What is your idea for a do-it-yourself project that will improve our lives and help the planet?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What is your idea for a do-it-yourself project that will improve our lives and help the planet?
321 answers:
The dream never ends
2009-05-26 11:35:26 UTC
Plant a tree.

Usually the biggest problems have the easiest solutions.
2009-05-26 11:11:47 UTC
A at home garden is an easy, earth-friendly project that anyone can do. You can produce healthy, fresh fruits and vegetables in your backyard or patio. It offsets the green house gases produced by shipping our produce. It also reduces the pesticides and preservatives used to produce our produce. But best of all it gets you(and your kids) out of the house and into the dirt!
2009-05-26 11:36:20 UTC

do not throw your furniture, clothes, and appliances into the dumpster...take it to the thrift shop, donate it, give it to the neighbor!!!

my neighbor and I rescue stuff from the does not need to go to the land fill!! we store it for a yard sale... take it to the thrift shop...

I rescue vacuum cleaners, new belt and a hair cut...gees people!! been doing that weird hobby for 40 years and have never purchased a vacuum in my life!!

last week alone= at the dumpster= 6 dressers, 4 beds, 2 couches, 3 mirrors, vanity, 2 shelves,blankets, quilts and other odds and ends...yard sale and thrift shop...none of that needs to go into the land fill!!
2009-05-26 10:44:59 UTC
Build Mason Bee Houses, and hang them up to help out our native bee populations.

Mason Bee Houses are extremely easy to build, and a terrific project for people of all ages. Obviously young children need help or at least supervision when working with a drill.

Just take a piece of untreated wood, even a piece of cord-wood, and drill holes of various sizes about 6 inches deep. Then put an eye bolt in the top, and hang the mason bee houses anywhere from 12-4 feet from the ground.

Simple, and a terrific boon to the environment.


Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years
Dr. Jello Dr. of Science
2009-05-26 11:45:19 UTC
Stop reproducing. Helping this planet and the lives of future generations depends completely on human remaining a population and not becoming an infestation.
2009-05-26 11:35:31 UTC
The environmental wackos should turn off their computers.

Computers contribute to 'Global Warming'
2009-05-26 11:27:40 UTC
There are many small things each of us can do every day that add up to a significant improvement for our mother Earth. But I would like to be able to, whether a do-it-yourself or via a contractor, have some sort of means to capture and reuse waste water in every home. The water that we let run until it's just the right temperature could be captured in a tank and used for the toilet, the wash cycle in our washing machines, watering lawns and gardens, and if properly filtered, showers, rinse cycles, and maybe even back into the main water system by way of the hot water tank. Shower water can be filtered to catch solid matter like hair and soaps and shampoos that are biodegradable can be used, then that water can also be used for the toilet instead of fresh water. If a toilet uses say 2 gallons (for ease of math) for each flush, and a family of four flushes 25 times a day, after 30 days that would be 1500 gallons of fresh water each month each family that could have been saved had we used our own waste water. And of course, if we don't waste 1500 gallons each month by showering and running the water to get it the right temperature, it could be supplemented by fresh.

Another way I've saved energy is by putting film on my windows that reduces the heat that comes into the house without reducing light. It's inexpensive, easy, and I did my three bedroom house in a weekend. I also plan to install ceiling fans in every room, water efficient lawns and gardens, and I don't run any major appliances except the refrigerator until after 7pm, when the demand for utilities is lower. I also forgo things like vacuuming each week for every 10 days or so, and use a non-electric carpet sweeper in between.
2009-05-26 11:17:43 UTC
I think we should all make some small changes to help the planet AND save money! "Going green" doesn't have to be expensive or time-consuming. Anyone can do things like:


-water the lawn less frequently

-landscape with native species, especially if you live in an arid climate (xeriscaping) to use less water

-replace old lightbulbs with energy-efficient ones

-install low-flow shower heads (relatively cheap)

-end their newspaper subscription, and get the news (free!) online

-share/recycle clothes among friends and family. you can get together and swap clothes so that everybody has something that is appropriate for them or their family.

I hope that this economic recession will encourage people to explore environmentally-friendly options which will also help them save money! We need to start with small, gradual steps, rather than trying to make people say, install solar panels or buy a pricey hybrid car. :)
2009-05-26 12:02:34 UTC
Let's all build a square-foot garden, produce our own food.

♥♀ Dee ♀♥
2009-05-26 12:14:23 UTC
Google the word "freecycle." It's an online group of poeple living in the same connumity whose premise is recycling items in your home for free with other people. You can post and request items that you may have. If I have a bed that I don't want - I can post it on freecycle, and someone who needs it can have it for free. Less needless waste!

Office Depot has those small blue trash cans with the recycle symbol on them - I bought two for my office, and they've both already been filled up twice in just a week. I take the recyclables to my sister's house (she has curbside single-stream recycling in her city, which is just over the bridge).
Christian M
2009-05-27 12:27:18 UTC
The best do-it-yourself project that any person can do to help the planet is to change the way they perceive the world. Every problem mankind faces now, in the past, in the future, is the manifestation of a false premise or a mistaken idea about what is 'reality'. We cannot change the world by changing 'things', even subtle things like ideas. It changes when we perceive the world in a new way, in a higher way, in a more accurate way. Einstein made the observation that a problem cannot be resolved at the level that it manifests. That is what I am reiterating.

We are spinning our wheels trying to come up with solutions which will all be made at the same level of awareness that have caused the problems we are trying to solve.

That is where meditation, the desire to understand, the realization that how we see the world is not accurate and that, in fact, it cannot be known accurately through the senses, comes in to play.

Good luck changing the world if you haven't first change yourself. We've made no progress in 10,000 years doing it the way we've been doing it. Or do you think the world has changed for the better?
Julie Q
2009-05-27 11:39:21 UTC
Use it up, wear it out, make do, do without.

I refuse to let useful items in the trash go to the landfill. In my area, it is "against the law" to take things from the curbside trash. I'm not going through bags of garbage looking for information so I can steal someone's identity. But if someone throws six perfectly good dining room chairs on the curb, I will collect them and redistribute. I consider it an act of civil disobedience. The things I collect go to local charities or friends/family who can use them.

I found an acoustic guitar in the trash when all that was needed were new strings, a wood art box filled with oil paints and brushes, tables, a mirror, lumber, a baker's rack. I'm up to saving twelve chairs. I recently retrieved a stack of ceramic flower pots. Beautiful!

I don't know why people are so lazy that they can't call a charity or set useful items aside from the trash and put a sign on it that says "Free." Someone will take it.

My favorite quote is by Margaret Mead~

“Never underestimate the power of a few committed people to

change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” —

If everyone does what they can, we can make a difference.

Julie Q
2015-12-21 05:33:02 UTC
It separated people into blue and red factions and simply didn't work, especially once the truth came out. But if we would lose the talk about climate change which DUH, is a natural occurrence, we could focus on arguments that both sides could get behind, like reducing dependence on foreign oil. We all want that, and the methods of achieving it fall in line with what the left wanted to do to affect climate change. The right can also get behind hurting terrorism, which is what reducing foreign oil dependence would result in. The left also needs to accept that the infrastructure of the U.S. and the world as a whole are driven by petroleum - there's just no changing that in the short term. People simply can't convert their cars to electrical or solar power overnight. A two-pronged attack - one focusing on tapping our own petroleum reserves while the other focuses on alternative and renewable energy - would get pretty much everyone onboard and would do more to help us all and save the planet than anything we could accomplish separately.
2015-11-09 00:37:21 UTC
I can already hear people hitting the "thumbs down" button, but follow me a bit longer. It's already been proven that "global warming" was totally false and that the earth has actually cooled each year over the past several years. It separated people into blue and red factions and simply didn't work, especially once the truth came out. But if we would lose the talk about climate change which DUH, is a natural occurrence, we could focus on arguments that both sides could get behind, like reducing dependence on foreign oil. We all want that, and the methods of achieving it fall in line with what the left wanted to do to affect climate change. The right can also get behind hurting terrorism, which is what reducing foreign oil dependence would result in. The left also needs to accept that the infrastructure of the U.S. and the world as a whole are driven by petroleum - there's just no changing that in the short term. People simply can't convert their cars to electrical or solar power overnight. A two-pronged attack - one focusing on tapping our own petroleum reserves while the other focuses on alternative and renewable energy - would get pretty much everyone onboard and would do more to help us all and save the planet than anything we could accomplish separately.
2009-05-27 06:47:32 UTC
Mine is very simple but highly effective if anyone will hear it all the way out. Tone down the global climate change talk. I can already hear people hitting the "thumbs down" button, but follow me a bit longer. It's already been proven that "global warming" was totally false and that the earth has actually cooled each year over the past several years. It separated people into blue and red factions and simply didn't work, especially once the truth came out. But if we would lose the talk about climate change which DUH, is a natural occurrence, we could focus on arguments that both sides could get behind, like reducing dependence on foreign oil. We all want that, and the methods of achieving it fall in line with what the left wanted to do to affect climate change. The right can also get behind hurting terrorism, which is what reducing foreign oil dependence would result in. The left also needs to accept that the infrastructure of the U.S. and the world as a whole are driven by petroleum - there's just no changing that in the short term. People simply can't convert their cars to electrical or solar power overnight. A two-pronged attack - one focusing on tapping our own petroleum reserves while the other focuses on alternative and renewable energy - would get pretty much everyone onboard and would do more to help us all and save the planet than anything we could accomplish separately.
2009-05-27 00:52:12 UTC
I can imagine, without reading the responses, reduce the amount of people drive in cars, take the bus, clean up the park, or take the bus or ride a bike to work. Interestingly enough, even though we are driving more miles per capita, the pollution from cars have been reducing by the awareness of more efficient fuel systems, a greater demand of fuel efficient cars, either because a person is green or just wants to save a some money on gas.

The best thing one person can do as a project is to inform the public of why it is important to save energy and how to save energy. For example, use the efficient light bulbs. If one bulb was changed in every household to be energy efficient, it is the equivalent of taking thousands of cars off the street. Another example is recycling. There are many different and small things we can do like not topping off the car (i.e. when you are pumping gas and the you lock the gas, and it clicks indicating it is full, not to pump more gas in), accelerating not at a fast pace, using cruise control, etc and it does not have to be all about cars although transportation, if I recall correctly, is 32% of CO2 emissions in California. Everybody has the capacity to educate and be educated. Let us focus on this principle.

One person alone cannot change the planet, but if we all group together and show everyone how to save a buck and make the world a better greener place, then we together can change the world.
David M
2009-05-27 14:14:21 UTC
Windmills should be in everyone's yard to generate electric power .

Leaves should be raked up and taken to the local ethanol plant in your area to make ethanol from them.

Plastic domes should be put over houses to provide insulation on the outside of the house and to enable you to sit in on your green lawn in winter when there is snow outside.

Everybody should ride the bus to work and other destinations as much as possible. There should be 24 hour a day bus service. This would not only be coconvenientut would prevent many automobile accidents. This alone could reduce gasoline consumption about 50% depending upon ridership.

Hydoponic growing of food (without soil) is a good do-it- yourself project, but also has potential for use where there is no agricultural land such as in the cities, and can help with reducing the cost of food tranportation by trucks.
2009-05-29 14:59:57 UTC
This isn't a project, but I've switched to using distilled white vinegar and peroxide to clean surfaces in the kitchen, bathroom, anywhere. I read online that this method kills as many germs as Lysol does, but it's better for the environment and safe around kids and pets. I have designated kitchen towels that I use to wipe it up which get washed later - saves money because I'm not using paper towels. I use baking soda to clean the toilet and shower as well.

I bought that Scrubbing bubbles shower cleaner, and I read online how to get the top off. Now I fill it with vinegar which cleans the shower daily, instead of buying the refills, which saves money and helps the environment in many ways.

I also use the Swiffer Wet Jet, and you can get the top off of them too. Again, I use vinegar to clean the floors. Works great.

The smell of vinegar goes away when it dries. :)

I've only done this for a couple months now, but I estimate that I've saved $40 so far. That will really add up over the years.
2009-05-27 12:06:34 UTC
Constantly look for and apply the next step !

I started with locating my local recycling drop off centers, since I'm outside the recycling pick-up

I also started bringing hazmat to the annual hazmat collection day, and,

I started buying local produce from the farmers market, "green" oriented products, like compact flourescent bulbs and plant based household cleaners, from the local department stores, and I started using the re-usable bags provided at the checkout counters.

I also started attending local events, like the annual earth day events, solar auto racing events and green oriented events sponsored by the local library and / or health food store.

These were all things I could do in the normal course of events, nothing that took extra time away from the things I needed to accomplish in my everyday life.

I also...

Started trying to spend at least one day a week not using the car at all or spending any money on fossil fuels or petroleum based products. That has since grown to several days a week.

This year, I'm spending some time greening up the yard and landscaping, all organically, of course.

I've noticed that, even though the things I do are passive and usually do not take up my valuable time, I've noticed that there is a huge positive impact, that we, collectively, as consumers, are providing to the green movement that is improving our lives and helping the planet at the same time.

I also keep up with and respond to current events related to "the greening" of our world that also keep me informed about the latest innovations and trends in the market. One of the latest stories I've heard about that I found exciting and encouraging was the program to encourage the painting of rooftops white, which shall reduce the absorption of heat into buildings during the warmer months and shall contribute to some much needed global cooling. Keeping up with the latest technology and national events helps to let me know about some of the things I'll soon be seeing in my area...

The Green movement is very dynamic, so I do not limit myself to just one idea or project, but just keep plugging away at the problem at hand, even if it's the smallest step, and as mentioned before, I constantly look for and apply the next step, and watch as eventually the problem is solved...

And that is my idea for my DIY project to improve lives and help the planet ! Just keep pluggin' away !
2015-11-08 13:40:14 UTC
Tone down the global climate change talk. I can already hear people hitting the "thumbs down" button, but follow me a bit longer. It's already been proven that "global warming" was totally false and that the earth has actually cooled each year over the past several years. It separated people into blue and red factions and simply didn't work, especially once the truth came out. But if we would lose the talk about climate change which DUH, is a natural occurrence, we could focus on arguments that both sides could get behind, like reducing dependence on foreign oil. We all want that, and the methods of achieving it fall in line with what the left wanted to do to affect climate change. The right can also get behind hurting terrorism, which is what reducing foreign oil dependence would result in. The left also needs to accept that the infrastructure of the U.S. and the world as a whole are driven by petroleum - there's just no changing that in the short term. People simply can't convert their cars to electrical or solar power overnight. A two-pronged attack - one focusing on tapping our own petroleum reserves while the other focuses on alternative and renewable energy - would get pretty much everyone onboard and would do more to help us all and save the planet than anything we could accomplish separately.
2009-05-27 11:32:24 UTC
I think that we all need to do our part first at home, then at our work place and also what type of Vehicle we drive. These three things have to be all part of each persons effort to make changes in the way you are used to doing things.

The biggest problem we have is that people become lazy and complacent and do not adapt to change very well. They have to learn how to change their everyday habits in order to bring in better green ideas and use them on a daily habit. Once this transpires in the three resources I have indicated it will work. But it has to be done by everyone, not just a small group of Green People. If we do not all change, then we will be defeating our own purpose.

Life is too short and we need to save the world we live in one day at a time, one person at a time and all at the same time.

Linda B
2009-05-26 19:47:57 UTC
1. Replace incandescent bulbs with fluorescent bulbs.

2. Use re-usable shopping bags of cloth and what-not. That is safer for the envirnment and for chilren (who can suffacate on them.)

3. Carpool.

4. Use re-usable products whenever you can. Use a towel instead of a plastic bag.

5. Use organic things. Organic food, cleaning products, weed killers, ect...

6. At the ATM when it asks you if you want a recipt, push no.

7. Of course, recycle everything recycleable

8. Turn things off when you aren't using them. Ex. Your computer monitor and power strips.

9. Go back to using clothes lines

10. Insulate your home better so that heating and AC do not need to be put into use as much.

11. Don't wash small loads of laundry or dishes. Fill that machine!

12. Take shorter showers

13. Walk, bike, skate, jog, ect... whenever you can.

14. Don't buy bottled water. Invest in a nice purifyer. Besides, drinking bottled water that has been in the bottle for too long hightens your chances of getting breast cancer. (Yes men too)

15. Borrow things like books rather than buying them. Saves you money, and cuts down and the trees being cut down.

16. Conserve water... Maybe hold off on flushing every time.

17. Think twice before buying anything disposible.

18. Teach your kids about a greener planet.

19. Plant a plant. Trees work best, but that can be hard work!

20. Share these websites with everyone you know. Inspire them, and spread the word!

And, just for fun, you should go look at "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle by Jack Johnson".
2016-04-04 03:22:40 UTC
It's summer where I live and the weather is doing what it's supposed to do. Right now, it's warm and humid. Tomorrow, it will be warm, but not as humid. Summer does that. It will be much warmer at the end of the week, but that is typical for this time of year. I expect August to be even warmer, because August is a typically hot summer month. Neil Diamond's, Hot August Night album was done in the early 1970's so hot weather is nothing new. "Climate change" is just another name for a non-existent event trying to get people to live in a pre-industrial society.
2009-05-27 12:06:53 UTC
If find it funny that the person who uploaded that picture wrote under it's caption:

"Coolness factor aside, the wind turbines are a scam. The turbine owners make money because of guaranteed government subsidies and tax credits (i.e., paid for you and me). Most of us have a surcharge on our electric bills to pay for "green" energy. A megawatt of wind-generated electricity costs about 11 or 12 times as much to produce as a megawatt of coal- or oil-generated electricity.

