Question: it effective.?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC it effective.?
134 answers:
2014-09-28 15:02:13 UTC
oncentrating lens, possibly combined with a heliostat are used to concentrate light at a point (the focus). At the focus there might be placed a high-concentration of photovoltaic cells (solar cells) or a thermal energy 'receiver', such as those used in Stirling Engines.

Line focus. A parabolic trough or a series of long narrow mirrors are used to concentrate light along a line. The SEGS systems in California are an example of this type of system.

Non-focusing systems include solar domestic hot water systems and most photovoltaic cells. These systems have the advantage that they can make use of diffuse solar radiation (which can not be focused). However, if high temperatures are required, this type of system is usually not suitable, because of the lower radiation intensity. Solar water heating is arguably the most practical and econ
michael g
2006-07-04 11:45:17 UTC
Well.....if you live in a sunny area you will get what these systems power! But if you are in a partially shaded area and do not want to cut down 80 year old trees, like me, it is not for you. Solar power will save you money if you do not have to spend money to get it started. My wife did an analysis, against my better judgment ) and found that it would take us about 12-15 years to eventually reap a financial benefit from this installation. This included taking out huge shade trees which is a very expensive process. One major plus is that many power companies will 'buy back' solar power from you. You can have the excess of what you use deducted from your bill, thus the 'sell it back' idea. But a properly situated, solar panel can run many household items and you would have to do your own cost benefit analysis to see if it would work for you.
Prabhakar G
2006-07-02 08:09:15 UTC
Solar energy is indeed effective. It is twice blest--it saves electric bills and also causes no pollution. Even if occasionally what with cloudy sky or rains,Sun is not available for exploitaton his overall availability is satisfactory. Wtth the developmen of solar storage batteries the position has further improved. True, the installation is quite costly but over a period the savings on electric bills would nertralise it. With more research it may be possible to bring down the installation cost to a reasonable proportion.The solar batteries at present are rather unwieldy. However, by and by they will be available in handy sizes and could be used in cars or even planes .
2006-07-02 01:44:02 UTC
Getting smaller solar devices around the house may not be particularly cost efficient. However, the overall benefits of solar power, IF we implemented it on a large scale cannot be argued. If you put enough solar panels up on your roof to run your household, you're going to pay 20 or 30 times more for the installation than you would for the utility bills you would otherwise pay. On the other hand, if a city or a state went to the panel manufacturer and told them to build enough for every building in that city or state and give us an 80% bulk discount because we just increased your production 10,000%+ at that point it would become affordable.


iPowerGRFX: Tampa Website Designers
Nicholais S
2006-07-05 13:33:39 UTC
Hmm. Its effective ,but not as effective as gas.
michael s
2006-07-04 11:47:09 UTC
Without a doubt!!!! About ten years ago I had a system of five solar panels, twelve batteries, and the necessary gauges, testers, inverters, etc. Living on a very small income, I built my system up over time, and used it for around five years until I had to move for work related reasons. Overall, I estimated that my cost was approximately $50 a month and decreasing over time. I also spent about an hour a day on my system. By the way, my estimation of cost includes purchase and set-up as well as maintenance.

With this system I was able to run a pump for my well, lights, TV, radio, and small appliances. (I did not have a computer at that time or I would have ran it too). Solar power only starts becoming expensive when you run large draw items like stoves, refrigerators, dryers, and electric heat. Even then, however, when you figure the rising cost of grid electricity solar power is still cheaper over the long run. The ONLY drawback is that you actually have to tend to your system rather than just pay your bill.

Oh, one other thing, after your system is installed you don't have to worry as much about power outages or disconnection notices.
2006-07-02 10:02:06 UTC
Sure it is. You save hundreds every year on electric bills, and also purchasing solar products has tax benefits.
2006-07-01 17:23:28 UTC
Solar power as of 2006 is ineffectual. You would need 75 high output solar collection panels along with a conversion generator and high capacity equipment installed in your basement. The time of year and position of the sun have no meaning to the soloar collection process. You would need to spend about 55k to produce enough power to run your house for a year or so half on solar power. Try back in 2020
2006-07-01 12:32:07 UTC
yes it is Im Very good with arcitecture and useing solar power in the household can providide at the moment 20% of the house's energy. also when used in combination with wind power can save 100s of dollars a year and provide 30% of the house's energy.
2006-07-01 10:10:44 UTC
The term solar power is a description term for methods of harnessing energy from the light of the Sun. It has been present in many traditional building methods for centuries, but has been increasing interest in developed countries as the environmental costs and limited supply of other power sources such as fossil fuels are realized. Solar power is currently being used in remote locations and in space since other power supplies are absent.

