Clearly the government is NOT doing their job as far as US energy policy. If we cut back the US consumption of oil by about 50%, we could not only be almost 100% self sufficient in producing our own oil, the bottom would drop out of the price of oil world-wide. That alone would effectively defund most of the cash used by terrorists and provide a HUGE boost to the economies of almost every country in the world. Hello dot com days to the stock markets across the world. How would one get this to happen? By getting real with energy policy. For example:
1. Sure we can use "sticks", like extra taxes on fuel hog cars/trucks/etc, but with carrots too. Give the owner of any car (mostly hybrids) that gets better than 40 MPG (EPA rated) a $1,000 tax credit for every year the owner has current tags and insurance for that vehicle. So even if hybrids are $5k more, eventually if you keep it you will get paid back for the extra expense. If we added a nickel a gallon tax for the only purpose to fund these credits, this would be revenue neutral for the government for quite a few years.
2. Mandate new construction homes have a minimun of 2,000 watts of solar panels on the roof if the location is sunny enough to justify their use. It would only slightly raise the mortgage payment and would reduce the utility bills more than it increases the montly mortgage payment. Make similar requirements on new commercial construction. We are told that the infrastructure for our power distribution system is old and greatly in need of upgrading at many billions of dollars. Power users will ultimately pay for those upgrades (that's us). If we mandate more solar where appropriate, we can significanltly delay those upgrades as more and more of us will be making our own power and not require getting it from the power grid. This would also make power failures like California had less likely. Peak loads are always during the day when you just happen to get peak sunshine, right? I have a 2,000 watt system on my roof and my electric bills are about $20/month now.
3. Mandate efficency standards for all appliances sure, but don't forget the little stuff, such as the power adapters we use for a thousand different things. Digital switching power supplies use far less standby power than the old style ones and cost perhaps a dollar more, worth the cost. Insist anything people plug into the wall have as little standby useage as truly required. (Think DVDs, stereo, TV, computers, clocks, cordless phones, etc.) Just remember that for every kilowatt you use in your home, the power plant had to produce 3.3 kilowatts to get it to your house after taking transmission losses into account.
4. Build more nuclear power plants from the latest designs available and standardize them so construction costs are lower. Provide incentives for power companies to build them instead of being a roadblock to limit them from being added to our power grid.
5. Provide higher long term credits for power companies and home-owners and businesses to add solar (photovoltaic) and wind power to the power grids nationwide. More construction would include these things if they were sure that the owners would get a credit when construction is completed. Many projects take years to complete and who wants to risk that 1/2 way through the project congress cancels the credit? If more of these systems were purchased, the prices for them would drop due to higher (mass) production.
6. Mandate minimum levels of insullation on existing homes and provide assistance to low income to help them comply to the higher standards. Poor people would benefit a lot if their utility bills dropped by 50%, wouldn't they? Rich guys don't need to care how much they are paying as they have the cash to pay the bills for power and heating, but no-one should be allowed to be "too wastefull". I don't care if you think you need a 10,000 square foot home, but at least make it energy efficient of even self sufficient if possible.
This is just a start, but many different solutions make sense. There is no one magic bullit, but taken as a whole, many small improvements can get us there. Demand your goverment do more than it is doing now, which is little more than nothing. Write your representatives and suggest some things to them and if they don't take action, boot them out next election cycle.