The government subsidies are more vital to the wind industry than the wind is. Without the subsidies, wind cannot compete against coal and oil. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (July 9, 2008) pointed out that, "In 1999, 2001 and 2003, when Congress temporarily killed the credits, the number of new turbines dropped dramatically." When the subsidies stop, the turbines are more or less abandoned until the subsidies resume.

On top of everything else, wind turbines generate their energy at the wrong times. A quick weather lesson . . . High pressure weather systems bring cold winters and hot summers and low wind levels. Low pressure weather systems bring warmer winters and cooler summers and lots of wind. These meteorological realities mean that wind makes its biggest contribution when demand is lowest and its smallest contribution when demand is highest.

Wind was a great source of power in the Middle Ages. But we have far better technology now. If the government did not force wind power on us, we wouldn't have it. It's just not practical."
B The Change
2009-05-27 11:16:01 UTC
Where do I begin? First of all, think. Then act, but don't be reactive. The best thing that we can all do is lead by example. Please do not be pretentious. It turns people off and gives us a bad name. Be inclusive, not exclusive. Act tolerant. Don't just say you are! Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (compost). These are critical actions, but they are often misunderstood: they are not separate of each other. Just because you recycle, it doesn't mean use all the plastic bottles you like. It means, if you "have" to use plastic, recycle it. Otherwise don't use it, "reduce" it. Speak up. If you hear people talking crazy-nonsense, tell them. But again, don't be pretentious about it (ie. don't interrupt private conversations). Vote. It matters. Remember, after the 2006 elections, "global climate change" and "green" became household words and conversations. Public opinion and public knowledge changed over-night, because "we" demanded it, by voting. In sum, improving our lives and planet will be attained through the thoughtful actions of 6.7 billion people across the planet. As Gandhi said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."
2009-05-27 14:16:31 UTC
All Municipalities should be forced to develop routes of thruways.

A simple Mandate. Any vehicle driving at the posted speed on a major routes should only have to stop at one red every mile.

I drive a truck. Its heavy, it takes some time for it to get up to speed and an vast amount of energy to stop. My day is spent waiting for a light to turn green so I can move up the road 50 yards to a light just turning red. (all momentum is lost) And I sit holding the brake I see no cross traffic, Oddly enough just as my light turns green the traffic to the right & Left is just arriving at their red lights. I pull out, get up to speed just in time to see the light in front of me turn red.

It is simply inefficient, and Beyond my control.

Creating such a change would require no real money to be spent. Time would be saved, pollution would decrease, Less fuel would be used, Brakes would last longer, AC units wouldn't run as much and most importantly for the first time the GOV would do something that was positive for everyone

As for the do-it-yourself part, Film the dumbest intersection in your area, contact the local politburo and see if you can effect a change.

"Help the planet!" Help it do what?
2009-05-27 13:32:12 UTC
Invest in the small time inventors that's making all these great new energy ideas . At least give them a good prize to shoot for just for incentive . Cant figure out why we always give big business so much money and they come up with crap that cost a fortune when the little guy makes things from recycled junk that does the same thing sometimes even better
2015-01-16 03:54:54 UTC
The best thing one person can do as a project is to inform the public of why it is important to save energy and how to save energy. For example, use the efficient light bulbs. If one bulb was changed in every household to be energy efficient, it is the equivalent of taking thousands of cars off the street. Another example is recycling. There are many different and small things we can do like not topping off the car (i.e. when you are pumping gas and the you lock the gas, and it clicks indicating it is full, not to pump more gas in), accelerating not at a fast pace, using cruise control, etc and it does not have to be all about cars although transportation, if I recall correctly, is 32% of CO2 emissions in California. Everybody has the capacity to educate and be educated. Let us focus on this principle.
2009-05-27 04:11:50 UTC
Picket the local recycling center and point out how they cause more pollution than they create and how they are a larger tax burden on the public than they are worth. The only thing that we recycle that is not a drain on taxes or that does not create more pollution by recycling are metals. You could do the world a favor by Helping to educate the uninformed.

Recycling does not work and it does not help. We have enough land fills were not shut down or full. The ones that were shut down were done so because we have new ways of protecting the environment. Huge new landfills were opened with advanced protection and we just don't need the small ones any longer. It is a myth that we do not have enough space for our garbage.

Polution is not the problem. Overpopulation is. But this is getting off topic. Picket the local recycling center, give money back to the people, and help stop pollution at the same time.
2009-05-27 10:22:45 UTC
Global warming has done nothing but create a new economic that will see many people reinvent a new sector of production to make money. The idea itself that people inventing new ways and products to protect the planet with the sole desire to save the planet is a dream. they are all driven by one very simple aspect of life. Greed and money. While the ideas themselves might make sense it will cost consumers a lot more for everything green and would improve their lives very little in comparison. "buy a Hybrid you'll get a tax cut" true ... but you also pay 5 time that tax cut in the premium of the car cost for being green.

now you even see tires that can save you $1,200 in gas for 4 years (estimated duration of the tires) so hey you'll save 200 bucks over 4 years not bad ... but you will pay the tires $120.00 each ... there goes your savings.

It is all smoke. you want to save the planet? stop over consumption, over production, stop flooding the market with 25 different brands of the same exact product for very little return. The world and the planet is saturated as it is, stop selfishness and greed and maybe you'll have a shot at it. continue making excuses for global warming just to enlarge the saturated market with a new economy and new market and you will get it worse than it already is.
Ana Thema
2009-05-27 09:28:04 UTC
Wash clothes in cold water; line-dry them outside, or hang them over bath-tubs to dry inside when weather is bad. Rig a hose so you can re-use wash and rinse water for flowers and plants, washing garage or basement floors, etc. If you must use a dishwasher make sure it's full, use it at night, and turn off the heated drying element. Unplug everything that has a stand-by feature; plug it back in when you're ready to use it.

Get used to keeping the thermostat at 68 in winter; layer on clothes to keep warm. Open windows and use a fan in the summer to stay cool, unless it gets dangerously hot -- high 80's and 90's. Then you must use the AC to be safe.

Shred any paper you don't want to recycle. Use it to teach your kids how to make useful paper mache items.

Keep the appliances, cars, mowers that you have well-maintained so they'll run more efficiently and last longer. Re-upholster furniture; don't buy new! Recycle everything!

Go to your town meetings and keep stressing energy-saving ideas. Suggest a community garden. Get people involved, even if you have to make a nuisance of yourself, especially you baby boomers. (That's me, too.) We must try to leave a decent world for others.
2009-05-27 08:23:44 UTC
Speaking as a Californian, my state needs to do much more water reclamation. This is done as a matter of routine in places like Palm Springs, which has a large number of golf courses, all of which require a lot of watering. Planting and growing a pesticide free garden is great- there is nothing better than a tomato, ripe from the vine. Stop buying plastic water bottles! If you don't like the taste of your tap water, buy a filtration device, or install an RO (reverse osmosis) system in your kitchen, then buy each family member a 'permanent' reuse able water bottle. Re-use every scrap of paper you can- even the backs of advertisements you receive in the mail, envelopes, etc. Install low energy light bulbs throughout your house. Get out your walking shoes and walk to some of the places you need to go- good for you and the air quality. Stop using disposable diapers. Request that all junk mail delivery to your address be stopped. There are so many other ways each and every one of us can do our part to clean up our earth and leave it a better place for our children and grandchildren, but we ALL have to participate.
Elsie Treize
2009-05-27 11:36:43 UTC
We need more birth control information in schools. Whether it's The USA or the African continent, birth control information and clinics are needed.

Think of all the people in the USA, Canada,Europe, etc. who own cars. Now, all the people in Mexico, China and India want cars too. And they want central heating and Air conditioning in their homes. If all these people get what they want, global warming will speed up. If all these people in all countries keep having more and more babies, wanting cars etc. we will all die from breathing poisoned air.

Have you seen those advertising circulars, maybe for patio furniture, there's a pool and chairs and a sloping hillside and a beach. Either there's no one, or one person in the photo. People in the West, some are against birth control, but they think they are entitled to huge empty spaces????
2009-05-27 08:22:11 UTC
First of all the project should have facilities to recycle as much asw possible, e.g. a rain water collection tank for drinking water. Also a compost maker for garden waste that can be used on your garden wouldn't be bad as it would save the compost packaging from the garden centre's.

Solar and/or wind power for the electricity will be good as it will make use of Britains winds and the power of the sun's heat energy. This is also cheaper in the long run as it also saves those paper electricity bills/ same with water with the rain water collection tank. A green roof with shrubs and stuff to reduce co2 in the atmosphere.
2009-05-26 14:52:24 UTC
First! We must no longer move things to the trash. We should only recycle. If you want to dump something and don't know how, the local authorities always should find a way and inform you!

Second! We should walk, take bikes or take the bus to go from and to work. Period. The average working man can do that. It also saves money. Three wheeled bikes are available. Start biking when the weather is good. Then a rainy day. You will see its not difficult to use it almost every day. We are not talking about extreme situations.

Third! We should check the heat or cool losses in our houses and in working places. Many times we spend so much energy that just goes out of our houses and working places.

Four we should change all the devices that consume energy with other more efficient.

Five! Renewable energy sources should be used. Its that simple.

Six! Order materials and food supplies from near by sources that don't take too much fuel to travel in.

Seven! Buy things that last longer and do not dispose them if they can be fixed.

Eight! Stop deforestation. Restore burned and destroyed forests.

Nine! Act now! Not in a few weeks or days or even months.

All the others will come back to normal soon! Do not get desperate!
2009-05-27 06:50:17 UTC
I'm building a model of a generator that's cheap easy to build small or big 100% effortless 1000% more efficient has many improvements that can be made with only one draw back, on a mass scale if a lot of people used my idea on the Earth. I worry it could effect our orbit due to so much centrifugal force. I thought honestly right before it came out in the news that it would be safer to try and beam energy down from outer space. I didn't know if it was possible, and now that I know it is...sweet...It makes me feels like I'm on the right track. My generator has potential for space craft too. If anyone wants to contact me with ideas of how to release my idea in a safe way I'd appreciate it. I don't care about recognition or money so I figured eventually it'd get you-tubed for free lol. I figured that would avoid a lot of negativity that comes with inventing a good idea.
2015-01-31 21:24:29 UTC
I found an acoustic guitar in the trash when all that was needed were new strings, a wood art box filled with oil paints and brushes, tables, a mirror, lumber, a baker's rack. I'm up to saving twelve chairs. I recently retrieved a stack of ceramic flower pots. Beautiful!
2009-05-27 08:59:56 UTC
Here is an on-going project I have done myself over the past few years. I go to local thrift shops where unwanted items are donated for resale. I buy acrylic yarn then crochet the yarn into blankets which I can use myself or give as gifts. Here are the "green" and "beyond green" advantages.

1. Old yarn is recycled into something useful.

2. Project is inexpensive and portable.

3. It enhances one's personal creativity since the limit in yarn supply of a specific color would prompt the artist to create his own design.

4. Thrift store proceeds usually go to a charity.

5. Acrylic yarn resists moths and is machine washable.
2009-05-26 23:10:30 UTC
Quit the horrible practice of grading off top soil and putting down sod. Grass consumes much in the way of water and other resources like gas when you mow it and adds a fair amount of fertilizer to the ground water.

Instead seed your yard with something low maintenance like wild flowers. Attracts birds, butterflies and other creatures. Only needs to be mowed twice a year. about Feb, to mulch the leaves, yes don't rake those and add them to a land fill use them as fertilizer for your yard. And again at the end of summer after they've put out seeds. You can get mixes for the area in which you live. So it doesn't require watering. If you must have flat green space consider planting clover, low growing requires less water and mowing than grass.
ND's #1 fan
2009-05-26 17:47:55 UTC
I don't know if anybody has suggested this yet but this year in FL 4-H is celebrating our 100th birthday.

So what I was getting at is a little girl in CA when asked what she thought we could do to improve the environment said that she wanted a million trees planted by 2011 so our club is planting trees to help the planet.

Also a rain barrel would do wonders to go "Environmentally friendly"

ND's #1 Fan
2009-05-27 09:57:38 UTC
Grow your own vegetables! Start a Compost pile.Begin learning how Solar energy works and Electrify your home with the Sun.Re-Use your shopping bags! Don't throw out plastic containers or packaging.Take them to a re-cycler.The landfill problem is huge and affects everyone,groceries and utilities will never get cheaper.One at a time we can all make a vast difference.
2009-05-27 01:34:20 UTC
Get a hacksaw and chop your car up into little bits and pieces. Then rent a truck for a day and haul it off to your local junkyard.

Right away you will benefit yourself through the exercise of cutting up your car, and through learning once again how to use your legs as they were meant to be used: to walk long distances. The reason most Americans are fat isn't really because of bad diet, that's just a symptom. The cause is abnormally low metabolism brought on by ambulatory inactivity. Walking to the driveway to get in your car, and from the car to whatever building you drive to, isn't enough to keep your metabolism at the level evolution designed you for. Low metabolism means you fail to use all the food you eat and then store it as fat.

That's the benefit to you, and the benefit to the planet is your car will be gone. While there are other greenhouse-gas emitters, cars are both the worst, and the least necessary.

You can kill two birds with one stone right now, by getting rid of your car. If you need to travel, use efficient public transportation. If you need to get around town, use a bicycle. You will discover that all those years you were a slave to your automobile.
2009-05-26 17:08:16 UTC
Go around your street picking up bottle caps and plastic bags, and other things that don't belong in that natural environment. You may also want to go to your nearest LOWES or HOME DEPOT to buy plants to plant around parks or even at your own house! Recycling wouldn't hurt either, it might take a while before you get into the habit of recycling, but you will sure be improving. And a last idea is to carpool.Are you and your sibling both going to school today? why not carpool and cut down on air pollution too! there is almost a hundreds ways you can help but the real difference is in your enthusiasm and friends. Friends? Yes, friends, the more people the bigger the difference! so get started today! not only you but you and your friends can make the difference!!!
2009-05-27 06:35:04 UTC
Sodium Hydroxide readily absorbs Carbon dioxide so I was thinking if you dissolve some NaOH in water and absorb in a cotton swab and stick this cotton swab into your cars exhaust at least some of the CO" might be dissolved (maybe the cotton swab is unsuitable but experimentation might figure out a suitable means of dissolving some of the CO2 given off) these swabs would then be replaced after say a few days or whatever length of time necessary

the good thing about NaOH is that it can be created without the production of CO2

salt is electrolized to produce Sodium and Chlorine,

NaCL ==> Na + Cl

elemental sodium then reacts with waterto form NaOH and Hydrogen gas,

Na + H20 ==> NaOH + H

both by-products (Chlorine & Hydrogengas) are useful and if the energy required to split a salt molecule (NaCL) is sorced from a renewable source of energy no CO2 will be produced in the production of the NaOH

thus CO2 emmissions will be reduced significantly, experimentation & testing required...
Nick A, Name
2009-05-27 02:03:24 UTC
What really got me to thinking was a special on public television about Brazil and how they converted all of their vehicles to use ethanol made from sugarcane which is much better than using corn.It seems to me that using corn takes away from our food source and raises food prices.The problem we have is that we do not have the climate or rainfall required that Brazil has.After trying to research this I found that there is an area about the size of Brazil and the same latitude that runs entirely around the world which has a one to two foot wave height.More research needs to be done to see how consistent the climate is throughout that area if it has not already been done.

I was a journeyman painter at one time,not that you have to be one to know that you can coat something to withstand saltwater.So I thought that we could find a way to intercept plastic before it gets to the landfills and gets flushed down our rivers into the ocean which is already being done but not enough.By the way they bundle plastic into fifteen hundred lb bales and sell it to the plastic mills.

I believe you could mold the plastic into very large interlocking air filled blocks which you could probably not make too fast to create a surplus.Build giant areas in those areas of the world not being utilized now to do many things.

1)They could actually filter the plastic in the ocean now out of it.

2)Could grow or produce anything since it would be an ideal climate with sufficient rainfall.

3)Because you would be growing green Oxygen producing plants and maybe even trees in areas that never have produced them before,there is a possibility that you could help counteract the effects of disappearing rain forest and concrete covered earth whatever they may be.

4)They could collect fresh rainwater that could be transported anywhere if feasible

I personally feel like it's worth a look.