Contents [hide]

1 Energy from the Sun

2 Classification

2.1 Method of energy transformation

2.2 Complexity of mechanism

2.3 Focus type

3 Advantages and disadvantages of Solar power

3.1 Advantages

3.2 Disadvantages

4 Types of technologies

4.1 Solar design in architecture

4.2 Solar heating systems

4.3 Photovoltaic cells

4.3.1 Concentrating Photovoltaic (CPV) systems

4.4 Solar thermal electric power plants

4.4.1 Solar updraft tower

4.4.2 Energy Tower

4.4.3 Solar pond

4.5 Solar chemical

4.6 Phytochemical energy storage (Biofuels)

4.7 Solar cooking

4.8 Solar lighting

5 Energy storage

6 Deployment of solar power to energy grids

6.1 Africa

6.2 Australia

6.3 Asia

6.4 Europe

6.5 North America

7 Deployment of Solar power in transport

8 World solar power production

8.1 Large PV power plants

9 See also

10 References

11 External links


Energy from the Sun

Global solar energy resources. The colors in the map show the local solar energy, averaged through the years of 1991-1993. The scale is in watts per square meter.

The land area required to supply the current global primary energy demand by solar energy using available technology is represented by the dark disks.The rate at which solar radiation reaches a unit of area in space in the region of the Earth's orbit is 1,366 W/m², as measured upon a surface normal (at a right angle) to the Sun. This number is referred to as the solar constant.[1] Of the energy received, roughly 19% is absorbed by the atmosphere, while clouds on average reflect a further 35% of the total energy. The generally accepted standard is for peak power of about 1,000 W/m² at sea level. [2] The average power, which is an important quantity when one is considering using solar power, is lower. The image on the right shows the average solar power available on the surface in W/m² after absorption in the atmosphere and reflection by clouds, calculated from satellite cloud data averaged over three years from 1991 to 1993 (24 hours a day). For example, in North America the average power of the solar radiation lies somewhere between 125 and 375 W/m², between 3 and 9 kWh/m²/day. [3]

It should be noted that this is the maximum available power, and not the power delivered by solar power technology. For example photovoltaic panels currently have an efficiency of ca. 15% and, hence, a solar panel delivers 19 to 56 W/m² or 0.45-1.35 kWh/m²/day (annual day and night average). The dark disks in the image on the right are an example for the land areas that, if covered with solar panels, would produce slightly more energy in the form of electricity than the total primary energy supply in 2003. [4] That is, solar cells with an assumed 8% efficiency installed in these areas would deliver a bit more energy in the form of electricity than what is currently available from oil, gas, hydropower, nuclear power, etc. combined.

It should also be noted that a recent concern is that of Global dimming, an effect of pollution that is allowing less and less sunlight to reach the Earth's surface. It is intricately linked with pollution particles and Global warming, and is mostly of concern for issues of Global climate change, but is also of concern to proponents of Solar Power due to the existing and potential future decreases in available Solar Energy. The order of magnitude is about 10% less solar energy available at sea level, mostly due to more intense cloud reflections back into outer space. That is, the clouds are whiter, brighter, because the pollution dust serves as vapor-liquid phase change initiation site and generates clouds where otherwise there would be a moisture filled but otherwise clear sky.

After passing through the Earth's atmosphere, most of the sun's energy is in the form of visible and Infrared radiations. Plants use solar energy to create chemical energy through photosynthesis. Humans regularly use this energy burning wood or fossil fuels, or when simply eating the plants.



A wide range of power technologies exist which can make use of the solar energy reaching Earth. These can be classified in a number of different ways.


Method of energy transformation

Solar energy can be transformed for use elsewhere or utilised directly.

A photovoltaic cell produces electricity directly from solar energy

Hydroelectric power stations produce indirect solar power. The Itaipu Dam, Brazil / ParaguayDirect solar power involves only one transformation into a usable form. For example:

Sunlight hits a photovoltaic cell (also called a photoelectric cell) creating electricity.

Sunlight hits the dark absorber surface of a solar thermal collector and the surface warms. The heat energy may be carried away by a fluid circuit.

Sunlight strikes a solar sail on a space craft and is converted directly into a force on the sail which causes motion of the craft.

Sunlight strikes a light mill and causes the vanes to rotate, although little practical application has yet been found for this effect.

Sunlight is focused on an externally mounted reflective channel which conducts sunlight into building interiors to supplement lighting.

Indirect solar power involves more than one transformation to reach a usable form. Many other types of power generation are indirectly solar-powered. Some of these are so indirect that they are often excluded from discussion of solar power:

Vegetation uses photosynthesis to convert solar energy to chemical energy, which can later be burned as fuel to generate electricity (see biofuel). Methane (natural gas) and hydrogen may be derived from the biofuel.

Hydroelectric dams and wind turbines are powered by solar energy through its interaction with the Earth's atmosphere and the resulting weather phenomena.

