, and stop with the expensive perfumes. Get everything you have as neat and clean as possible. Fix things and don't every-time buy new things that take up massive amounts of time at the Public county/city dump. Walk and make sure you are clean and your skin able to breath. Stop smoking and making the air dirty. Have a Happy Valentines Day. Buy chocolate instead, (ha-ha just kidding).
2016-10-10 03:22:19 UTC
Tottenham is procuring defenders yet come on i dont see Tottenham taking section in properly till next 12 months. The don't have any chemistry interior the protection and one signing extra can likely make extra damage than good. And shall we face it Tottenham will promote 0.5 their gamers next 12 months like they did very last time they went in a spending spree. i imagine Tottenham has what Arsenal doesnt... they signal gamers and Arsenal has what tottenham doesnt they dont signal any gamers and which will be good for Spurs as for something else Berbatov wont do ish and Robinho will flop in guy city... Fellaini will be risky for Everton haha
2010-02-03 22:23:31 UTC
Though human powered transportation such as bicycles and walking are the best way to improve air quality while meeting your commuting needs, a close section is taking a bus or other public transportation.

When compared to an average automobile, a bus puts significantly less pollution per person into the air. While the bus may be bigger, with a larger engine, those engines are typically diesel and thus are typically more efficient than their gasoline counterparts. Also, while automobiles usually hold between 2 and 8 passengers, most city buses are capable of holding 20 to 30 people or more. In large cities where bus transportation is widely used, buses are near capacity for much of their routes. This leads to a carbon footprint per person substantially lower than even the most efficient hybrid car.

If you're in a city with other forms of public transportation, these vessels may be even more efficient. Use of subways, for instance, allow hundreds of people to travel on a set rail at once. These subway cars are very efficient because they are optimized for their routes and their available seats give them a much lower cost per passenger than many other forms of transportation.
Bennet Raj J
2010-01-28 02:01:18 UTC
Cities life is becoming increasingly unfit for healthy living. If we look at the ambient air quality of our metropolitan cities, it is observed that the quality is deteriorating with respect to many of the air quality parameters especially with respect to Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter (RSPM), which has crossed the permissible levels at all major cities such as Chennai, etc

Poor air quality means increasing health risk to the citizens. Over billion tones of toxic chemicals are released by industry into the nation's environment each year, including sizable amount of recognized carcinogens. Most of the people suffering from asthma also live in areas with poor air quality: ozone, particulates and sulfur dioxide are all known to worsen the health of asthmatics and trigger asthma attacks.

Emissions from Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles especially in urban areas because of the concentration of vehicles, people and buildings there

2010-01-29 10:48:00 UTC
Politicians and Residents must work together to come to some form of action to help with this matter. Personal issues must be addressed and laws enforced to get to a place where a reasonable amount accomplishment can be realized. Too much damage has been done, to expect the best quality, but we can have better than what we now tolerate. Have a blessed day!

Sincerely yours,

Aysha Youngblood-Moses
2010-01-28 07:54:03 UTC
How about down and/or up-cycling right within city limits. Old soda bottles can be re-used, as is, for fertilizer, plastic bags from stores can be reused in place of purpose specific bags at desk trash cans (although if these are made from type 2 plastic, they are actually recyclable) With things like these being right within city-limits, rather than shipped to factories, you lower the need of trucking to get the products back and forth.

Implementing wind and solar is important, but will not help with local problems, as they help with power plants peak demands. But why not plant green roofs while you're on top of those buildings, this insulates the building, causing it to need less fossil fuels for heating/cooling, traps water that otherwise becomes runoff, and gives a growing medium that helps absorb CO2. This of course works with any type of planting in cities, the best of course being trees. While talking about water (I apologize, I know you're asking about air) but why not mandate reusing gray water, why does the water going down our toilets have to be drinking water treated when it could be reused sink water?

Use reflective window treatments in summer to reduce the need for forced air cooling, use absorptive material in the winter to attract heat, reducing forced air heating.

Most importantly, always look at everything, and see what you can find.
♡ shut up ♡
2010-01-27 23:03:21 UTC
We were actually just discussing this subject in second period today.