I have tried my hand at designing one without any experience but I'll bet there are much more experienced people who have better more in depth programs than paint(no offense)

We have been for a long time shipping countless containers of what is called low-grade scrap to china.This low-grade is everything from computer keyboards(plastic) to printers,copiers,electric motors and anything that has just enough recyclable metals and computer boards which contain copper,gold, and paladium (if that's spelled right)to make it a buyable product to china.But one hell of a lot of plastic.And they want the container to be as heavy as possible to the top.We not only have a problem here but we ship the problem overseas also for a profit.Computer monitors,which also have a lot of plastic,just look at yours,also are shipped overseas for recycling for the tubes to be refurbished and reused but since they do not follow the same guidlines as us I cant Imagine how much of that plastic winds up in the ocean or the earth.Plastic has been a major problem for the computer scap industry because of having to ask for extra dumps of the dumpster which definitely raises costs.Because there is so little higher value scrap such as metal or computer board in keyboards china doesn't even want them and countless tonage of keyboards wind up in the landfills.Why don't we do something with it that could actually even help remove it from our oceans.
2009-05-26 20:29:33 UTC
I believe the best way to improve all our lives is to be as productive a person as you can. Work as hard as you can at your job or business. Being productive will increase your wealth and those around you (ie, your company, family, etc.). With this increase productivity many things will happen. Some people will invent new technologies & mediciens, others will give more to charity, others will be able to send their children to better schools, etc. In the end this will lead to more efficient technologies and people having money to enjoy the environment. This will also allow for a cleaner environment. Being productive and working hard is something everyone can do and it doesn't take a degree or anything special.
Katie M
2009-05-26 18:47:49 UTC
I live in a small community in the mountains. There's plenty of land so I suggested we plant a "community garden". So far there's been a lot of enthusiasm and lots of work. I didn't realize how much $ it would cost to prep the soil, buy the plants and pay for the water so I set up a recycle bin by the mail boxes. The ONLY thing we're recycling are bottles and cans. There's a recycle center close to home and we've made enough $$ to plant the garden.

I've seen a lot of positive things come from the garden. We're going to have fresh veggies and I've got to know some neighbors I didn't even know existed. For me there's nothing like working in the soil, getting my hands dirty and seeing the results of my hard work. It's a good work out too!
2009-05-26 15:26:06 UTC
From personal experience I will say turning off lights when not in use, unplug electrical applicances when not using. Recycle! I give away clothes that are still in good use and that I have no need for and I always put magazines, paper, alumin foil, plastic, and glass in recycling bags. Use energy saving bulbs it last longer and uses less energy. Cooking outdoors reduces gas usage and also the need to use fans and air conditioners. I think going out getting involve in the community like planting trees and cleaning up garbage will go along way. Another thing people like to do is to cook alot of food that will be thrown away the same night that is alot of waste. I personally just the right amount that I know me and my family is able to eat. That way you dont have to worry bout leftovers cause most people don't eat leftovers. Or just save the food for the next day. Bring thermos to work/school with coffee or watever you like to keep warm to drink instead of buying beverages every morning and you can also store water in reusable bottles that keep beverages cool. Carpooling, public transportation, and bycling are ways to keep the preserve the environment.
2015-09-19 09:36:34 UTC
Hydoponic growing of food (without soil) is a good do-it- yourself project, but also has potential for use where there is no agricultural land such as in the cities, and can help with reducing the cost of food tranportation by trucks.
2009-05-26 17:05:44 UTC
We can all save the planet

-recycle.... can we all just recycle our soda cans and bottles, we not the paper too!!!

-reuse...... hey, don't throw away those old clohes! give them to your friends, hand me downs. come on people, stop buying those expensive tops from stores and get one from a friend.

-plant a tree.... if everyone planted a tree somewhere, eventually, we could create a forest. thus we would absorb more carbon and provide homes for all the animals we kill.

-stop destroying rainforests.... if we stopped doing thism think what could happen!!! the animals that are becoming endangered would live happily again. the wierd weather changes would stop. we would have cleaner air!

-set your tempature 3 degrees lower in the winter- this will save oil barrels, plus, a lower heating bill. in fact, just wear a jacket or snuggle in a blanket! is there anything wrong with that?

-pick up trash at local areas- this will prevent water pollution and will make the area look cleaner. we can all do this!

-not driving your car for a day- i thinkk that was a great idea. if everyone in the world didn't drive their car for a day, we could save our oil, prevent air pollution, and you culd save gas money!

-carpool- you save gas!!!

-unplug things- if we all unplugged our unused plugs, we could save a lot of money AND save the earth. if you didn't know, plugs can still use energy when the are not being used, so UNPLUG!!

-stop using the computer for a day- saves energy

-turn off lights when you are not using them- saves energy

-turn off water when you are brushing- saves water

2009-05-26 14:03:33 UTC
For me and my best friend it is more than a idea. We have put our plan to improve our lives and the lives of those around us into action and at the same time helping the planet as well.

We started our Community Garden this Spring. For the moment we hav limited spaces available due to some remaining structures that we are in the process demolishing. We are providing space for local residents to grow their own fresh produce. We do not allow the use of chemicals because we want everything to be organic. In addtion to the community garden site we have also planted a large private garden to not only provide us with fresh food but also to donate to area food banks. We also keep a small flock of chickens to help everyone have farm fresh eggs. We feel that what we are doing makes a difference and a impact in our lives, our neighbors lives and in the life of our planet. We hope to expand our project next year.
2014-06-18 19:28:09 UTC
Shower water can be filtered to catch solid matter like hair and soaps and shampoos that are biodegradable can be used, then that water can also be used for the toilet instead of fresh water. If a toilet uses say 2 gallons (for ease of math) for each flush, and a family of four flushes 25 times a day, after 30 days that would be 1500 gallons of fresh water each month each family that could have been saved had we used our own waste water. And of course, if we don't waste 1500 gallons each month by showering and running the water to get it the right temperature, it could be supplemented by fresh.
2016-03-04 19:41:02 UTC
I refuse to let useful items in the trash go to the landfill. In my area, it is "against the law" to take things from the curbside trash. I'm not going through bags of garbage looking for information so I can steal someone's identity. But if someone throws six perfectly good dining room chairs on the curb, I will collect them and redistribute. I consider it an act of civil disobedience. The things I collect go to local charities or friends/family who can use them.
2009-05-27 10:51:38 UTC
Stake Al Gore to an ant hill. This will reduce his VOC output immeasurably.

All these 'green' technologies are nice concepts, but producing the hardware to make it work produces more 'greenhouse gasses' than the life of the hardware will ever offset.

Ride bicycles for local traffic, mow on the lowest effective RPM setting, and quit watering lawns.
2009-05-26 23:42:20 UTC
The Government should start a contest for the most environment friendly council among all the councils with a sizable prizemoney attached for the winner each year. Get all the councils competing for the prizemoney. I'm sure people have inumerable ideas but to implement them and make them attractive would happen only by promoting a competition among councils. I'm sure people will find a way to reduce their carbon footprint. The cost of doing it would be lower and we would have everyone participating.
Jeannette W
2009-05-26 22:29:51 UTC
There are lots of free or cheap, simple things you can do that will help reduce your carbon footprint while saving you money.

First, turn OFF (rather than “hibernating”) computers, televisions, and other electronics when you shut them down - you will save significant energy not only from directly reduced product energy consumption, but from the reduction in excess heat given off even during “hibernation” which will reduce your home and office cooling costs.

Reposition your bookshelves so that they back up against the exterior walls in your home or apartment. This increases the insulating value of the exterior wall where the bookshelf stands. If, like me, you have lots of books, this can make a significant difference in your home energy consumption without really changing your lifestyle at all.

Of course, caulking and weatherstripping around windows and doors makes a huge difference, and both are cheap and easy to do for yourself.

If you live in an area that gets significant strong sunlight in the summers, you can cook crock-pot style meals using a solar oven made from a pizza box, or even from just a plain black cast iron Dutch oven set on a reflective cookie sheet. My husband and I have been doing this in Florida for years. You not only save the gas or electricity you would otherwise have used in cooking, but dinner is already done when you get home, and you don’t heat up your house using the oven or stovetop and then have to cool it off again.

For window treatments, have a valance with heavy curtains that can be closed at night during the winter and during the day when rooms are not occupied during the summer. This really reduces thermal transference through the windows, where most of the thermal exchange in your house takes place. If you haven’t done this before, you will be amazed at the difference it makes in energy consumption and comfort in the house.

If you live in an area where the zoning board doesn’t send enforcers around to check your lawn length with a ruler, consider letting it grow a few inches longer than you keep it now. Lawnmowers release huge amounts of greenhouse gasses and other pollutants, and eliminating even one mowing a month can make a huge impact. Using a human-powered mower eliminates the pollution completely and gives the added benefit of exercise. Or get rid of your lawn entirely and plant native or non-invasive food-producing plants, like those from , and reduce your footprint even more by reducing the pollution and carbon emissions linked to fertilizing, harvesting, and transporting your food.

Walk instead of driving if the weather permits and your errand is less than a mile away. Bike if it is less than three miles. You'll save money, and be healthier and more relaxed to boot.

Freecycle. The landfill space and greenhouse emissions you save are staggering.

Just a few thoughts…
2009-05-27 11:15:46 UTC
I believe going green is a worthless, costly idea, just to make more money off products that nobody would have bought before.

Plus the planet is in no danger from humans.

If we would drill in our own country instead of foreign countries that would lower the cost of oil extremely, but no, liberal fools want to save the animals, there's a reason that animals haven't built massive cities and armies thats because we are above them, if everybody saw humans above animals like they should we wouldn't have this problem.
2009-05-27 10:30:22 UTC
We can began by collecting our own cans, newspaper, and glass to recycle. I was just reading on a subject earlier that everyone should start painting there roofs white or a brighter color to save energy. If people would pick up trash that's in front of them while out walking or in there neighborhood to start a neighborhood mandatory clean up day. We have laws for everything else why not it be a law to keep our neighborhood and our world clean by picking up and discarding trash.
2009-05-27 07:07:48 UTC
Many very good suggestions have been made thus far. There is nothing more to say. Enough has been said. It is time to walk the walk. One thing that ought to be done is to give out free condoms. Also, there should be clinics that give free hysterectomies, vasectomies, and even sterilize people. Better yet, don't have a baby! (not much of a chance of that happening, is there?) at least until we figure this conundrum out, because if the world population should become much larger (already 6.7 billion and supposed to reach 9 billion!!!!!!! by 2050), then none of these suggestions are going to help.
2009-05-27 05:17:00 UTC
1. I think the UN should set a law that prohibit all the people from killing whales just as they like, one day we are going to open our eyes and the whales and sharks will be endangered.

2. There's something else i thought about. When the Heart's lining/vein is weak, you can get a transplant of veins, why can't you get a lining for the veins that causes MS?

3. If each person just do a favour for one person, i realy do believe, that , that favour can change the world for one day!

Sorry for my english i am Afrikaans.
Aaron T
2009-05-27 09:45:48 UTC
I want to see communities start to develop where everything has a purpose and everyone has a role. I want them to be mostly self-sufficient with their own farming and agriculture and power. With farms we could sustain our food needs, with solar power plants and wind turbines we could power our communities, with waste management and diligent recycling we could reuse the materials we throw out to create new ones. There is much that could be done. I also want the people their to have multiple roles in the community, not just be mindless drones like the workforce wants of us today. I wouldn't expect it to be a big city either, and I have already seen it in my head, I think it's very achievable. I like the modernness of the world today and I like the country essentially we would be combining the two if my idea ever comes to fruition.
2009-05-27 09:42:35 UTC
Do-it-yourself solar and wind power installations for our homes will benefit ourselves, our planet, our children and many future generations.

By converting or building a solar powered home, or a wind powered home, we reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions.

The average household would save anywhere from $1000 to $3000 per year on electricity bills.

Our future generations would benefit by having a cleaner environment and less of a dependance on fossil fuels.
Denise W
2009-05-26 20:41:13 UTC
We are keeping it simple. Going green like anything people are passionate about can go abit nutty. So we are learning and teaching our children the basics.

recylce, reuse and don't waste.

We have water filters, walk to places that are close instead of drive and that is A lot....its Texas...its hot. We carry our grocery bags and only buy what we can carry and consume in a week.

Going greener day by day....boy its really a great economic boost for my family. The electric and water bills are at least 20% lower...and we havent even made the big house changes yet....its exciting.
2009-05-26 18:11:57 UTC
I think that people could make the effort to take shorter showers. Now ladies, and some men as well, I know it's disgusting to think of a 5 minute shower, but seriously. You don't need to shampoo twice and soap twice. I used to take 20 minute showers (shampoo and soap twice) but now I take less than 10 minutes (shampoo once and soap twice). I still feel really clean afterward.

Also, you can turn off the light in any room even if you're leaving for two seconds. If 50,000 people did that each day, that would be saving 100,000 seconds of light that is used!

We could start using CF (compact florescent) light bulbs because uses less energy but lasts 3x more than regular bulbs.

This is another big one: Turn off the water when brushing your teeth! Don't keep the water running as you scrub those teeth trying to pearl-ize them!

Try to reduce the amount you drive or use any electric/gas vehicle each day. If you need to get groceries and drop something off at the post office, don't buy the groceries, go home, get the mail, and drop it off. Make sure you have EVERYTHING before leaving the house.

Take out all cords when unneeded. I see this happening all the time! If you do not need the lamp, take out the plug! Now, for televisions, I guess it's reasonable to keep them in, but just about everything else (lamps, iHomes, game consoles, hair dryers, etc etc) should be unplugged unless in use.

Recycle! Don't throw away those newspapers delivered to your house every morning! No need for those empty water bottles hanging around? Recycle them!! Every scrap of paper, every little plastic bottle counts. Oh, and use both sides of the paper, not just one. And instead of using a new paper each time, try to squeeze everything into one page. Use the left margin if necessary.

Don't run the dishwasher unless it's full. Did you know that even if the dishwasher's half empty, it uses the same amount of energy it would if it were full?

Reuse cups and bottles! Don't get a new one each time! If possible, just rinse the cup and use it again later instead of washing it with soap and rinsing it again.

Say no to ATM receipts. Those always get littered all over the place. If everyone rejected getting the receipts, we would save over 2 billion feet worth of paper. That's enough to wrap around the equator fifteen times!

Bring your own reusable bags to the grocery market. It takes a lot of oil, energy, and water to make plastic and paper bags. More than 500 billion plastic bags are consumed each year, but less than 1% is recycled.

I hope I helped!! :) Go Green!
2009-05-27 13:07:01 UTC
My suggestion would be to tear down the blighted inner cities with their empty buildings. Vacant sub urban areas could also be cleared. Then plant trees in these places. These oxygen generating, CO2 eliminating wonders will help.

This work could all be done by good people who have recently lost their jobs. Pay could be 50% money and 50% credit to use at any local business to say buy food, clothing, etc....

It would stimulate our economy in several ways.....thank you
2009-05-27 09:56:15 UTC
in my house we believe in going green, after moping the floor we use that water to wash the car, our left over food usually go to feed the ducks at the park, but the most important thing we do is we stopped using hair Spray and cleaning supplies that are not natural and green,

walking to the coffee shop for a donut is better than taking the car, turn off your water heater when you done taking shower dose save a lot on your electric bill, and please when you BBQ make sure you don't burn your food and cause more pollution that we have already, now what my daughter tells me over and over is I must quit smoking,
2009-05-27 07:42:31 UTC
first of al we should save the electricity which could most crucial crises for our future. it is not that much difficult mostly when we are in hurry we forget to close the fan or the light or ur PCs which could result in energy losses.

more over we should also try to keep our environment clean which will keep us healthy and would also decrease the pollution near us.

most of us including me want to travel on car or any other transport to reach even the nearest point which increase the amount of pollutant gases produce. we should try not to do so.

this is our earth and if we don take care of it than who will. so please spent some time to make this earth a more healthy place because this is the same world in which our future generations have to live.
2009-05-27 06:03:14 UTC
Growing hemp and utilizing it for everything it can be used for would make a big impact on the eartth.

There is more usable fiber in an acre of hemp for paper than there is in an acre of trees. The hemp can be grown in one season, the trees take about 20 years.

Hemp fibers made into clothing is softer, but a lot more durable than cotton, and doesn't pollute the environment like making synthetic materials. They use to make sails, ropes, clothes, even automobiles were made from and ran on hemp products.

hemp seeds can be made into fuel, reducing out need for foriegn oil.

Hemp seed oil is good for your body. There are anti cancer properties in hemp seed oil.

Hemp plants will pull the radiation and contaminates out of the soil and helps condition the soil for other crops.

When they put prohibition against cannabis, they shouldn't have made it illegal to grow it's cousin hemp. You can't get high off of hemp, but dupont and other chemical companies wanted it illegal too so they could make the synthetics of all the proiducts that could be made from hemp.
2009-05-26 23:04:26 UTC
I was dreaming of some persons in authority would request everyone who owns a "lot" (where a house stands) to make a small sanitary land fill on their own yard. Where they will bury garbage that decompose or even those that doesn't decompose which depends on how deep they can offer. It's like cleaning your backyard but this time you do some digging for the sake of our planet. Implementation would include tackling the problems on sanitary or health issue, motivation and what are the waste that are ideal to bury. Other implementation will be making a public garden (or any likes) where there lies a sanitary landfill under it.

Of course not everyone can participate for the truth that not everyone owns a big lot.
2009-05-26 21:03:32 UTC
Rain barrels. They are so cool! You can even get some that look like great big chunks of sandstone. You feed your down spouts into the barrel. When it rains, the water is collected in the barrel. When it is full, you can roll it way and install another one, or just re-connect your downspout. Then when summer comes, you can use the stored water to water your lawn and gardens. You aren't using any water from a municipality or your well, and today's barrels have ways of keeping out critters like mosquitos. You save money and it keeps too much water from washing into the water shed.
P. G
2009-05-26 15:20:46 UTC
I think we all can make some small changes to help the planet and save money too!

"Going green" doesn't have to be expensive or time-consuming.

