There is plenty of information for this very important subject.
Here is the official site of EU with some "golden rules" that we can follow.
All we have to do - as individuals - is visit the site, inform other people about its existence and respect the rules.
This is one way we can contribute - I always refer to individual actions - to affront the global warming problem.
We can affront in part the problem, not to solve it, we are very small to do so.
Other official sites containing trustworthy information are the following:
US – environmental protection agency
American Meteorological Society
and of course, the local agencies in each country.
As one of the main pollutants that is also responsible for the increasing of temperature is CO2, it could be of great help if we would plant somes trees every year to affront - even in part - the deforestation. Forest burning is a net contributor to global warming, not just because there is carbon dioxide production but even because there is no oxygen production. There is no balance
I was mostly impressed hearing a speaker from the US, in an online conference, saying that it would be enough if every person could plant 17 trees every year to affront the problems caused by CO2 emissions.
He was refering to the city where he was living, of course.
Another way to react, could be contact the local government but I am of the opinion that there is no political will.
They have demonstrated that to us by non signing the international treaties.
I will refer an example from the local community where I live, in Greece.
Behind my pharmacy, there is the University. Lately, we got to know that they are going to transform it in garage. A huge construction that will host about 700 cars. They have already taken their decision. The University will go elsewhere bringing with it all the places for volley or basket that we had and the space where children were joking or running, the swimming pool place...
It is true that my neighborhood, Dafni (this is the recent name of the old Municipality Alopeki', where the ancient philosopher Socrates has lived) is near the center of Athens - in 8 minutes we arrive to the Constitution square - and we have limited car places. The problem has worsened when the metro station has been opened.
On the other hand, this is not the only solution, it is not the only free place to transform in garage and even more there is no prevision for a sustainable construction that will allow to plant some trees on the top.