I think transportation obviously is playing a big role in pollution, what with so many cars on the road today. Taking the bus is one option, but I'm not sure anybody really would.

Factories are probably the number one source of pollutants on my list. They are practically falling from the sky; these sprawling factories that use up lots of energy, water, and pollute the environment. The thing is is that we can't just get rid of factories, but we definately need to cut back on a lot of things.

Governments in big cities like NYC need to really talk about this as well. Not only is it plain digusting, but it's hazardous to our health, too!
2010-02-05 05:15:58 UTC
"NASA's Clean Air Plant Study" was completed several years ago.

"Common indoor plants may provide a valuable weapon in the fight against rising levels of indoor air pollution. Those plants in your office or home are not only decorative, but NASA scientists are finding them to be surprisingly useful in absorbing potentially harmful gases and cleaning the air inside modern buildings."

"NASA research has consistently shown that living, green and flowering plants can remove several toxic chemicals from the air in building interiors. You can use plants in your home or office to improve the quality of the air to make it a more pleasant place to live and work - where people feel better, perform better, and enjoy life more."

TOP 10 plants most effective in removing: formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide from the air.

Common Name - Scientific Name

Bamboo Palm - Chamaedorea Seifritzii

Chinese Evergreen - Aglaonema Modestum

English Ivy - Hedera Helix

Gerbera Daisy - Gerbera Jamesonii

Janet Craig - Dracaena "Janet Craig"

Marginata - Dracaena Marginata

Mass cane/Corn Plant - Dracaena Massangeana

Mother-in-Law's Tongue - Sansevieria Laurentii

Pot Mum - Chrysantheium morifolium

Peace Lily - Spathiphyllum "Mauna Loa"

Warneckii - Dracaena "Warneckii"

I believe if more cities had the right amount of outdoor plants to clean the air, we would have less pollution.
2010-02-05 00:55:45 UTC
This is an easy question, Break up the cities, There is millions of acres out there not being used at all, so why is everyone piling up on top of everyone else? It makes no sense. Use this land, make it productive and live on it as it is purposed to.
☼☺♥XxAly Rox Her Sox♥xX☺☼
2010-01-28 21:14:21 UTC
They can at least try to encourage people to not pollute and recycle! Maybe have all big car companies to put less gas into cars somehow? Main idea:

we need to stop pollution and recycle!! if we all at least TRY i bet it will help a little! Every bit counts!!!
2010-01-28 13:29:51 UTC
They could stop littering and hire people to help and clean up! that way, we will have more jobs and less pollution. It would be great if the whole world would be clean. Also, They could inspire everyone to use less water to say nat. resources like gas and start using what they need and start bicycle riding. Good Luck!
Frank P
2010-01-28 07:37:03 UTC
Big cities have to have more mass transit going to the suburbs. Most of the pollution in the city is from auto/bus exhaust. Second biggest polluters are industries along the river banks of the cities. We need to plant more trees and shrubs in pedstrian right of ways. Also use the currents of the rivers near the city to produce electricity and have windmills on top of some of the buildings.
2010-01-28 03:19:16 UTC
We have to be more disciplined in consumption of petrol and diesel like products. Car owners should make pools to travel in group for optimum use of vehicle. Festivals like Holi should be celebrated symbolically. Smoking should be banned. There should be proper disposal of garbage. In schools use of copies should be minimised and old system of slate should be induced particularly for subjects like mathematics.Though many people may feel religiously hurt but despite being a devout Hindu I think the best way to use dead bodies is either donating them for medical research or Parsi way of keeping them at the "Tower of Silence". It will reduce a lot of pollution.
2010-01-27 17:01:21 UTC
The question apparently refuses to see the basic reason for this problem, and then seems to ask for an answer on 'as is where is basis".

Until about 50 years ago, the air was fairly good. People did not have to pay for many things that we ended up paying for today. Air, water, walking (the machine for that), trust (we have security people to check ourselves, if we carry harmful things while we travel, or even enter a crowded area), talking(we pay for talking to the person seated closeby--through monitor, mobile phone, etc) and such other simple basic things.

When we start depending on gadgets too much, we need more people to take care of these gadgets too, and such people have to be available in close proximity. Even this, adds to the crowd.