Anyone can do things like -recycle, -buy water efficient lawn, landscape with native species that use less water,replace old light bulbs with energy-efficient ones,

or install low-flow shower heads (relatively cheap)

and end a newspaper subscription, and get the news (free!) online

or share/recycle clothes among friends and family with a clothe swap or donate it to good will.

Basically what alot people already do...
2009-05-26 14:19:44 UTC
Since the biggest threat to the environment is China, I propose manufacturing LARGE solar panels that would cover the largest businesses there, reducing the use of fossil fuels and creating the biggest solar (renewable energy) users in the world. Do this wherever possible (Los Angeles, Chicago, Pittsburgh, etc).

A huge industry could be created with hundreds of thousands of jobs, with the byproduct being a cleaner environment.
2009-05-27 12:11:03 UTC
I have invented ,designed and patented (pending) a toroidal inductance generator, and an electromagnetic piston motor.The 105Hp V4 uses no fuel. It uses powerful electromagnetic coils to react with perminant magnetic pistons to create the drive for the motor. It draws its electricity from the toroidal inductance generator. This generator uses multiple rotating magnetic fields to induce current in a toroidal copper coil. 33Kw. It consumes 12 volt dc current to create the rotation.(no load) The over unity situation allows a battery back up recharge system.

Magnetic Motors Corp.
2009-05-27 09:20:40 UTC
1) Bird houses,

2) Bat houses (they eat more insects per body mass then birds),

3) recycle green waste and brown waste (but not meat waste) into compost and give it at a very low cost to local home gardeners;

4) clean up streams and rivers (trash walks);

5) pass laws making it illegal to clear strip land when building,

6) any tree can only be removed by special permit for each tree, period, builders must provision to build around them

7) for every tree removed anywhere and for any reason, provision must be made to plant 10 trees;

8) neighborhood gardens;

9) master gardener programs where people can get help with their garden and yard issues

10) use of toxic chemicals (around a building or yard) of any kind must be done by permit only (proof needed that the one to use these has basic training in safety methods for the environment and people)

11) etc, etc
2009-05-26 17:11:24 UTC
I have started riding my bike whenever I have time to get someplace instead of taking my car. I also change the oil in my car to improve my gas millage so that I don't put as much gas in the air. On top of that I buy things that have been recycled and can be recycled again, take canvas bags to the grocery store so that I don't use paper or plastic bags, and I use organic item so that we aren't poluting the grounds or the animals and things just work cleaner. I also throw away any trash in a trash can not on the ground
2009-05-28 17:21:41 UTC
My idea is that every major population centre have a thousand devout Believers in God donate 10% of their income to sponsor 100 men who have no other task than to be One with The Creator, unlocking the full spectrum of Human psionic potential.


1. HEIGHTENED AWARENESS: Total Recall and Total Concentration.

2. *SEEING:* ESP ability to perceive anything that exists or existed,

and analyze its life energy composition- thus proving the difference

between true visions (which have the full range of energy signatures,)

and false visions (which contain only the signature of the being who created it,)

analogous to detecting the pixellation of faked photos.

3. ANGEL DEPLOYMENT: The Telekinetic ability to create an energy body, and act through it at remote distances.

4. TELEPORTATION: The ability to dematerialize one's body to pure Life Energy, and to rematerialize it elsewhere in the current Universe.

5. TRANSLATION: The ability to teleport into the "Higher Universes" (i.e. Heaven).

6-10. TRANSFIGURATION: The simultaneous triggering of all these abilities with a "jump" of one's energy content from 50% to 100% in an instant. "Cosmic Awareness." "Everlasting Life."

They will be the stewards of the Elements.

They will be able to control the Environment.

They will be able to eradicate disease and DNA deformities.

They will be able to destroy toxic wastes of all kinds.

They will also be able to track criminals and foil crime.

They will guide scientific research and advance.

They will end poverty and war.
2009-05-27 10:37:36 UTC
I'd love for all communities, towns, etc. to get together to help the less able. This would mean using all 'greeen' products to fix up older folks and less fortunate families homes and yards in ways that help them and the environment, not a complete makeover, just so their lives are easier, better.
2009-05-26 22:45:11 UTC
I am very passionate about helping out earth and making our world greener. I especially feel strongly about animals and the environment. One idea I have that might seem unrealistic to some but would greatly reduce plastic is this. I also realize that I can not do this by myself but would love to see this be a realization in my lifetime

I propose that we don't use plastic bottles anymore unless absolutely necessary. I believe that everyone should buy sports bottles or any kind of reusable bottle to use everyday. People have come up to me asking about tap water and other drinkables. Well I believe we should have a kind of "vending machine" that would pour out different kinds of drinks (soda, water, coffe etc,.). It would be like the self-serve soda machines at fast food places. To prevent people from taking more soda than they pay for you would basically put in your money and would pour the amound of ounces you pay for.

I don't know if I explained it enough for people to understand but I believe this would reduce the price of soda etc,. I know people do this with water (buying the big plastic jugs and refilling water) but imagine if we did this for every kind of drink. In our school with every 5.50$ lunch we get a bottle of water..imagine how many plastic bottles are in your dump? I know this plan isn't full proof but what plan is?

Just imagine a day where you could walk into your school pay way less for a soda or juice and knowing that you aren't contributing to more plastic buildup and potentially global warming! (even though it is happening right now!)

A good comparison to my proposition would be people buying the reusable totes instead of using plastic bags. It almost like that.

Well I hope this helps and makes people rethink about using platic bottles and trying to use reusable water bottles and sports bottles. If there is a part you don't understand or have any comments feel free to email me. A greener today means a greener tomorrow..not just for you but for your children and grandchildren..and the future. =]
2009-05-26 20:53:14 UTC
Create an alternative CLEAN energy source that we can export to other countries. It'd be great for the environment and our economy.

Until there's an economical benefit for the world to be 'green', it'll never happen. That meaning, we'll only use hydrogen-powered cars if they're cheaper or use solar power if it's cheaper...

Most people don't have the investor mind-set. They want immediate rewards (e.g. paying your coal-powered electric company for power instead of investing in a solar set-up which would more than pay for itself in a decade.)

My personal suggestion: Create a plastic bag tax. 5 cents for each plastic bag you use at the store, or you can buy a set of reusable bags. Such a thing would reduce plastic waste and increase government income that could go towards a fund that could be used for alternative energy research. Research lowers costs...lower costs increase demand...increased demand = increased jobs.
2009-05-26 17:01:33 UTC
Almost every household can do many things to help out. One of the easiest is to purchase a water pitcher that filters water and a water filter and stop buying bottled water. Filtering your own water provides your family with sweet clear 99.99% clean drinking water at a fraction of the cost of paying someone else to filter and bottle it and it eliminates all those plastic bottles and all the labor of lugging those 24-packs around. I recommend replacing the filter every 90 days so your total cost for drinking water would run less than $4 per month.
Mark in Time
2009-05-27 09:54:36 UTC
Build a practical fusion power generator that would provide a virtual endless supply of cheap, clean energy.

It would be like religion finally discovering God!

The best part is, no more Green Weenie whiners.
2009-05-26 20:32:29 UTC
Spend more money on sea exploration so we can harvest the resources in the oceans necessary to get humans to another habitable planet. Remember: In five billion years or so, if humans are still on Earth, the sun will explode and they will have no chance. Let's leave now, let the Earth fix itself, and come back to it as we please or as needed before it's destroyed by the sun.

How do I know there are enough of the right resources in the ocean? I don't, but there definitely aren't enough on land, so it's worth a shot.
2009-05-26 15:19:15 UTC
People, we already have the answer. We just refuse to use it because we are greedy and we want money. We have already made up everything we need for a new fuel source,but the person who made it was offered so much money by oil companies that they gave away the patent and it got thrown away.Or if they refused oil market offers,the oil market will go pay everyone not to build there E-freindly cars.then it wont get built,so no i have no complete answer but to stop greed,and greed is in our nature so thats not happening
2009-05-27 07:08:04 UTC
Organize neighborhood police calls. Get a group of people together, maybe once a month. Walk up and down the streets and walks. Pick up debris. Get rid of weeds. Notify the local government if any problems are found...such as damaged manholes, sewers collapsing, large amounts of garbage dumped on public property.
2009-05-27 05:42:52 UTC
I watched a special news report from Brazil once that showed a guy was helping poor people by showing them how to create a solar water heater using soft drinks empty bottles.

Youtube Video:

I believe this kind of ideas are the kind that will actually change the world, so for helping the green, until I have mine, I'm telling the world about them.
2009-05-26 21:12:34 UTC
Domesticated animal feed should be switchgrass. It's a very fast growing native (in the U.S.) grass that takes no or little fertilizer, low amounts of water and can be grown in soils that many cash crops can't grow without help. The benefits would be less water pollution, less use of drinking water and cheaper food for both humans and domesticated animals (because some domesticated animals share the same foods or the land is used to grow for one party and not the other).
2009-05-26 19:21:18 UTC
Grow your own garden (fruits and vegetables), stop buying these items from the grocery store with packages and labels. Those are a waste of space and will be placed in the local land fill. If you grow your own, you don't have the packaging.

Plus the scraps can be reused as compost for the garden. So really, you're recycling your food as well. Banana peels, old bread, any kind of peels, egg shells. Anything that can and will rot!
2009-05-26 14:48:51 UTC
Stop using wasteful products such as paper plates and plastic water bottles. Since I've arrived home from college this summer I've started trying to get my friends and family to give up paper products and instead of buying bottled water getting a water filter and an aluminum water bottle. Cutting back on these simple things can cut back in enormous amounts of waste and can save people money. They are also things that are easy to do and don't make people change their day to day lives in drastic amounts so they are changes that people are much more likely to stick to.
2009-05-27 12:33:46 UTC
you should create a group that helps the earth and helps protect our planet

you should start activities that include helping the earth like for example you could have a garbage hunt

you can look for garbage or things to recycle and put them in the correct bin(like the recycling bin and garbage can)

you can also start collecting pine cones and planting them, i think pine cones or acorns plant trees, or you could plant more flowers and plants or some vegetables or fruits

its better if you grow food ur self instead of factories bc factories uses to much gases and electricity and it damages our atmosphere

use less gas and electricity especially cars and lights

during the day you should use the sun as ur light instead of the lightbulbs and use florescent bulbs(the squiglly ones)

use ur energy instead of earths energy

try to save all the energy in earth!

hope this helps!:)
Lisa A
2009-05-27 12:08:33 UTC
I no longer eat meat, as the meat industry pollutes the earth as least as badly as the car industry. Also, I'm getting water barrels for the back yard, so I don't have to waste precious water watering my garden. These are just a couple ideas, and anyone can do them.
Max Reid
2009-05-27 09:51:43 UTC
We can also buy 200 Kwh (2 Blocks) of Wind Energy for just $5 / month which is less than one burger meal.

This helps wind energy which is fastest growing renewable energy with an worldwide installed capacity of 130,000 MW

As more countries need more energy, we have to get into these alternatives.
Joshua Keithley
2009-05-26 20:11:46 UTC
a water hose rack

a green house

home made recycle bin

pick up trash on a highway

clean up oil spill

clean up a beach

donate money to environmental organizations

advertise being green

buy trash cans for a park without any

adopt a highway

raise money for donations to some organization

join peta

join wwf

plant trees

play green garden

limit water and electricity usage

turn off lights for 1 hr 1 time a week

take short showers

turn off water when brushing teeth

turn off lights when you leave a room
2009-05-26 16:47:25 UTC
People in developed countries, especially in the United States, should stop supporting the bottled water industry. Approximately 50 million barrels of oil are wasted yearly just so people can look "cool" or "trendy" carrying around some over-priced bottle of water. The production and distribution of bottled water leaves a large carbon footprint that is wholly unnecessary.

So the next time you get in your hybrid vehicle and open a bottle of water, just remember you're doing as much environmental harm as the guy or gal driving that huge SUV or pickup truck. So don't be feeling all superior.
2009-05-27 11:07:35 UTC
In California we have a water shortage and many residents still have tropical plans in their gardens. I'd like to propose that all residents use only desert plants or plants that need little water.

Leave some water for agriculture!
2009-05-27 06:17:44 UTC
Building a solar Panel out of empty cans. 1st build a box and wash the cans in the dishwasher. Cut the bottoms off of the cans and caulk or glue them end to end (making a couple long tubes) put them into a manifold on top and bottom of the box. Make an intake hole on the low side of the bottom manifold and an exit hole in the top manifold. Paint the inside of the box and all of the cans flat black. Cover with glass and caulk it tight. Place in the sun with a hose taking the cold intake air off of the basement floor and the hot air return into whatever room needs more free heat. Convection runs it so no fan is needed and as the sun heats the flat black box the air heats up ALOT and because hot air raises its forced out the top exit hole through the tube (dryer venting works well) and into your home. Put it where it gets the most sun.
2009-05-27 06:02:32 UTC
First of all, we must focus on our young population.

There are so many things that kids should know and should be told about.

I can see it on myself. Everyday I face things that are so great and I am asking myself, "Why no one told me about this? If i did know my life would be much easier...."

Biggest problem, I thing, is education system. Many teachers go to their work and want to get their job done..get paid, and that's it...

..many of them are teaching things that may be useful 10-20 years ago but there are developments and inventions that improve our life, everyday.. not just life of some individuals but things that are affecting all of use...

We focus on developing and implementing methods of "how to teach kids valuable things"... otherwise we are just wasting 1/3 of their life's in schools...

That is one of many things that may help if it is improved and implemented.
2009-05-27 00:52:53 UTC
The most pressing global issue that needs to be addressed is overpopulation. You can go green energy all you want and recycle as much as humanly possible but unless you get zero growth in population all efforts are meaningless.
Linda B. Dillon
2009-05-26 21:05:08 UTC
Make solar panels affordable for everyone, The government could step in in a big way and give companies incentives to get the panels made and installed so everyone can afford them. This would not only help the environment it would be good for the economy with jobs.

A ultra modern clean connecting transportation system. This project would put people in jobs for a long time because it would connect every city and town in US.
2009-05-27 12:31:22 UTC
I installed a 14 seer energy efficient air conditioner in my home to reduce the electric, It is also has the new refrigerant that wont deplete the ozone 410a. And also upgraded the furnace with 95% efficient 2 stage furnace, it saves on fuel cost;o)
2015-02-05 20:36:12 UTC
"Coolness factor aside, the wind turbines are a scam. The turbine owners make money because of guaranteed government subsidies and tax credits (i.e., paid for you and me). Most of us have a surcharge on our electric bills to pay for "green" energy. A megawatt of wind-generated electricity costs about 11 or 12 times as much to produce as a megawatt of coal- or oil-generated electricity.
2009-05-27 13:48:59 UTC
Always wondered why we don't use volcanoes to burn trash. Inside the volcanoes get so hot they can melt steel so why not use them for something useful. I don't know if it is a good idea but just something off the top of my head.
2009-05-27 10:07:06 UTC
Everyone paint their homes a lighter color to reduce the amount of heat absorbed by home, cooling the earth down, reducing energy demand on air conditioners, and increasing home values a little
Megan S
2009-05-27 09:02:59 UTC
Make a journal of "100 green changes" and come up with an innefficient problem in your life you want to fix every two weeks. Spend the first few days observing the problem, getting insight from others and then a few more days coming up with solutions for the problem. Then test out which ones work until you have one and practice practic practice it until it's a habit! After your in the habit for that one move on to the next problem, eventually not only will you have a personal document of your work but 100 new green habits! You could be really creative and make the book into a sketch book, clip articles or pictures that isnpire you, or start a "book club" with friends where each person works on their own green challenges and get together and share and bounce ideas. I think people tend to be ants a lot of time, going about their bussiness and bumping their antineas into eachother but never really using their own human talents. By habit we tend to be closer to apes than to humans, such as the great scientists, philosophers and saints mostly because they haven't taken the initiative to think for ourselves. Instead of waiting around for people we label to have the ability to solve problems we should take matters in our own hands and see what we come up with!

example: "how can I make the family and family fun energy effcient?"

Instead of TV or renting a movie just play a board game or make crafts. A lot of green crafts are family friendly! Making a chess set with cardboard and rocks that you polished and drew on could save money and be fun! You could invent your own games even! Cardboard is very versatile so never throw it away or give it to someone you know who loves crafts! Get kids involved. A ot of things kids like almost always involve electricity or batteries. Yet good ole art and crayola are always a favorite for kids. So getting kids to make crafts for 2 hours they would spend on video games not only saves energy but it saves money and builds character! Same goes for teenagers and adults! You can actually make paper out of scraps you would find in your yard! (such as leaves and such). There are plenty of tutorials on how to make paper. Do you barbecue? Use burnt wood or charcoal as...well..charcoal(for sketching). sketchbooks can be made with paper, cardboard and 2 staples easy! Instead of markers use crayons and watercolor (they last a lot longer and the 2 go together well). You can actually make paints as well from nature and could look up how to do that too! (water color is just diluted pigment). How do you think artists got paint back in the day? They made them or knew someone in their town that made them! All this paragraph I thought of as I typed, imagine if I did that every week and then took it into practice!

My point is their are a lot of things we each could come up with to solve problems we face everyday. Making a project of changing our lifestyle step by step makes the most sense to me for the small stuff. Because it not only would result in solutions to a lot of energy wasting habits, but also would promote green habits with the possibility of promoting creativity, critical thinking, family time and more!

