As you may be aware, the planet is suffering from various degenerative effects of many years of wanton abuse.
Currently, earth has a population of well over six billion people.
Trends point to adoption of the capitalist system by many.
Although we can argue that the capitalist system is the best system, many abuses spawn from capitalism.
What I feel is needed most is awareness by everyone of the importance of doing their part in correcting the run-away neglect we all can plainly see.
Coastal areas dying due to pesticide use.
Oceans being depleted of marine life due to careless dredging of aquatic life for human consumption.
Cancer springing from poisoning by corporations who haven't been fined enough by government.
I can go on and on, but the message is clear...more needs to be done...and soon.
I don't use trash bins because they are dirty and clutter our environment.
Rather, biodegradeable bags are better.
I don't hire pesticide companies for a greener lawn.
Rather, I use soysia grass...thereby saving the wasted expense of putting poisons into the environment and save on watering of the lawns.
I use electic appliances that are energy efficient and I use the new spiral light bulbs.
I recycle as much as possible, including water.
I don't use my automobile as much as I used to.
I use my lawnmower as little as possible.
I plan to use a burlap bag for shopping and hope they abandon all bags, paper included.
If every person did their part, and if corporations were fined SEVERELY ( I mean into the billions of dollars, not just millions), we may see planet earth come back again.
If all engines were shut down for a year, earth would recover.
Then again, capitalism would suffer.
The main question is whether capitalism has an answer for correcting all the missuses of our planet.
I sincerely hope so.