Instead of spreading out, we started spreading upwards, which is the mostly costly form of transportation, and obviously invokes lot of productivity, 'creation' of money, needing more manpower, ending up in getting the place further crowded. Ancient houses needed least maintainence costs. Now, it costs more than the construction itself, during the life time of the structure. Looking at people even, sheer maitainence of health costs far more than the food needed to sustain life. Health gadgets, insurance, cosmetics etc. There is a crowd to make this available.

In a packed hall, which is also compact in size, the volume of air that goes in and out of the lungs far exceeds the 'air-space' within that hall. And then where is the point expecting clean air within the hall? A big city is almost just that. We need giant gadgets, giant pipelines, placed far away, to pump the good air to our city! Sounds quite ridiculous. But so are our plans to improve the invironment. With years of effort, garnering consensus, negotiations, etc we achieved very little. Even 'carbon-trading' has evolved into a technique where the thrust is on making money out of buying 'permissible-emission-entitlements' (not just trying to 'pay' for those borrowed entitlements!).

We have to start with improving the mind-quality, before we make any attempt to improve the very last pile of garbage (the air quality) we have gathered over ourselves. With the present attitude, we have been ending up with only further complicating things, adding efforts, costs, further crowding with people to support these costs etc.
2010-02-02 00:40:22 UTC
To improve air quality, one must go green and free the air of emissions. We can achieve this by:

- Have recycling bins placed within employees’ reach to encourage them to recycle.

- Provide water dispensers and mugs for the employees to eliminate use of plastic water bottles and disposable cups..

- Sell waste products like steel, packing crates, commercial cardboard, glass, and sheetrock or construction waste instead of paying for landfills to take them away.

- Create a carpool for employees who live in the same area.

- Reduce carbon emissions by using hybrid vehicles for your company.

- Get a grant for installing solar panels. Not only can you heat water with it, you may also charge your mobile phone with it.
Eich (#14 - Stewart Haas Racing)
2010-01-27 19:05:04 UTC
We could cut down emissions by ride sharing (autos), taking the bus to & from work, riding peddle bikes more, walking more, not using wood stoves as much (wood heat is the best but the smoke adds to the smog / inversions).

Planting more trees, shrubs, bushes, vegetation. Rebuilding our ecosystems. Making our surroundings more user friendly for birds, animals, insects, fish....... Our ecosystems are as small as one tree or as big as a forest. It is going to take a bunch of little steps to get back on track.

All of the above affects the quality of our air.
2010-01-30 03:18:27 UTC
By growing more trees we can improve our air

By using smokeless vehicle.

By improving our habits.

By becoming nature lover.
2010-02-05 17:58:43 UTC
A huge venting system that would recirculate the air through filters and purify with ion generators..? All this can be done under ground, out of sight..?
2010-01-30 16:35:54 UTC
there are several things that can be to blame, but mainly waste disposal. There are so many more effective ways of getting rid of trash or toxic waste other than letting it sit or burning it. We need to look for a more opportunities to recycle most of all
§sniperexpertxx§ ﺕ
2010-01-28 17:56:28 UTC
they can try to find a way to keep what they're doing BUT replace some of their equipment with environmentally friendly equipment if possible. they could stop polluting the air.
White Boy 8908
2010-01-29 10:43:59 UTC
Firs ask yourself what can you do to in improve air quality its not the big cities polluting the air its the people living in them.
Chocolate L3ver
2010-01-27 16:37:12 UTC
The people can carpool. People should start using hybrid cars and walk when they can. Stop littering and recycle more often. Companies ought to stop sending so much gas into the air.