We live in one of the most exciting times. Don't let yourself get bored. Don't go on autopilot. Learn to appreciate what you have and you'll realize what you had is and can be so much more than you ever dreamed of!
2009-05-27 01:46:09 UTC
I think the best thing we can do is teach younger people the importance maintaining the planet and try and lead by example. as far as something to build I really don't know, maybe some kind of solar energy thing, but might cost a bit
2009-05-26 20:20:58 UTC
Personally, I'd say that planting a couple trees is good. maybe near a stream so that you're helping the environment and, if it's the right kind of stream, fish (salmon). plus, it helps with musle streangth (depending on what kind of tree, how deep you buried it in, what kind of dirt you burried it in....)and it can grow big and strong and after a long while become the perfect climbing tree.

buts thats only a suggestion.

Rock on The Beatles!
2009-05-26 13:10:41 UTC
Lead by example. When your friends liter, pick it up and throw it away. When they turn on a light and forget to turn it off, turn it off. Eventually they will notice this and might ask why you are doing this. Explain to them why your doing this and they will eventually follow and do the same.

Another way is to buy less. Their are so many things that we buy, and we really don't need them. Be happy with what you have.

Another idea that I have thought about is to have homes that can support their own electricity uses. Some ways would be to invent wind generators that are easy to install on houses and would use this electricity first. Also, their are so many ways to use electricity from exercise bikes, wind, water we use. If someone could invent something that would allow us to use the energy from this and use it for our home electricity... This would be the tops
2009-05-27 10:57:54 UTC
Put a high quality storm door on your house, one with a screen for summer and glass for the winter. Watch your heat bill go down!

Also, storm windows, replace weathersrtipping and check the attic for drafts.

In summer, use outside shutters to keep down on solar heating and high AC bills.
2009-05-26 17:59:38 UTC
Build a solar cooker to cook food in. In about 30 minutes, a well built solar cooker will be able to boil water in sunlight. the benefits are- recycling, less trash not using any electricity, extra electricity is not used for this, les pollution costs under like 10 dollars
2009-05-27 10:35:05 UTC
Recycle, change your light bulbs to fluorescents, and inflate your car tires to the correct tire pressure.

Also, if you have other green project ideas, take pics and share them at the "Green" section of
2009-05-27 09:39:19 UTC
I believe we should switch our power plants with solar power generators that can send all that concentrated energy to houses to power them. Yes I know this sounds a little strange of an idea for a 12 year old, but I think it would work.
Damien L
2009-05-27 07:40:46 UTC
I'm planning on freeing all of mankind from the horrible parasites that are the root cause of war and poverty and everything that is globally wrong with people. My plan on doing this is making a very large film and releasing it globally on 12/21/12. Granted, I can not quite do-it-myself, but I was thinking, with the right help and a great cast, it could work.
2009-05-27 04:50:33 UTC
Start with tree trees are able to act as a carbon sink which absorbs a huge amount of harmful carbon dioxide and in turn,releases a huge amount of oxygen back to the atmosphere,thus delaying global warming ...
2009-05-26 18:59:06 UTC
Eliminate Tobacco - this will save an estimated 5 million lives a year, in addition to Billions in other health related costs, replant the Tobacco fields with crops that feed the locals.

So easy, no chance it will happen as money talks.
2009-05-27 04:42:06 UTC
My idea for nation Cut Down a Tree day. Once a year, every American citizen would cut down one tree in their nieghborhood to counteract the horrors of so called "Earth Day". Maybe we could try to drive more too. Oh, and littering! We need more littering! Cmon kids! Littering is helpful and cool!
Adam R
2009-05-26 22:58:51 UTC
Most of you are on crack. I read one guy who advocates forcing people to stop driving cars. Since when does America allow dictators on our own soil? That's a slippery slope to eco-fascism. It's disgusting.

If, on average, each American produces 24 tons of CO2 per year, and we all cut that to 20% (by Barack's 80/50 plan), the impact on the temperature, according to the study I read on, would be .00016 degrees lower. Of course, the last time the average American produced 3.2 tons of carbon dioxide per year was 1687.

Good luck pursuing economic suicide without allowing eco-fascists into power. What a bunch of looney tunes.
2009-05-26 22:27:04 UTC
One day a week, don't drive the car. Take public /mass transit. Walk. Carpool

One day a month, go without any power except for essentials.Have a candlelit night.

One day a year, do something for somebody, serve dinner at the Thanksgiving charity dinner, write an anonymous check to a group that needs it.

Everyday you can, do one nice thing for someone whether they know it or not.
SWeEt n SasSY
2009-05-26 20:54:19 UTC
Walk or ride a bike don't drive...saves gas, pollution and you will be healthier.

Recycle...eliminates too much trash build up.

Pick up after yourself and your pets.when outdoors...Less trash everywhere 4 others to pick up.

Sweep...Do not use the hose.

Save water...Take showers together...makes 4 better closer relationships.

Cook at home...Eating fast food creates more trash.

Turn off lights...Use candles responsibly

Plant a tree or ground cover...Prevent fires!!

SMILE...Make people happier

Good Luck and Enjoy
Azn Street Racer
2009-05-26 18:15:04 UTC
I plant a few trees in the back yard. i recycle pretty much everything i use. i take left overs and use it as fertilizer in the garden. i replace all my lights with CFL's. i bought solar landscaping lights, solar charger for my rechargeable batteries, i went out yesterday an bought a solar charger for my cell phone. i shut down and unplug all my computers every night. turn off or unplug anything not in use. i use public transportation when practical. over the past few months ive been buying new energy effecient appliances. i went to the city and got free water saving shower heads and sink heads? lol. i take about 5-7 min shower with the low water filter on. i also got rid of my old 5 gallon toilet and got a low flow one. i open the windows and curtains to let light and air in
2009-05-26 16:11:05 UTC
I created a small, artificially-lit garden in my basement to grow vegetables, etc, and I have plans for a heated greenhouse outside for growing fruit trees.

I make newspaper logs for firewood, which saves trees and makes less newspaper waste for recycling, and recycle my plastic.

It's just the little things that I think, with everyone helping out, can improve the world.
2009-05-26 14:55:50 UTC
I agree with the above posters.


It you click the link you'll find that consumming meat is one of America's biggest problems -- even a bigger source to pollution ( if you could believe that ) America consumes 4x more meat than in the 60's. Which isn't even a generation ago... Imagine what it would be like by 2050... It is predicted that the world may end by then, even though I'm a bit skeptical, it is a possibility.

A lot of diseases have come from consuming animals -- Mad Cow Disease, Swine Flu, and whatnot. We should also get rid of dairy -or consume less animal products... I think that would really help the U.S. in general benefiting both the world and ourselves.
2009-05-27 13:13:54 UTC
this is a small suggestion, I have two cats I was buying litter for them..I ran out of litter so I used what I had, newspaper! now I use my shread my papers and use that. It doesn't smell as much as litter and they love it..the plus side is I also am recycling. It is a start.
2009-05-27 01:57:32 UTC
As a social studies teacher of eighth graders, every year I teach 50 to 60 students about our over-consumption that derives from our assumption of entitlement to the lion's share of the earth's natural resources, built-in obsolescence, and advertisement's brainwashing us to buy the latest models through the use of Annie Leonard's Story of Stuff. For most it is a profound wake-up call, and many sincerely set their hearts and minds to change.
Joyce M
2009-05-26 20:26:20 UTC
Commando gardening. There are so many places in the city of Chicago that need trees. Let people adopt a parkway and plant a tree. It will help cool the city down...
2009-05-27 10:53:57 UTC
I think that there is so many things to be done. The polluting is killing the animals. The diseases that are spreading rapidly. The amount of children being brought into this world. There is a lot of things we need to work on.
2009-05-27 09:37:33 UTC
A reasonable project is to install solar panels on your house to save yourself some GREEN $$$. The only way to be GREEN is to make yourself some $$$, well because money is green.
I am the walrus
2009-05-27 08:42:46 UTC
Everyone could eat less beef, thus reducing the number of cows that need to be raised. Moreover everyone could eat more fish or locally grown vegetables from your local farmers market in place of red meat.

Note: Life stock accounts for 18% of greenhouse gas emissions
2009-05-27 00:46:53 UTC
I have made a website that helps get the word out on one of my favorite charities its at

Fully believing in GK Global's vision of a slum-free, squatter-free nation through a simple strategy of providing land for the landless, homes for the homeless, and food for the hungry.GK Global Summit as it unveils to the world a development framework based on a culture of caring and sharing
2009-05-26 15:30:10 UTC
Science has proven that global warming is a good thing. Millions of years ago, there was a much higher CO2 level than there is now, and there is evidence to suggest that the living things in that era enjoyed a much higher quality of biological life. So stop the environmentalist nutjob nonsense.
2009-05-26 15:30:02 UTC
If every home handyman built a solar panel for heating the water that we use for showers, dishwashers, swimming pools, etc., we would save a huge amount of electricity and other fuels like natural gas and propane.

I have built my own solar panels using parts purchased at the local building supply store for about 100.00 for an 4 x 8 panel.

Parts list:

One 4 x 8 sheet of plywood

Three 8 ft pieces of 1 x 4 pine.

One 4 x 8 piece of sheet metal. (I used galvanized sheeting).

Two 4 x 4 pieces of plexiglass

35 ft copper tubing

Two end couplers

1/2 gallon of black paint.

I built it in my garage and installed it on a south facing roof right above my water heater. The plumbing was very simple.

If every home used this as the pre-heater for your household hot water the savings would be tremendous. In my home in Southern California this panel pre heats the water before it goes into my tank-less hot water heater and has reduced my electric bills substantially.
2009-05-27 12:27:59 UTC
Reduce, Recycle, Re-use, Repair, Research... and buy/barter/share

from as local as possible. Take the time to find out if your local brand/purveyor actually produces your favorite item/treat, and is not

just a reseller/distributor now.
2009-05-27 01:06:32 UTC
i believe that everyone should keep their cars running just fine and dont skip out on tune ups or try to get away with a car that smokes either get it fixed or get a new car.. you can buy a lil honda that gets good gas milage and they are easy and cheap to fix so theres really no excuse to be driving cars that have high emmisions or that polute more than needed because at the end of the day we all need a way to get around and its better if we do it in a smart way
2009-05-26 18:07:26 UTC
Go out in your yard and plant a few extra trees and see to it they are watered and treated right, (if you own it, or will own it in the future and are not just renting, as the landlord might have rules against it.)

Go out on the streets and parking lots and clean up the trash and litter...

Get involved with the Arbor Day foundation and they can also help you with ideas.
Noa A
2009-05-26 17:43:40 UTC
take either of these ideas:

Even with a massively available car that runs on water people will still need stations to refuel. One of the biggest challenges that the human race will face in the near future is that of disappearing coastlines due to rising sea levels. We can jumpstart the economy and save the environment in one blow if we can create jobs that facilitate the pumping of excess water out from the ocean and using it as fuel.
Team Jacob
2009-05-27 13:33:29 UTC
Picking up any trash you see and throw it away (or in a recycle bin).

Recycle. Turn off lights and TV when you leave a room. Un plug things that are not in use, such as, chargers, computers...ect.
Allie G.
2009-05-27 14:01:14 UTC
i crochet reusable grocery bags from old plastic shopping bags, they're durable and a cheap medium, not to mention a quick crochet project. my friends love them and making designs with different colored bags is really easy and the make great gifts. i found this link that tells you how to make yarn out of plastic bags(posted below). another recycled yarn idea i love is t-shirt yarn, also posted below.
2009-05-27 08:33:01 UTC
all of this is pretty cool, but i have one thing to say:

everyone who keeps saying stop buying foreign food, please remember that it's not just about your country! I'm assuming that most of you on this come from developed countries like the United States and the United Kingdom. But in the Caribbean, recently we have stopped getting preferencial trading agreements with the E.U. and we are suffering from this recession thing too! Please buy Caribbean bananas, sugar, chocolate and spices! It's not just about you developed-country people! We need your support, so please buy our produce.

Thank you!

Otherwise, i am really pleased that you came up with this do-it-yourself thing, because we keep watching stuff on tv saying about how we're all gonna die! we're all gonna die! but they don't say how to stop it, or what we can do as individuals (not as governments) so this is pretty cool
2009-05-26 14:02:06 UTC
The most important part of a do-it-yourself project is to do whatever you can- whatever you view as beneficial, achievable, and reasonable.

Most are generally agreeable- like picking up trash and simple things such as not littering and reducing waste. Some tend to be scientifically proven and especially helpful, but more controversial and generally a bit more of a pain- buying special eco-friendly products like lightbulbs and cars, converting to vegetarianism (this is often overlooked but vegetarianism is certainly good for our world. According to this site, - [Cattle, especially raised for the purpose of food] cause the most environmental damage of any non-human species through over-grazing, soil erosion, desertification, tropical deforestation for ranches and growing of soya for their feed, in addition to their gaseous emissions and manure products. More reasons are provided in the link, also, if you are interested).

So, I think that no person could be expected to do what they simply aren't capable of doing. It should, however, be every citizen of this world's responsibility to do what they can- ideally the best that they can- to keep our home safe and healthy for our generation and the future. Lives are certainly at stake

(think of the polar bears- I'll provide a NY Times link: ), and at least for now, THIS IS THE ONLY HOME WE HAVE GOT.

We were given a world to live in, it would be most unwise to ruin it.
Cat M
2009-05-27 11:45:22 UTC
Recycle! I can't emphasize that enough. Some people don't know this, but you can recycle more than just cardboard, paper, plastic bottles, and aluminum cans! Most shampoo bottles, conditioner bottles, body wash bottles, laundry detergent bottles, dish washing liquid bottles, etc. are all recyclable! Anything that seems like it's plastic, check the bottom to see what number is inside the triangle to see if your town accepts that number! And don't forget all types of glass are also recyclable. You can also bring your old microwave, refrigerator, dryer, oven, air conditioner, or hot water tank to your local recycling facility. Fluorescent bulbs and other mercury containing items, used oil, lead acid batteries, antifreeze, oil filters, scrap metal, propane tanks, and yard waste (leaves, branches, grass) can also be brought to your local facility to recycle. If you are unsure if something is recyclable, call your local recycling facility! Don't just throw it out without checking first. Also, I don't know about other towns, but the recycling facility in my town takes latex paint, oil-based paint, stains and polyurethanes, as long as it's at least 1/2 full, the original label is on the can, and the product is usable, one pint up to one gallon is accepted. Residents can go the recycling center and pick up paint. That is a great way to recycle paint, etc. Sometimes you buy paint and when you try it out you realize you don't like it, but someone else might like it, so please recycle your paint, and next time you need paint or stain, check your recycling center before you go the home improvement store.

Turn off that TV! Many people leave their TVs and computers on when they're not even using them! Turn off the TV when you're not watching it, and at least put your computer in hibernate or sleep mode to save electricity when you're not using it.

Turn off the lights! Some people leave their lights on while they're out, or even while they're sleeping. Make sure ALL lights are turned off, even the little table lamp. If you have a light outside your front door for safety, get a motion sensored light that only turns on when it senses motion. Those are actually safer because if someone comes to the door, the light turns on and the person thinks you are up and have turned the light on.

Reuse your bags at the grocery store! If you want to buy a few reusable bags for your grocery shopping, that's great. If you're not into that and just can't see life without a ton of plastic grocery bags for your $300/week grocery shopping trips, don't throw them out! Reuse them for other things, like picking up your dog's poo, or returning something to the store. Store the plastic bags in your pantry, or bring them back to the store to recycle them if you know you'll never use them. Most supermarkets have an area where you can recycle your plastic bags. But I find that it's always good to have at least a few stored for whatever I might need them for.

Pay your bills online! Set up automatic payments for your bills online. It's easier than you might think. If you're really not computer saavy, a customer service representative can help you over the phone. Request that the paper bills no longer be mailed to you. Instead, have them emailed to you.

Online banking! Sign up for online banking and ask that paper statements no longer be mailed to you, but emailed instead.

Oh and I need to add: Quit smoking! Cigarette smoke, pipe smoke, cigar smoke, etc. are all horrible for the environment and for your health and others around you! On a personal level, I can't tell you how annoying it is when I am driving with the windows down and get stuck at a red light next to someone smoking a cigarette in their car with their windows down. Cigarette smoke gives me a headache instantly. I want to be able to drive with my windows down without being poisoned! If you don't have respect for your own self, please at least have respect for others around you and don't smoke.
2009-05-27 08:45:41 UTC
Everyone with a piece of ground grow their own vegetables (like they used to) instead of covering fertile garden soil with lawn and concrete barbecues - just to cook and eat unhealthy fatty foods.