Ocean thermal energy production uses the thermal gradients that are present across ocean depths to generate power. These temperature differences are ultimately due to the energy of the sun.

Energy obtained from oil, coal, and peat originated as solar energy captured by vegetation in the remote geological past and fossilised. Hence the term Fossil fuel. The great time delay between the input of the solar energy and its recovery means these are not practically renewable and therefore not normally classified as solar power.


Complexity of mechanism

Solar power can also be classified as passive or active:

Passive solar systems are systems that do not involve the input of any other forms of energy apart from the incoming sunlight, although (in the case of solar heat through windows) there may be draperies or panels used to reduce nighttime heat losses and thermostatically or manually operated vents (but not fans) to prevent overheating. Passive solar water heaters, for instance, use a thermosiphon and have no pumps. The thermosiphon only operates when hot, to reduce nighttime heat loss. Other space heating systems use a thermal diode to similar effect. Passive solar water distillers may rely upon capillary action to pump water.

Active solar systems use additional mechanisms such as circulation pumps, air blowers or tracking systems which aim collectors at the sun. These mechanisms are typically powered by electricity and may have additional electronic or computerized automatic controls.


Focus type

Point focus parabolic dish with Stirling System at Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA) in SpainEffective use of solar radiation often requires the radiation (light) to be focused to give a higher intensity beam. Consequently, another scheme for classifying solar power systems is:

Point focus. A parabolic dish or concentrating lens, possibly combined with a heliostat are used to concentrate light at a point (the focus). At the focus there might be placed a high-concentration of photovoltaic cells (solar cells) or a thermal energy 'receiver', such as those used in Stirling Engines.

Line focus. A parabolic trough or a series of long narrow mirrors are used to concentrate light along a line. The SEGS systems in California are an example of this type of system.

Non-focusing systems include solar domestic hot water systems and most photovoltaic cells. These systems have the advantage that they can make use of diffuse solar radiation (which can not be focused). However, if high temperatures are required, this type of system is usually not suitable, because of the lower radiation intensity. Solar water heating is arguably the most practical and economical way to harness "non-focused" solar energy


Advantages and disadvantages of Solar power



Solar power is relatively pollution free, although the impact of environmental pollution during manufacture and construction should not be neglected.

Facilities can operate with little maintenance or intervention after initial setup.

Solar power is becoming more and more economical as costs associated with production decreases, the technology becomes more effective in energy conversion, and the costs of other energy source alternatives increase.

Solar power can be viewed as a local resource because of regional climatic variances.

Some countries, regions, etc (such as island communities, desolate regions and ocean-going vessels) are harvesting solar power as a viable energy resource due in part to comparative costs associated with purchasing energy from other sources.

When grid connected, solar electric generation can displace the highest cost electricity during times of peak demand (in many climatic regions), can reduce grid loading, and can eliminate the need for local battery power for use in times of darkness and high local demand; such application is encouraged by net metering). Time-of-use net metering can be highly favorable to small photovoltaic systems.



Solar power at the Earth's surface has a number of disadvantages which must be addressed as engineering problems before it can become an effective source of energy supply:

It is only practical in certain areas with a favorable climate and latitude. That is, areas near the tropics and which are relatively cloud free. Note that some solar applications, such as solar water heating, work well using non-focused technology and indirect sunlight.

The best placed locations for solar power arrays tend to be remote from the places of highest energy demand (logically, because much energy demand is used for space heating in cold northerly climates, where solar insolation is lower)

It is not available at night and is reduced when there is cloud cover, decreasing the reliability of peak output performance.

It must be converted into some other form of energy to be stored for times when conditions are prohibitive or to drive transport.

Solar cell technologies produce DC power which must be converted to the AC power when used in distribution grids. ie. There is an energy cost which reduces the real energy output of the solar panels

For power grids to stay functional at all times, backup powerplants must be kept 'hot', to replace solar power stations as they stop producing. There is an energy cost to keep plants 'hot', which includes (in the case of coal plants) the burning of coal. Unfortunately, if the country is not willing to accept brownouts, the carbon footprint of any large scale solar project will have to accept the 'hot' non-producing power plants carbon emissions as their own. The continued advances in the ability to store electricity will greatly impact the successful implementation of a large scale solar power station being, carbon footprint free.


Types of technologies

Most solar energy used today is harnessed as heat or electricity.


Solar design in architecture

Main articles: Passive solar and Active solar

Solar design can be used to achieve comfortable temperature and light levels with little or no additional energy. This can be through passive solar, where maximising the entrance of sunlight in cold conditions and reducing it in hot weather; and active solar, using additional devices such as pumps and fans to direct warm and cool air or fluid.