For other types of pollution: Please try not to waste food. If you have a blank side of a paper, don't throw it away. Use it as scratch paper. Save water by closing the water when you brush your teeth. Take shorter showers. You waste a gallon a minute!
2010-01-28 18:49:21 UTC
use CFL's or LED light bulbs

plant more trees

turn off lights when no one is in the room

dont drive when you dont need to

bike or walk

dont use aerosal cans

solar panels

hybrids or smartcars *LOL*

dont use unneeded electricity

dont turn on the A/C when the temperature is suitable

avoid turning on the heater, try putting on a sweater instead

George Christian C
2010-01-28 04:54:09 UTC
They should change all the pollutants they made to eco-friendly ones. They should minimize/limit the usage of diesel powered vehicles and use bicycles. They should also create or introduce electric powered vehicles. That way the improve air quality.
2010-01-28 19:52:35 UTC
Our Local and State Officials need to stop being on the take. Think about tomorrow and not your greedy pockets.
2010-01-28 06:49:04 UTC
Plant more trees! I'm not joking. Trees filter the air. Make ordinances that encourage people to put window planters in their apartment windows, make sure to include grassy/tree-y median strips for main roads, zone lots of small parks, or take a page out of New York's book and zone one really big park (or both!); big cities need to get more green, living stuff into the city.
2014-12-18 23:06:03 UTC
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if you are serious about trading you need to address your weakness and try to fix it. no forex guru can make you Professional trader unless you want to learn from your mistake.
lala haha gaga mama
2010-01-28 01:51:20 UTC
Background Information

What is Air Pollution?

Air pollution is any visible or invisible substance found in the air that is not part of the normal composition of air. Some air pollution is natural and has always been a part of the earth's history. However, over the past one hundred years or so, pollution created by humans has become a major environmental problem.

Why Worry About Air Pollution?

Air pollution affects everyone. It is a threat to the health of human beings and many other living things on the planet. Pollutants in the air produce smog and acid rain. They also cause cancer and many other serious health problems. They cause ozone depletion in the upper atmosphere, and they increase the possibility of global climate change. Most people are familiar with visible air pollution, like smog, but some of the most dangerous air pollutants are invisible to the human eye. Since polluted air can move from region or area to another, it has the possibility of affecting nearly everyone on earth.

What Causes Air Pollution?

Air pollution is not new. Natural air pollution has been around for millions of year. Dust and a variety of gases from forest fires, volcanoes, and decaying material in rivers, oceans, and other bodies of water continually enter the atmosphere. Sometimes this natural pollution can have dramatic effects. For example, scientists believe that natural gas from plant decay may have been one of the main causes of global climate change in the past.

Of course, not all air pollution is produced naturally. The atmosphere contains pollutants produced by humans, and these man-made pollutants present a far more serious problem than natural air pollution. Man-made pollutants are not only sometimes more harmful, but they are usually concentrated over large cities where large populations of people live and work.






• motor vehicles

• other machines

• eye problems

• lung problems

• respiratory problems

Carbon Monoxide

• motor vehicles

• small engines

• parking garages

• tunnels

• heavy traffic

• headaches

• dizziness

• fatigue

• death

• heart damage

Nitrogen Oxides

• motor vehicles

• power plants burning fossil fuels

• coal-burning stoves

• lung problems

• acid rain

• forest damage

• damaged buildings and statues

• smog

Particulate Matter

• diesel engines

• power plants

• industries

• dust in the wind

• wood-burning stoves

• lung problems

• eye problems

• discolored buildings and statues

• reduced visibility

Sulfur Dioxide

• coal-burning power plants and industries

• coal-burning stoves

• refineries

• smog

• eye problems

• lung damage

• kills life in lakes and rivers

• acid rain

• damages buildings and statues


• vehicles using leaded gasoline

• metal refineries

• brain damage

• kidney damage

What Can Be Done About Air Pollution?

Little can be done about natural pollution, but people can do something about the air pollution caused by humans. More and more people are becoming concerned about the pollutants that come from human activity, and there are a number of ways they can take action and get involved. Here are some of them:

• Reduce the amount of time you spend in cars, and increase the number of people with whom you share rides.

• Go to work or school by bicycle, public bus, or train.

• Walk to work or school if the distance is not too great.

• Use only as much electricity as you need. This will reduce the amount of air pollution produced by power plants.

• Have home and car air conditioners checked for leaks.

• Grow houseplants that will absorb certain air pollutants and improve indoor air quality.

• Plant a tree to improve the environment and absorb carbon dioxide.