When Britain was embargoed during the war, many of them grew their own veggies - and along with war rationing they have never been so healthy since.
2009-05-26 16:42:49 UTC
The only type of solution to such a large problem that is facing America would be a multilateral approach. Many government officials support short-term solutions however one must approach this by looking at the long-term implications. We have been contributing to global warming since 1830, at the start of the industrial revolution in America. So how can we have a knee jerk response to something that we have been doing for over 100 years? That is why I propose the following comprehensive plan. Firstly, the government would mandate the passage of a modified version of California’s Zero Emissions policy of 1993, but instead of mandating that in 10 years of cars on the road can only contribute to 20% of emissions, I would change the time to 30 years in order to pass the other parts of my plan. The second part of my plan to solve our oil crisis would be to create a $1.00 tax on every gallon of gas, this tax would go on the provide money for rebates that would be offered to companies that would use it to build recharge towers in their parking lots, the rest of the money generated from the gas tax would go towards internal improvements, such as roads and bridges. For example potentially adding another lane to I-35 off of 435-west. The final part of my plan would be to offer a tax exemption to US automakers that push for the production of all electric vehicles and are able to market them in an effective manner, and while at the same time offering tax rebates to consumers who purchase these all electric vehicles. My plan is very wide-ranging and covers all the issues that are facing the infant industries of alternative fuel vehicles.

Many people must be wondering why all of these things need to be done, however again one must look long term in order to see fruits of this plan. Sure it may cost lots of money however the jobs that would be created by internal improvements portion of the plan would then jumpstart the already weak economy because then all of sudden many people have buying power and expendable income. Aside from that the charging ports will be able to create the infrastructure necessary to have all electric vehicles work, just like one needs gas stations in order to have internal combustion cars work. The $1.00 tax per gallon of gas serves as a disincentive for people to buy gas; this will nudge people to look into other forms of fuel and that is where the tax exemption comes in for automakers. If they can market all electric cars successfully then they will make more profit and that will make them happier. This will all lead to a substantial cut in emissions caused by burning fossil fuels, and thus help decrease green house gases which will reverse global warming. That is how my plan is able to cover all the bases and accomplish the goal of using Alternative fuel vehicles in a wider ranging scope.
Hawaii Five-O
2009-05-26 20:14:54 UTC

starting a compost heap

using the reusable or fabric shoping bags instead of plastic ones

using public transportation instead of driving, if feasible

taking shorter showers

plant some trees around your neighborhood

fixing leaky faucets

plant a garden

use solar or wind energy in your homes
2009-05-26 17:04:28 UTC
Convert your car to natural gas ( conversions run about $1500) and buy the kit to gas up at home ( those kits run around $800-$1000) fewer emissions, Australia has been running cars on LP for 3 decades, Brazil has been running cars on Grain Alcohol for longer than that... clean buring fuels will improve air quality everywhere. Imagine going to Los Angeles and being able to breathe!
2009-05-26 13:03:20 UTC
This is what I do :

1. I buy used sweaters , unwind them , and knit scarfs , socks , and vests . They make good gifts .

2. I buy used books , or borrow books from a library .

3. I use baking soda to wash dirty dishes , and I never use a dishwasher .

4. I use shoe boxes for art and craft projects .

5. I cut old clothes into strips , and crochet small area rugs ( this was my grandmother's idea first ) .
2009-05-27 01:12:04 UTC
We should look around and see what we're doing to the earth. We should plant more trees and not litter. We should make one day when we stop using electricity in our homes. We should make a day when we stop using cars. We should conserve water, make one day where you can only use a certain amount of water. Things like that. We should make the number of people who hunt animals for fun less.
2009-05-26 19:31:24 UTC
Currently I think one of the biggest problem would be the emission of greenhouse gases by vehicles. Thus I think my first step would be to set up an online carpooling community site that allows neighbours to check for common destinations and such to carpool efficiently. Of course it would be better for everyone to take public transport but carpooling is one step towards that goal. Plus the site could have a smart path planner that shows the various ways to reach the destination via public transport.

Promote pre-ordering in shopping centres. Give discounts for pre-orders and special "loyalty" points or some freebies to the early pre-ordering bird. Why pre-order? It helps suppliers to better extrapolate the demand and thus reduce excess of products leftover when the sale is over.

Green our roofs. Literally. Find out which grass and other short plants are suitable for planting on roofs of buildings and find a way to irrigate them sufficiently. You'd have lesser need for air-conditioning.

Which brings me to the point that many buildings don't need air-conditioning. We need buildings with "cool" designs. Windows that block out the rain and the heat but not the wind. The fan is always a better option.

Turn off. Time that we really check out what we can turn off and when we can turn them off instead of waiting for an Earth Hour to turn things off. Curb that itch to check your email every hour to see if you have received tickets to the next Hannah Montana concert. It's not going to happen. It's 3 am in the morning, quit going online to find your buddies who are probably asleep.
2009-05-26 17:39:43 UTC
My idea for a do-it-yourself project that will improve our lives and help the planet is to build a solar hot water heater.

Since my current hot water heater is an oil fired boiler, having a solar hot water heater would reduce the amount of oil my boiler uses to heat water.

The plans for how to build it is ;

The Lynn Technical High School recently completed a solar project using both Solar water heating and HHO heating. May-be I can get them to help me?
2009-05-27 13:38:49 UTC
I'd like to see the world use less plastic...Here in the USA we have an insatiable use for plastic bags...If major stores (all stores actually) would revert back to using paper bags it would make an impact on our environment for sure.

2009-05-27 08:38:56 UTC
diy project?

"personal accountability"

entails opening your eyes and actually seeing what your doing instead of thinking your in some corporate sponsored television program. what do you eat for your body? what are your hobbies? do you live in accord with gaia? or are you a cancer? do your consume consume consume and create massive waste? or do ya get by with the bare necessities? do you have a feeling of entitlement? by whom?

where do the wastes flow from land masses? into our mother oceans?

anyone hear about the island of plastic crap out in our pacific ocean?

i think people are capable of waking up and thinking critically now.

if i didn't i wouldn't be answering this question.
2009-05-27 01:03:32 UTC
make a garden its fun, work and, its keeps youre health up and less trips to the grocery store so less gas in the air. try turning off car when sitting for longer than necessary and turn off the air conditioning and roll down windows when possible. try walking/riding bike when you're not going far. the next car you get get a hybird.
2009-05-26 22:45:54 UTC
I raise my own vegetables, canned and freeze them. I use a compost pile to aid in my garden efforts and do not add to the garbage dump. I recycle whatever I can. I cut plastic products and bottle containers into smithereens. I do not buy bottle water. My city has good water. If yours does not, then put a filter on your faucet or use a water picture that cleans the water, use the new light bulbs, and unplug any unnecessary electronic vises. Think about the plastics that you use that you can eliminate from you grocery purchase. These things end up in the ocean and on the animals that live there. Stop using plastic products!!!! Paper products can be eliminated easily and recycled!

use your commom sense. A little work goes along way to help the enviornment!!!
2009-05-26 20:12:26 UTC
Click the source link to learn how to make camera batteries do better and last longer.

Three fish oil capsules each day will improve blood circulation and help us live longer.

Two calcium tablets with 200 mg vitamin D will help stop leg pains and protect us from osteoporosis which starts before age 40.

Everyone should walk and do other exercises daily to stay fit.

Antioxidants as found in tea, dark chocolate, and a teaspoon of red wine will help prevent colds and most virus problems including cancer.

Reading to and with our children will make them better students. Parents and schools are equally responsible for educating children.
David P
2009-05-26 16:54:53 UTC
The power of thermal expansion and contraction is the same force which explodes concrete highways on hot days and splits mountains as the ice expands. It can and should be harnessed.
2009-05-26 18:02:58 UTC
my idea is 2 pollute our oceans some more. it will help peeps relise what a dump our plant really is and it will make peeps realize about it and take action. everybody should dump oil in2 the oceans and drive more cars. tell Ur parents 2 buy more cars. its very helpful 2 our planet. the more pollution in the air the better.ummmmmmmmmm...! we should also smoke alot more. liter alot 2 thats good.
2009-05-26 14:35:31 UTC
From now on, stop referring to the planet as "Mother Earth". Refer to the planet as "Father Earth". As in Father Earth will beat the living **** out of those who pollute and dump toxic waste.

Also Father Earth will beat the **** out of all the dope heads who slept through school. And don't have the foggiest idea, how anything truly works.
2009-05-27 11:51:22 UTC
start walking a little bit more and less driving cars, in fact it'll help to improve your health and get fitness, and the more important we will can breath clean air.
Luis A
2009-05-26 22:52:15 UTC
I would legislate paper recycling centers close to communities where people can get toilet paper for free if they contribute a minimum amount of paper and cardboard. The centers and their production figures will be open to the public, to foster the understanding and culture of recycling.
2009-05-26 14:35:20 UTC
I would like to start by using alternative fuels for our vehicles. People are making engines that run on water! Yes, water! So why aren't more of these options available for the public? Why do the big auto industries have so much say in our global condition yet they are the worst polluters? Let's start with them!!!!
2009-05-26 13:08:00 UTC
Recycling,Re-using things that are reusable,and Cleaning up our environment.You can also help by spreading the word to other.

Get Involved!Help Us Make Our Earth,A Better Planet!

2009-05-26 21:06:20 UTC
my idea is ...plant more trees ...less usage of cars ...or such harmful gas emitting things .....also get the exhaust pipe checked ....of the car ....the carbon content

recycling ,....and also the garbage control!

then comes population control and family planning

water saving projects which also doesnt harm the aquatic life!

using solar energy is also a good idea ...for various things@
U R Sofa King We Taught It
2009-05-26 13:58:44 UTC
too late for small changes, we all need to make drastic changes with the way we live with the Earth.

Plant trees that require less watering, stay away from planting palm trees as they require alot of watering.

Home garden with mulch pile, alot of organic waste can be thrown into the mulch pile.

3 trash cans in the kitchen for recycled, organic, and other.

Use reusable shopping bags.

Write letters to companies and manufacturers with your concerns, or to even let them know they are doing a good job.

Buy American-
2009-05-26 13:00:37 UTC
Don't have any children. Teach at least two people to read and/or think every year. Teach at least two people the basics of small business management every year.

The planet doesn't just need help. It needs to be saved. Saving it will require the most radical solution imaginable -- Fewer and Better People.

The 20th century provided at least two major examples of how "Fewer People" might be arranged. Grim examples. Not to be followed. Hopefully we know better now.

Planning parenthood, or just not having children, is a crucial ingredient in the avoidance of future wars and holocausts. Population pressure creates wars and damages the environment and may lead to the death of the planet. If not you, who? If not now, when? Somebody has to say OK I will contribute to the Fewer People agenda -- when I go I'll leave my space vacant.

Not enough. That will help but not enough to save the Earth. If only blinking idiots are left behind, you still have catastrophe even on a planet with half as many people.

So what needs to be left behind? People who can read. People who can think. People who can earn a living without being wage slaves -- by running their own small businesses.

In other words independent people. When the People are independent, socialism is unecessary. It's not inevitable. It's not even probable. In fact it's unlikely.

But if the people are helpless, hapless, uneducated, highly dependent wage slaves or dole slaves then socialism becomes the path of least resistance, especially in a democracy with a universal voter franchise (except for felons and clinically diagnosed morons).

All socialist states that have ever existed in the 3000 years for which records are available on this planet have ended in deplorable homicidal tyrannies, usually with millions of people being slaughtered, as in North Korea today.

So socialism, although great on paper, is terrible in practice, at least for the last 3000 years, at least on this particular planet, and we know nothing relevant about any other. It's a paper hypothesis that's been tried, and that does not work.

The entrepreneur based society might work. And if the world could build down to about 1.5 billion people total, and trade peacefully among societies of relatively independent small business persons, we could get greener, survive well, be happy, thrive, improve, flourish, and shine -- in short truly exist.

That would be a good show. What we have now is a bad show.
2009-05-26 19:21:21 UTC
It is not a do-it-yourself-project I have been suggesting, but a collective project that will serve social justice, national security interests, create jobs to stimulate economic growth, and provide renewable clean energy.

Windmills. Windmills everywhere, but starting with a green new deal program that would put backyard windmills in the backyards or on the roof tops of low-income home owners and renters to reduce their utility payments, reduce federal energy assistance payments, promote more stability among renters, allow the poor to spend more of their income elsewhere stimulating growth in other sectors, stimulate jobs at the windmill factories (using all recycled materials from car junk yards and other scrap sources abundantly available), reduce dependency on foreign oil thus helping national security, reduce risk of exposure to life-threatening heat and cold for the poor (including elderly, disabled, and children), secure a renewable clean energy source for one portion of the market to lessen demand for non-ecologically friendly energy sources.

The more windmills we put up, the better to secure all these interests. I've written to my local power company and to a state senator suggesting this program and hoping they will approach the governor who will approach the Obama administration with this plan.

Of course, it will stimulate demand for windmills which will lead to economies of scale and reduction in the price of these windmills, which will then make them more attractive to business and middle class consumers. Soon, windmills will be on every business and home, and probably followed quickly by solar panels too. The utility companies might go out of business or significantly downscale in this scenario, so the smart ones would probably want to start making plans now to re-train their workforce to make and install windmills and solar panels.
Yup Yup Yuppers
2009-05-26 17:05:57 UTC
I'm liking this whole "paint your roof white" idea. I live in the desert where it gets VERY hot. I've seen temperatures of 112 degrees at my house... I feel like my eyeballs are melting at those temperatures! If I were to paint my roof a heat reflecting color, my house would stay cooler and I would save money on air conditioning. I like this idea a great deal!
2009-05-26 13:40:50 UTC
Recycle, plant as many trees as we can. people should by more Electric powered cars. Get a Job that helps build or produce windmills, and solar panels! And tell liter bugs to stop littering!
2009-05-27 09:43:24 UTC
I'm with King of the Limes & so was Albert Einstein.
2009-05-26 20:36:15 UTC
I am about ready to find a 55 gal drum to place underneath my strongest rain gutter to conserve water to water my flowers and garden when we go through a drought. pretty much simple to make, a hole on top, screw in a screen mesh. put in a spigot on the bottom, cool and simple.
2009-05-26 20:23:35 UTC
Make it a requirement that any unemployed-but-able-bodied adult who is on welfare must volunteer 30 hours per week for a green cause, in order to receive their welfare check.

Anything as simple as picking up trash polluting our public areas, to doing gardening work in public parks or gardens, to volunteering in a recycling facility, or any number of environment-friendly capacities, but it must be a requirement before they receive their welfare check each week.
2009-05-26 20:16:15 UTC
Make the environmental footprint of every country and every product producer a know en- to every interested person. That way we can decide if we want to buy products from that country or that manufacturer.

Economize is the bottom line to many countries;s and many manufactures. ------Nuf Said?-------
2009-05-26 18:18:30 UTC
Well maybe not greening the planet but a solution for global warming and sea level rise.

Everyone needs to fornicate and produce young. If the human body is 72% water, we can keep the oceans from rising if we get all the water into people.

Where's my medal.. :)
2009-05-26 13:57:40 UTC
Local landfills are an often overlooked intersection of a number of our most pressing environmental problems. Toxic materials leach from landfills into air, water and soil. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane are produced in great quantities at landfills. They are a tremendous cost to local governments, and despite widespread recycling programs, many communities are rapidly running out of space to bury their waste.

Waste to energy conversion technologies may be the answer to these problems and more. A number of approaches are being tried, but so far the most promising appears to be something called "Plasma Arc Gasification." Previously used primarily for disposing of toxic waste from industry and hospitals, plasma arc gasification zaps waste with a bolt of intense electric energy similar to a lightning bolt under high pressure. This reduces most materials to their component elements, reducing even the most toxic compounds to inert carbon, silicon, etc., plus a gas made up of hydrogen, nitrogen and small quantities of other gases.

The solid material that comes out of this is miniscule, and has uses of its own. But the really interesting part is the gas. Some have suggested running these gases through a traditional gas turbine generator to produce electricity, similar to what is done with methane at many landfills today. Not a bad idea, but the generators themselves produce greenhouse gases and other toxic byproducts. A more intriguing possibility comes from the fact that typically 40% of the gas produced is hydrogen. This means that rather than using a traditional generator, the gas could be processed through a stationary hydrogen fuel cell. Hydrogen fuel cells are 95% effecient, have no moving parts to maintain, and their only byproduct is water!

But we don't even have to stop there. As long as we're extracting hydrogen from our gas, we could generate energy with some of it, and divert the rest to fueling stations for hydrogen fuel cell powered vehicles. The processes used in most locations to produce hydrogen today generate only a trickle of the gas, severely limiting the implementation of this promising technology. Plasma arc gasification would produce a veritable Niagara of hydrogen, allowing every community to create its own hydrogen fueling station.

Hard to believe, I know. But this one technology has the potential to make a significant dent in our trash problem, our landfill problem, our pollution problem, our energy problem and our transportation problem. I'm convinced it will happen, sooner or later.
2009-05-27 11:34:49 UTC
Using public transport,instead of private vehicles.

Practice EARTH HOUR once a week.
2009-05-27 09:01:44 UTC
Kill the vegetarians that eat our CO2 breathing plants! Us meat eaters do the world a favor by eating those creature who eat our plants!


You could pay for my collage tuition to help me become the alternative energy engineer i want to become so I can save humanity. :)
2009-05-27 04:04:12 UTC
Disconnect myself from the power grid, and become self-sufficient. Remember: Only those that attempt the ridiculous, achieve the impossible...
2009-05-26 18:54:04 UTC
Try converting your car to burn Hydrogen and Oxygen using your own Battery to generate the gases from WATER.

Go to and watch the videos. For $67 you can get the instructions to Do-it-Yourself using items you can buy locally. Get up to 60Miles Per Gallon of gas. Works on cars, trucks, diesels. Burns cleaner, greener, runs smoother, longer. One quart of water gets you up to 800 miles. Tubing runs the gases into your manifold.
2009-05-26 17:31:39 UTC
if you live in the country or in the city you can install energy efficient Appliances you can also compost fruit and vegetable waste and instead of throwing away dry bread crush it and use it for bird food you can also take your yard waste like grass clippings to a proper disposal facility instead of burning them
Juniper McClintock
2009-05-26 13:21:58 UTC
We wouldn't have the environmental issues we have if there weren't so many of us. We're entirely too indulgent as a species and a culture. We need to change the part in the Bible that says "go forth and multiply," because it's really harming us. Changing the Bible to say "Go forth, but leave the world as you entered it, and don't have so many kids that they consume the planet's resources and expel pollution at an alarming and unhealthy rate" would be a good start to winning the minds of the stubborn right.
2009-05-27 00:02:11 UTC
sewers across the country get clogged with plastic wrap and bags of every size,,,,,,,,,food,grocery and other retailers ought to slow down the checkout lines,,,,,jes a bit,,,,by allowing customer to put items into his /her own bag,pack,some retailers have you check bags for security,making it awkward to ask for bag back to stow purchases,dam plastic bags are found in siberia, among the penguins at the ross ice shelf,and everywhere in between
2009-05-26 21:01:13 UTC
I'm Painting My Roof White To Fight Climate Change or Global Warming (Whatever You Call It).
Lumpylion M
2009-05-26 18:39:35 UTC
Everyday problems? Global challenges? Well, IMO, we should start with getting rid of Al Gore. Thus eliminating global warming caused by his hot air.
♥-Kɑtε-♥ ♥-Michεllε-♥
2009-05-26 14:27:55 UTC
Personal solar pannels and a small wind turbine fitted to every home, provided by the government, to create free energy.
2009-05-27 05:52:14 UTC
turn off your lights a bunch of people leave them and its not good for the community, recycle every thing that can be recycled, take shorter showers. long showers is just non sense(i know its hard i use to do it) and use your gas reasonably.
2009-05-26 20:23:16 UTC
-making a vegetable garden

-changing light bulbs to more energy efficient ones.

-using reusable bags other than plastic bags when shopping.

-Buying products that package the item with recycled packaging.
2009-05-26 17:12:57 UTC
You could make reusable grocery bags and give them away for free at the entrance of the grocery store. Give them to people who will keep them.

Aveda recycles bottle CAPS, but I don't think many people know about that. You could spread the word.

Start recycling programs at bars. ALL of those bottles and cans just get thrown away!
Uncle Joe
2009-05-27 01:33:44 UTC
I have some ideas for inexpensively heating and cooling indoor air.

In some climates, such as Florida, the ground is consistently at a temperature that would be quite comfortable for indoor air. Much of the state of Florida has a year-round ground temperature of about 71 degrees Fahrenheit. It seems to me that if one were to place a large water tank below ground level, then circulate that water into a home or other building and pass it through a radiator with a fan, that this could yield very inexpensive heating and cooling. I think a water of about 2,000 gallons would suffice for a home. This system would cost little to operate, as only a small powered water pump would be needed, in addition to a fan to circulate air indoors. This would use much less electricity or other energy than a typical furnace or air conditioning compressor system.

In cooler climates, such as upstate New York, the ground temperature reliably is about 55 degrees Fahrenheit. This would be quite sufficient for cooling purposes, even though it would provide little aid in heating.

This simple source of reliable temperature control could be used as a supplement to more expensive systems.

I think passive solar heat could be enjoyed much more usefully. I have seen very simple swimming pool heaters made by running a water line from the filter pump to a large black panel on which black garden-type hose ran back-and-forth. As the water passes through the black hose, on it's way back to the swimming pool, the water is heated from solar energy that is absorbed by the black hose. One such system I saw in a relatively cool Northern United States climate produced water at over 110 degrees Fahrenheit in mid-afternoon.

To make such a system, you could make a panel from two sheets of plywood - each sheet being 4x8 feet. Depending on the shape that works better for you, you could connect the plywood to make a single panel 8x8 feet , or to make a single panel 4x16 feet. Use cheap 2x4 pine to build a frame on what will be the back of the panel, and use that same 2x4 pine to build a shallow wall around the perimeter of the front of the panel. That will give you a sturdy large panel with a wall around it that's almost 2 inches high. Paint the panel black with paint that has a dull or flat finish and is suitable for exposure to the weather. Flat black house paint would be just fine. Marine paint would be more durable, but most boat paint has a glossy finish that would reflect a lot of the sun's energy - even if the paint is a dark color.

Fill the entire panel with water lines - copper or other metal would work best, but would be a lot more expensive than black garden hose. If you use metal pipes, just paint them black with a paint that has a dull or flat finish that will absorb solar energy best. In 64 square feet of panel (8x8 feet or 4x16 feet), you can easily fit 200 feet of garden hose. Make sure you leave appropriate entrance and exit connections for the hoses to allow the incoming and outgoing water lines. You could use a little black silicone caulk to glue the hose to the panel. The silicone caulk will tolerate the heat. After the hose is in place on the panel, place the panel where the sun will hit it for the longest amount of the day. In the Northern hemisphere, it would be best to face South, in the Southern hemisphere, it would be better to face North. You can lay the panel flat on the ground if you want to, but it would be better to tilt it up facing the sun, using 2x4 pine to build a frame to support the panel. Connect water lines from the filter pump to the panel, then from the panel back to the swimming pool.

If you want to, you can put the panel on top of a garage or pool house, but you might need a stronger water pump to elevate the water to that height - a normal pool filter pump might not be strong enough. If you want to go purely solar, you could probably find a suitable solar power panel to supply power to a small water pump, and use that to circulate water directly from the swimming pool to the heater panel, then directly back to the pool.

Ideally, you would fill the panel with black sand or tar on top of the hose. There are some very thick roofing compounds that would work. Black sand or other material would absorb and store a lot of heat, so the panel still would supply warm water for a couple of hours after the sun goes down. Depending on what filler material you use, you might have to put a glass or Plexiglass panel on top to hold the material in place.

I think this free solar heat could be easy to use to fill a giant storage tank for use in the home, but only if you have sufficient sunlight.
2009-05-27 00:55:27 UTC
first we must educate our children's to make them understand the importance of conservation of all necessity's to protect our mother earth. We are very destructive species and we are ignoring our responsibility’s. find ways to reduce our energy from using oil and Charcoal, and produce a new tip of energy ,find ways of protecting our Ohioan and rivers pollution , Clean all our waist and recycle before we damped to the Ohioan ,find a way to control all plastic that it became epidemic in the environment ,and stop intermix society’s., and create unnecessarily hated in this world , and preventing children's with disability's ,(no offense please ) and many other things every one of as can do to prevent this epidemics and destructive ways.
2009-05-26 16:30:29 UTC
reuse the containers that your food comes in. They actually make really good container to take food to work and school. Of course rubbermaid and like companies will not like it
2009-05-26 13:35:17 UTC
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
ஐƒαςћϊσņ ρåţя☺ℓღ
2009-05-27 11:46:23 UTC
Minimize buying material worldly things that can clutter the environment like how many pair of shoes and socks, bags, TV, kitchen utensils etc. you have to have..... ? Stop collecting and open repair shops. Simplify life into basic needs and recycle more!

And plant this around the world:






2009-05-27 02:03:44 UTC
Quit using so many trees to promote a false doctrine of Global Warming! Humanity is not causing the climate change, solar activity is!
Jimmy M
2009-05-26 17:15:59 UTC
If we make a law where people will be hired to guard the streets for littering this could save the planet and help people get jobs :D
2009-05-27 09:23:10 UTC
Lobby your state Legislatures for a Liberal Hunting Season!
2009-05-26 20:26:03 UTC
Take the corn and feed them to the humans rather than a form of B.S. fuel for vehicles...
2009-05-26 17:56:11 UTC
Paint your window shades black on one side for the south elevation of your house, install them black side toward the outside in winter to gather solar heat, and white side toward the outside in summer to deflect the solar heat.
2009-05-26 17:46:51 UTC
recycle,we have enough land so stop cutting down trees,use small pieces of paper or keep using the same paper if you can,we probably do have enough paper so enough of the trees again,ummm thats all.
buzzy bee
2009-05-26 21:45:19 UTC
continuous segregation of waste at home,make a little garden where you can plant some vegetables.lessens the use of electricity,do not burn plastics and old tires.proper disposal of waste would really help a lot in saving our planet.
2009-05-26 18:43:31 UTC
I have fluorescent light bulbs and energy star appliances.

Even though they are energy star, I still turn off the strip when not in use.
2009-05-26 13:06:26 UTC
buy locally grown/made products whenever available. local products don't have to be shipped which leaves a much smaller carbon footprint than items coming from china or taiwan. buying your vegetables from a local farmers market helps stimulate the local economy and also helps leave a much smaller carbon footprint because goods dont have to be shipped so far.
2009-05-27 10:12:43 UTC
abosolutley nothing

britain only produces 2% of the worlds pollution

we recycle anyway
2009-05-27 06:12:33 UTC
Be positive dont pollute the universe with negative thoughts like anger, jealousy, hatred and discrimination all humanity are one when one person suffers all of humanity suffers.
2009-05-26 15:07:56 UTC
you can ride your bike to school recycle take Bag lunch and you can make inventions out of old water bottles also clean up the local parks there are so many things to do to help our planet
2009-05-27 08:39:50 UTC
A return of the Jedi Knights and values.
2009-05-26 15:07:00 UTC
Start a neighborhood watch community.
2009-05-27 09:17:59 UTC
it isn't much, but my boyfriend and i recently built plant boxes from scratch and planted a wide variety of green, growing things in them. it felt really good!
2009-05-26 22:15:56 UTC
Well, it would improve my life if someone would loan me a large amount of cash, then I could go green, and save the planet. Any takers?
2009-05-26 18:17:31 UTC
i know it sounds a little wierd, but if we have a very minature wind mill type thing on cars. and as they drive the fan spins generating electricity that can be used to run the car, it will start up with some gas but the electricity will help keep it running
2009-05-26 19:07:11 UTC
Unplug all the various and sundry small appliance transformers when not in use. In an ideal system, you could power many appliances in your life with one transformer-but commercial interests have decided to sell us one with every small appliance.Many of these power thieves are actually hidden in the case of your machines, patiently gobbling volts whether you use it or not, so unplug!
The Wiz
2009-05-26 18:45:08 UTC
Install solar panels on the roof of your house to run your pool and hot water needs. Build a car that can run on solar power.
2009-05-26 12:54:34 UTC
Let's get one thing straight. No matter what humans do, the planet will be just fine until the sun goes out. It may not be habitable for human beings any more, but the earth doesn't need saving.

Anything we do to help the environment is to help ourselves. That's OK; nothing wrong with trying to survive--just let's be honest about it.

The earth has survived meteor strikes, being covered almost totally by water, ice ages, etc. We may go the way of the dinosaurs, but planet Earth will be OK with or without us.

Edit: John, the lawyer comment is silly and unnecessary. Everyone hates lawyers until they need one themselves. Then, they want a shark. Without lawyers, we'd still have segregation, women wouldn't be allowed to vote, etc. etc.
2009-05-27 10:47:47 UTC
Education is the answer. But real education not brain washing.
2009-05-27 07:50:31 UTC
a small green house that will also be passive solar heat in the winter
2009-05-27 04:51:51 UTC
Develop new ways to work from home!
Brittany H
2009-05-27 06:50:31 UTC
try and make electronics solar it can save electricty and help save the world from pollution.and global warming
2009-05-27 06:55:48 UTC
Buy a bunch of cows and have them fart up the planet. HA HA!
2009-05-26 21:10:26 UTC
Shower using less water. Reuse bags, or eliminate use of disposable bags. Whitewash the roof of my house.
2009-05-26 17:59:55 UTC
We could have for water cooling to where the water goes outside and cools.
Todd A
2009-05-26 14:30:55 UTC
Install a big block chevy instead of the weak 350 into my Camaro.
2009-05-26 14:22:05 UTC
Refuse all transgenic food/meat, produce your own energy using trash food (gas), walk or use your bike or eco bus. Consume more the food from your own country.
2009-05-27 12:16:18 UTC
Everyone should use solar panels.

There should be more areas accepting recycling. I am so upset it is not offered in my area! We have trash pickup, why not recycling?
Zac S
2009-05-26 16:15:29 UTC
Get rid of the two biggest sources of hot air on this planet......politicians and Owl Gore.
2009-05-26 12:21:13 UTC
I am trying to put together a small group that will pick up bundled news papers, and other recyclables from those who cannot take them to the recycling collection centers in town.
2009-05-27 10:08:09 UTC
Do-it-yourself windmills.
2009-05-27 06:18:23 UTC
I will pick up trash that I find alone the way. carry trash bags and if time permits dedicate part of the week to pick up trash around my neighborhood.
2009-05-26 14:43:58 UTC
Now I´m working in a project called It´s a game and a social network. To start playing you need to fish some people and if these guys get in the network you win COINS. Users can donate COINs to WWF and other NGOs and build a better reputation in the game.

Our company donates real money to NGO when users do it in COINS.

It´s my contribution for a better world.
2009-05-27 11:41:46 UTC
build a non fuel effecient truck/racecar
2009-05-27 08:35:26 UTC
that's way to much to deal with i would ask everyone to start helping out by

using your glass tea bottles! wash them out and use them as water bottles

reuse your plastic zip lock bags

and walk more!
Anime Girl
2009-05-27 06:48:58 UTC
Ride your bike, walk, and take the train instead of driving.
2009-05-27 02:57:44 UTC
we will keep one day every month for each of selected activity ok

1-no vehicle day-30th

2-no smoking-29 th 0f month

3-plant a tree 27 th

4-no litter day-use garbage fo donating to garden keeper friends

5-clean water day--help project for cleaning rivers

6-brooming day-clean our colony

7-exercise day-morning exercise to satrt a habit

8-no oil day--for one day cooking without fats ---canbe a fruit and veggie day

9-soup day--to reduce our wts

10- no sugar+nosalt day-- to get the habit of less sugar and less salts in our diets

11-harmony day-seccular for one day/month

for 11days every month we can practice to make our planet good place to live in
2009-05-26 18:22:11 UTC
A really cool thing that almost everyone can try is making a solar oven. Its a really fun project and usually pays off give it a try. check out this link with instructions on how to make and use a solar cooker
2009-05-26 18:32:49 UTC
if we could build a efficient way to leave the planet , we should all go out and explore space and let the planet earth heal
2009-05-27 00:01:21 UTC
recycle all undecaying products and vegtable cover land to make all country cleaner than ever!
2009-05-26 19:10:18 UTC
lets burn some forests to counteract the loss of forrest fires that would have occured without human intervention.
2009-05-26 16:41:58 UTC
Become monks (not the celibate ones!) and give up all material things of 'human' world as we know it today :P
2009-05-27 10:16:42 UTC
plant trees, and brake for turtles!!!

i disturbs me to see big turtles, all smashed due to some car running them over!!
2009-05-27 06:37:01 UTC
The answer could be summarized into three simple words:



2009-05-26 12:16:18 UTC
There lots of things you can (as seen above) to help things out.

However, in terms of a fun project, one that will take a little gumption and you'll learn something, how about:

Make a compost pile (easy)

Build a windmill (will require purchases)

Weather strip your house, perhaps replace windows

Build yourself some recycling containers

For the latter, I have a suggestion: Find out what your town takes for recycling (and if they don't take anything, yell at them until they do).

Get yourself some plain old cardboard boxes, and designate one for each category your recycler takes. Start recycling to them.

Keep track of which ones fill first so you can determine how big to make your for-real containers.

For us, we fill plastics about twice as fast as cardboard which is about the same as soda cans. Magazines are about half that, and the same with office paper. Our metals container could easily be a shoebox.

Do this for awhile because things will vary from week to week. Take averages.

So then you build yourself a compartmented portable container. Lets say that we use "shoebox" as the standard size, the compartments would be:

Metals: 1 shoebox

Paper: 2 shoeboxes

Magazines: 2 shoeboxes

Soda cans: 4 shoeboxes

Cardboard and brown paper: 4 shoeboxes

Plastic: 8 friggin shoeboxes (the world uses WAY too much plastic)

Your mileage *WILL* vary. Make sure your resulting container is as large as you can make it (so you don't have to go to recycling very often so you're not wasting gas) but will fit in your car/truck.

I cannot overemphasize the latter: Make it small enough and reasonably shaped so you can fit it in your vehicle or be prepared to bang your head against the wall repeatedly.
2009-05-27 07:54:40 UTC
Stop breathing
queen athenea
2009-05-26 22:18:53 UTC
In first place, I recommend you to watch the film "Earthlings" and spread this master piece in every possible way because it is one of the best expressions of our wrong behavior with nature, specially with non-human animals. I guarantee that it's not another dummy film about ecology.

I am the best proof that every one of us can make the difference.

"Make the connection", go-to:
2009-05-26 18:24:59 UTC
many people are tired of replacing batteries often, so why not make a solar powered toothbrush, orscooter for the handicapped and elderly
2009-05-26 13:30:30 UTC
All solar energy,including auto and a water recycling system
2009-05-26 13:05:12 UTC
An expert online medical diagnosis system available to all free at cost. Why is this DIY? Because it would be refined by the users over time and all users would become their own experts on their health conditions and wellness. It is time for the frontier spirit to reassert itself and for Americans to take charge of their own health with this tool.