• Join or organize a program to check acid rain.
2010-01-30 10:44:32 UTC
Plant as much as you can indoors outdoors parks playgrounds street side roadside and rooftops
2010-01-28 04:00:25 UTC
recycle,reuse items, walk more, or maybe ride your bikes and use transportation that wont cause pollution such as bikes, skateboards, scooter's, roller blades etc. Maybe only use those new smart cars that run on electricity
2010-02-04 06:23:11 UTC
Stop forming forums & committees about how to stop pollution in AC hotel and start acting by reducing fuel usage level, keeping the cities clean & most importantly try to raise the quality of living of the people so they in turn take care of the city.
2010-01-29 22:04:31 UTC
public transportation is one option especially in traffic snarled cities

like new york and boston.
Shastry S.B.V.R
2010-02-04 22:08:45 UTC
ban all internal combustion engines.order every human to plant a tree and take charge of a existing tree.
2010-01-29 13:11:23 UTC
Plant more trees.

Less the vehicles, automotive and transports.

Less using chemical products " perfumes... etc"
2010-01-29 16:51:37 UTC
concerned citizens can,t do anything but have concern. this question should be asked of our politicians who of course don,t have any answerer's at all. to even post a question like this is a true testimony to where this nation has not got it self. please spend your time arguing( my point)
Burnt Orange
2010-02-02 09:16:47 UTC
Have one work at home day per week in cities where commuting with a personal vehicle is prevalent. This will reduce traffic and emissions on roads.
Marissa Songz
2010-01-27 12:22:43 UTC
Encourage them to move to other places in America... but not just America. In the world. With that, there will be less pollution in the air. Also, people should use other means of transportation like bicycles and going on foot.

People should use natural products because studies show that natural products do a better job AND it's better for the enviorment.
The Patriot
2010-01-27 11:57:31 UTC
They can take more action to get rid of pollution. This was done in London in the 1950's following the great smog.

But we know that it is important. The second link goes into a recent story, yet again linking pollution to pneumonia.
2010-01-28 07:39:36 UTC
We can stop littering.

I saw a bunch of cans, bottles, and paper and trash

along the freeway.
2010-01-30 05:01:12 UTC

2010-01-28 14:41:11 UTC
They can recycle instead of leaving garbage out and making the air dirty?
Eric Gees
2010-01-28 02:58:41 UTC
Push lazy politicians to seek alternative energy (viable ones please), and watch out what we spend ,it is NOT unlimited resources. Think if oil resources became less, what could happen to your life and job!
2010-01-27 16:19:57 UTC
stop air pollutants from spreading and hybrid cars and take buses
Mister Me
2010-02-05 10:26:01 UTC
we could all use bikes then there will be less pollution and less obese people
Falon H
2010-01-28 04:53:14 UTC
Well we can start by recylcing and excersiseing not just drive everywhere

G2gsorry......e-mail me 2 chit chat!!!
chuck h
2010-01-28 05:59:55 UTC
slighten tighten ristrickens on pollution and water pullants
2010-01-28 14:08:27 UTC
restrict gas guzzlers
2010-02-02 22:10:13 UTC
They should have a day where everyone goes to work or school or places by walking or by bus , free. :)
2010-02-02 15:13:29 UTC
the most important is:

the establishment of industrial cities far from the population
Derrick Lambert
2010-01-28 14:40:35 UTC
better fuel solution
Sandy P
2010-02-02 19:24:32 UTC
mass transit and lot of bike lanes be bike friendly
Solo Ice Owl
2010-01-28 08:27:58 UTC
use hydrogen fueld cars and put limits on polution
2010-01-27 12:01:55 UTC
Encourage not too many to move into them. The source of mankind's greatest pandemic will originate with our urban squallier.
2010-01-29 19:41:37 UTC
they should get rid of pollution.
2010-02-03 17:06:09 UTC
put thousands of wind trebines up!
philippines allstar
2010-02-03 05:15:26 UTC
2010-01-27 16:34:54 UTC
$20000 tax breaks on Prius
2010-02-03 20:47:35 UTC
maby try all sidewalks and no roads
2010-02-06 11:47:02 UTC
have more trees
2010-01-27 12:01:39 UTC
The pen is on the table
2010-02-02 21:25:52 UTC
Make cigarette smoking illegal.
2010-01-27 15:12:13 UTC
kill every rat,mouse you see ;-)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.