It would serve as a health record of symptoms the user could review to remind themselves of their health issues and prior solutions. It would supply this information in an organized format to both the user and the healthcare professional for reviewing their case. It could interface with the pharmacy where accuracy were deemed sufficient to issue prescription drugs (pharmacist education is vastly underused and could be used in oversight for online care). It would be consistent across all users, yet amendable for age, gender and genetic conditions. It's policies could be updated with new research and findings to all users instantly. It could free up doctors to attend to difficult cases, not amenable to an expert system diagnosis. It could be exported world-wide as a gift to the whole world at little cost, and be used to gather information that could lead to further understanding about the determinants of disease, wellness and cures.

Finally, it could release us from the burdens of excess health costs by controlling prescriptions, removing many cases from in person consults, making more thorough suggestions to maintain wellness than expensive person to person care cannot manage allowing us to spend more of our treasury on infrastructure to save the environment.
2009-05-27 09:42:03 UTC
reduce reuse recycle
2009-05-26 13:07:46 UTC
my husband began making compost a few years ago. its very easy to do and you can spend as little or as much as you like! first, we purchased a compost tumbler( you don't have to have one) then, all of our table scraps that don't contain fats or meat and other biodegradable items like newspapers, leaves, and grass clippings can go into the tumbler and in a few weeks, you have beautiful compost soil to place around your flowers or vegetables! this year will be our first organic garden. we have purchased certified organic seeds, only used organic compost and pest deterrents like garlic and mums- its so fun!
2009-05-27 05:06:37 UTC
There's bigger problems. Bigger problems that effect the planet, and mankind.
2009-05-27 01:35:19 UTC
the people who smoke should stop and we should grow plants and the best way is vermicomposting
harsh silver
2009-05-26 21:12:06 UTC
its a great idea. thing is not only to start it . main thing is to carry out and maintain the thing you started, despite of any prblem you face.....
Lee J
2009-05-26 16:09:22 UTC
When I drive my car, I offset any warming that might be caused by my car's emissions by turning on the air conditioner and rolling down the windows.
2009-05-26 14:56:54 UTC
Prosecute the flimflam men selling worthless carbon credits! They all are fake, phony, frauds!!
2009-05-26 12:42:30 UTC
I agree with mikky: our country should legalize hemp, whether cannabis or not. It is the plant that could save the world. If you research, you will find that the seeds are a powerhouse source of protein, the fibers can be and have been used in our history for building materials and strong fabric, the plant is of course excellent medicine. It is a renewable resource in a much shorter time period than forests. Hemp: a few months to grow; Trees: 20 years to grow. Write your politicians, that's what you can do. Let's stop the stupidity!
2009-05-27 16:01:51 UTC
we should totally jump into the ocean and c what we r doing 2 our ocean and Earth. don't u dare say anything about my answer!!!!
2009-05-27 08:45:43 UTC
offer afordable, easy to install solar pannel kits and/or small urban wind generators...
2009-05-26 20:18:10 UTC
Beating some sense into dumb-**** environmentalists!
2009-05-26 15:36:58 UTC
drill for oil right here in america we still sitting on lots oil that's in the ground we don't need to be depending on Saudis oil that way we can stop the blood bath our money going somewhere else
2009-05-27 11:43:39 UTC
barrels to store rain water so that you can water your plants and lawn without wasting water and money.
2009-05-27 05:00:27 UTC
put in Solar panels
Prof N
2009-05-27 04:03:05 UTC
get the new world
2009-05-27 01:34:45 UTC
make ur own garbage enzyme!!! it's really simple...and it helps reducing garbage as well as producing more ozone gas.
2009-05-26 19:54:22 UTC
Either cut back on, or stop using toilet paper in preference of WATER.
2009-05-26 14:23:54 UTC
my ideas is to recycle more, turn off the Tv when we are not in the room, walk more so we won't burn any or more fuel/gas.Turn off the water when we are not using it.
2009-05-27 00:02:40 UTC
Look in the real world.

Decode this lyrics " You light up my life"


"Atlantis calling SOS for love"

"Who will save the world"

At loss and blurred?

How do we communicate with the dead Mummy with empty skeleton of skull and bones with two empty eye sockets from the twilight zone in different time zone in time?

What is the solution?

Luke 21.30-36

Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

"You don't have to say you love me"

"Stand by me"

"I'll stand by you"

"In God we trust"

Luke 21.14-15

Luke 8.10,17

What do you think?
2009-05-27 07:42:28 UTC
I would recycle everything as far as possible.
Fudge Love
2009-05-26 20:46:51 UTC
plant a tree:)

&& you can recycle cans bottles news paper ect.

& youll even get money out of it :D
2009-05-26 17:26:38 UTC
Get rid of cows.
2009-05-26 15:25:47 UTC
"intelligence of the Yahoo! community "

Rotciv Mik
2009-05-26 17:13:44 UTC
Reduce things that are harmful to our environment: lights, water, gas, littering, etc.
2009-05-26 12:33:54 UTC
Recycle your kitchen scraps for fertilizer.

Start a community garden for the poor in your town. Use Guerella Gardening if you have to.

We should make a filter that goes OVER the muffler exhaust! of your car!!!

Vertical Farms! like parking garages but Grocery store owned!!

EVERY town should have mandatory recycling instead of land fills!
2009-05-26 16:05:50 UTC
Find people with sensible solutions to follow, not like wackos like Al Gore. People like him scare people and don't have accurate advice. Sorry to all you Dem's out there, but you know I'm right!
2009-05-26 12:52:39 UTC
weeell... now that you ask if it was possible i think society (myself included) should think of a way to be less pro global warming and maybe create things such as solar/lunar powered cars solar power for the day and lunar powered for the night.
2009-05-26 12:10:51 UTC
Honestly the best things people can do for the environment is to recycle, reuse, reduce, and backyard habitat has some great ideas on how to make your yard wildlife friendly. Solar panels in your house and insulating your house helps out as well as just opening windows to cool down your house rahter than running the ac. There are lots of ways to help the environment out yet few people do. THe biggest way i can think to improve our lives and help the planet is to dig up the landfills and go through all the stuff in them and recycle or reuse what we can and compost whatever we can then spread the compost out so we have better soil!
2009-05-27 01:56:49 UTC
reduce, reuse, recycle....very common...... almost anyone know this yet does not put into practice
The amazing H
2009-05-26 19:24:19 UTC
figuring out how to make air or water to run our homes
thank ful
2009-05-26 18:36:10 UTC
Make a compost pile.
Leroy S
2009-05-26 22:58:03 UTC
get rid of north korea and its leader
Annonymous J
2009-05-26 12:56:10 UTC
1) I turn off my computer at the en d of the day!

2) I recycle everything possible

3) I bring my own grocery bags

4) I walk to the grocery store when possible

5) I try to buy less pre-packaged items

6) I am a vegetarian!
Jeremy P
2009-05-26 20:06:42 UTC
Teach your kids about what is recycleable and not.
2009-05-26 18:12:43 UTC
grow a lot of hemp
2009-05-26 12:38:10 UTC
people keep saying we should use our cars less, but if public transport was ALOT more frequent and the buses/trams etc were cleaner and mroe presentable, just generally nicer to use, then i think more people would be persuaded to leave their cars behind. at the moment its just not convient or frequent enough. oh and its very expensive.
2009-05-26 11:51:09 UTC
Yardwork for Charity-

Instead of doing useless, though effort saturated things like running for cancer or hot-dog snarfing for AIDs go up to houses in your neigbourhood- or better yet a middle-class one where people have moeny to spend but not enough to hire professional yard takers and offer to perform menial duties like mowing lawns, weeding gardens, or painting fences in exchange for that person making an online donation (so they not giving money to total stranger). Even if they stiff you and lie, you have done a great thing for your community.

ADRA, Lutheran World Aid, and World Vision are among the best, each focusing on foreign development and relief amongst poorest with only 10% admin costs or less. Remember to do research on your charity before, focus on somethign wholesome with actual effects, not something that spends half its fundraisng on fundrasing.
2009-05-26 17:31:19 UTC
plant trees. (Plantings herbs helps also.
2009-05-26 12:37:08 UTC
When you take your kids to the park. Take a grocery sack and pick up the litter,cans,bottles,beer cans(yes at the play park). and drop them in the litter barrel,which is right in the park. It just makes people think twice about littering.

Also advice people NOT to throw their litter in the back of their pick-up trucks to blow all over our highways.
Brian L
2009-05-26 22:25:47 UTC
Start a holocaust
2009-05-26 18:22:27 UTC
a garden
2009-05-26 17:34:04 UTC
stop using materials that are none recyclable.
2016-02-16 10:25:14 UTC
Robin W
2009-05-26 13:25:31 UTC
Bat houses and birdhouses.
2009-05-27 07:26:19 UTC
it will make you self reliant
2009-05-26 20:57:08 UTC
2009-05-26 19:41:20 UTC
niKe jUnKy
2009-05-26 18:01:36 UTC
planting lots of trees!!!!!!!!!!!

its simply n its fun!!
at m
2009-05-27 01:05:10 UTC
Give up greed..
Tasha C
2009-05-26 21:54:17 UTC
Kill all the men...that should stop a lot of problems....
2009-05-26 15:55:26 UTC
pfft green is stupid. i could care less about the environment, and global warming doesn't exist. sue me.
2009-05-26 12:46:23 UTC
While I am certainly not an inventor, I would encourage those of you who are like me and lacking in the area of creativity to visit this web site for some AWESOME green ideas:

2009-05-26 12:32:53 UTC
Don't laugh at this as it is no joke. Harvest fart gas from people and maybe livestock also. Some apparatus could be designed to collect it. And, people could sell it and have a source of income wherever they are from. If compressed into a tank, the stuff could power vehicles much the way propane does on some heavy equipment and so on.

It's not that funny when you think about it.
2009-05-27 01:59:06 UTC
Hells yeah, fried chicken.
2009-05-26 21:02:06 UTC
paint your roof tops white! :)
2009-05-26 12:48:51 UTC
pee in the shower it will save a bunch of water
2009-05-26 11:41:14 UTC
Use solar panel electricity and grow your own food. Also walk around or ride your bike. If you have to drive, use eco friendly cars. When your out shopping check to see if the food is from your own country. The closer the better!
2009-05-26 12:50:01 UTC
Write letters and call congressmen to urge building 40 new nuclear power plants as soon as possible. Nuclear power is the only effective alternative to coal or gas fired power plants. They give off no harmful emissions and are very safe.
2009-05-26 12:36:03 UTC
*Taking your own bag when you go grocery shopping.

* Taking the bus to places not far away.

*unplugging the charger after charging cell phone.


* use diapers you can flush in toilet.
2009-05-26 12:33:45 UTC
This charcoal grill is extremely fuel efficient, versatile, durable, and folds flat. This is a true "pass down to your grandchildren" product that will keep dozens of low quality charcoal grills out of our landfills. I live in Florida and do most of my cooking outdoors on the Pyromid so that I don't make my house hot inside. I can make bacon, eggs, potatoes and hot biscuits for 2 with 9 charcoal briquettes. It also runs on sterno, pine cones, waste lumber, almost any camp stove, and just about any other flamnable or non flame heat source. The unique shape reflects heat to make it super efficient while the solid stainless steel construction ensures decade after decade of good food.
2009-05-26 11:21:43 UTC
Lets make this a beneficial program.

Take reusable bags and long handled grabbers and each person is given a block or street to patrol for trash. Not only will kids get outside and exercise, they will meet other like minded kids and beautify their own little piece of the world. Each day going just a bit further in cleaning up the environment.

On weekends have a get together to get rid of graffiti and help neighbors fix up yards for the elderly people and handicapped.

If they can make it a fun project, more people would be willing to join in and more will be accomplished.
2009-05-27 06:53:07 UTC


I have a plan...
2009-05-26 12:29:52 UTC
What if we made cars powered by magnets? They would have a protective barrier around the magnets, so things wouldn't stick, and then we used an insulator to stop the magnets from attracting, which would stop the car from rolling.
paul c
2009-05-26 11:56:46 UTC
Upgrade your appliances to energy star models. Refrigerators, air conditioners, televisions, everything has made great strides in energy efficiency in the last several years. Also look for government rebates, there are plenty of incentives out there to get you to upgrade. There are also calculators on the web which will show you how much money you will save with higher efficiency products and what the simple payback is.
2009-05-26 12:47:26 UTC
why not try to step backwards for couple of centuries.
2009-05-26 12:23:07 UTC
Outlaw Cars! (I'm not even kidding...)

For the past 5 or so years I have commuted, by car, about an hour each way to work. I decided to stop using my car, however. The car pollutes the environment with its noxious air and noise pollution. Instead, I have adopted a different method of transportation. Now, I take my bike. The bike takes about twice as long to get to work. So, instead of getting to work in an hour, I get there in two. I couldn't be happier. I'm in amazing shape. I don't pay car insurance. I'm in amazing shape. I don't pollute the environment at all. I'm in amazing shape. I don't have to worry about getting into accidents. Did I mention that I'm in amazing shape? If everyone just adopted a bike and got rid of their gasoline burning cars, the world would be a much better place. The United States wouldn't have to look far for alternative energy. You would only have to heat homes, and possibly run public transportation. The obesity in America would drop. Everything would be amazing!
2009-05-26 12:45:07 UTC
Have sex with trees. With the depleted rainforests, we need more.
Dominic H
2009-05-26 12:24:00 UTC
easy, if everyone toook a breath only when needed instead of breathing every second we eliminate carbon dioxide.or if you do breath constantly carry a plant and breath into may sound stupid but i think its awesome!!!!!!!

oh and eliminate cigarrets
2009-05-26 12:21:03 UTC
We build a giant prison where we keep our world's leaders so they can't screw up our lives anymore.
2009-05-26 11:41:34 UTC
i know people that like to plant trees, around parks and schools. you could do something like that.
HaK the Panda
2009-05-26 11:38:43 UTC
i think all the ideas listed above are great. i like stuff like having little gardens and stuff, and that' actually relatively inexpensive, and it looks super nice too. i think it's nice when like classes can hav little contests for recyling and stuff. i'm hoping to be a pre-k teacher, and i'm gonna have my kids work with that a lot. ^_^
2009-05-26 11:26:43 UTC
My idea is simple, recycle and pick up litter, use cars less. Use public transport (buses, trains etc) because they don't damage the enviromentally much. Basically, do things that are enviromentaly -friendly and reduce green house gases. Help your community, set up a green, enviroment event.
2009-05-26 14:06:21 UTC
2009-05-26 11:58:28 UTC
stop fluorescent bulb technology before the whole planet is inundated with mercury.
King of the LimeNinjas!
2009-05-26 11:48:42 UTC
Switch to a vegetarian diet.

The beef, poultry and fish industries are major polluters, major consumers of fossil fuels, and are tremendously inefficient. The amount of land used to grow corn to bring one cow to slaughter weight could feed 100 people for a year. The #1 cause of premature death in the U.S. is heart disease/arterial sclerosis brought on by a high-fat, meat and dairy based diet. This in turn creates huge health care costs, and puts unnecessary stress on everyone in society. We would also eliminate a major source of chemical contamination to our water supply, and the risk of illness from eating animal products that contain pathogens, parasites, or diseases. People would become healthier in general, reducing lost time from work and school.

Becoming a vegetarian is simple. Virtually everyone can do it with no risk to their health as long as they follow a balanced diet which includes a few vitamin supplements. The amount of money saved each year would be staggering. Freed up land could be used to grow food for the hungry people in the world. Overall health would improve, insurance costs would decrease, and people would live longer.

The biggest obstacles to this are peoples unwillingness to give up the "taste" of these foods, and entrenched beliefs that dairy, cheese, beef, pork, poultry and fish are "necessary" and "good for you." This is what the corporations and farmers tell you, for obvious reasons... their livelihoods are at stake. But in the end, they are shortening our lives, and spoiling our planet for their own financial gain. Not to mention the abuse inflicted upon the animals.

Once people stop eating the high fat, chemically treated products produced by these industries, their palates return to the unadulterated state, and natural foods like fruits, vegetables, breads, pastas, nuts, legumes, soups, and sauces take on a whole new life.

There is nothing glamorous about eating dead flesh.
Mr. Stabby the Monkeypimp
2009-05-26 11:47:28 UTC
I'd make a footprint out of solid carbon & sand a little bit off it every day. Thus reducing my carbon footprint..
2009-05-26 11:22:47 UTC
the only true way to be green is to end the human race, we are an evil invasive and destructive species
johN p. aka-Hey you.
2009-05-26 11:12:45 UTC
Easy, eliminate all the lawyers. And I'm dead serious about this.
2009-05-26 11:09:00 UTC
Cutting and watering our grass every week. Keep the yards and our parks clean.
2009-05-26 11:05:52 UTC
For one day... Everyone in the United States.. Just stop driving their cars.. in an attempt to end our dependence on foreign oil.. or would this even have an effect.. would this help reduce the green house effect?.. force people to walk or ride bikes to work or schools..
2009-05-26 09:51:43 UTC
you start recycling pick up any litter you see save any animals that are hurt, plant trees and plants save paper turn lights out, unplug things and if you can get a job at an environment helping place.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.