Solar heating systems

Main article: Solar hot water

Solar hot water systems are generally composed of solar thermal collectors, a fluid system to move the heat from the collector to its point of usage, and a reservoir to stock the heat for subsequent use. The systems may be used to heat domestic hot water or a swimming pool, or to provide heat for a heating circuit. The heat can also be used for industrial applications or as an energy input for other uses such as cooling equipment.


Photovoltaic cells

Main article: Solar cell

The solar panels (photovoltaic arrays) on this small yacht at sea can charge the 12 V batteries at up to 9 Amps in full, direct sunlightSolar cells, also referred to as photovoltaic cells, are devices or banks of devices that use the photovoltaic effect of semiconductors to generate electricity directly from sunlight. Until recently, their use has been limited due to high manufacturing costs. One cost effective use has been in very low-power devices such as calculators with LCDs. Another use has been in remote applications such as roadside emergency telephones, remote sensing, cathodic protection of pipe lines, and limited "off grid" home power applications. A third use has been in powering orbiting satellites and other spacecraft.

However, the continual decline of manufacturing costs (dropping at 3 to 5% a year in recent years) is expanding the range of cost-effective uses. The average lowest retail cost of a large solar panel declined from $7.50 to $4 per watt between 1990 and 2005. With many jurisdictions now giving tax and rebate incentives, solar electric power can now pay for itself in five to ten years in many places. "Grid-connected" systems - that is, systems with no battery that connect to the utility grid through a special inverter - now make up the largest part of the market. In 2004 the worldwide production of solar cells increased by 60%. 2005 is expected to see large growth again, but shortages of refined silicon have been hampering production worldwide since late 2004.


Concentrating Photovoltaic (CPV) systems

Despite major progress made over the last decade the use of solar panels remains relatively expensive compared to conventional electricity generation. One promising way to reduce cost even further is by using concentrating photovoltaic systems.[5][6][7] The idea is to concentrate sunlight by lenses or mirrors onto a small panel of high-efficiency solar cells. That way expensive solar panels are replaced by cheap plastic or glass, thus dramatically reducing the cost per watt. In addition, the amount of solar energy harvested per m² is increased, thus reducing the area needed for generating solar power.

High-efficiency cells have been developed for special applications such as satellites and space exploration which require high-performance. GaAs multijunction devices are the most efficient solar cells to date, reaching as high as 39% efficiency[8]. They are also some of the most expensive cells per unit area (up to US$40/cm2).

In Concentrating Photovoltaic systems solar energy is concentrated several hundred times, which increases the solar energy conversion efficiency and reduces the semiconductor area needed per watt of power output. This may be beneficial as an application for multi-junction solar cells, as the high costs and technical challenges of generating large area multi-junction photovoltaics are prohibitive relative to current silicon PV technologies.

Since concentrating photovoltaics requires solar tracking the approach is most suited for large utility scale applications.[9] Different approaches are being evaluated for that purpose,[10] in particular Fresnel lenses,[11] parabolic trough concentration systems,[12][13] and solar dishes.[14]


Solar thermal electric power plants

Solar Two, a concentrating solar power plant (an example of solar thermal energy).Main article: Solar thermal energy

Solar thermal energy can be used to heat a fluid to high temperatures and use it to produce electric power.


Solar updraft tower

Main article: Solar updraft tower

A Solar updraft tower is a relatively low tech solar thermal power plant where air passes under a very large agricultural glass house (between 2 and 30 km in diameter), is heated by the sun and channeled upwards towards a convection tower. It then rises naturally and is used to drive turbines, which generate electricity.


Energy Tower

An Energy tower is an alternative proposal for the Solar updraft tower. The "Energy Tower" is driven by spraying water at the top of the tower; evaporation of water causes a downdraft by cooling the air thereby increasing its density, driving windturbines at the bottom of the tower. It requires a hot arid climate and large quantities of water (seawater may be used for this purpose) but it does not require the large glass house of the Solar updraft tower.


Solar pond

A solar pond is a relatively low-tech, low cost approach to harvesting solar energy. The principle is to fill a pond with 3 layers of water:

A top layer with a low salt content

An intermediate insulating layer with a salt gradient, which sets up a density gradient that prevents heat exchange by natural convection in the water.

A bottom layer has with a high salt content which reaches a temperature approaching 90 degrees Celsius.

The different densities in the layers due to their salt content prevent convection currents developing which would normally transfer the heat to the surface and then to the air above. The heat trapped in the salty bottom layer can be used for different purposes, such as heating of buildings, industrial processes, or generating electricity.


Solar chemical

Solar chemical refers to a number of possible processes that harness solar energy by absorbing sunlight in a chemical reaction in a way similar to photosynthesis in plants but without using living organisms. No practical process has yet emerged.

A promising approach is to use focused sunlight to provide the energy needed to split water into its constituent hydrogen and oxygen in the presence of a metallic catalyst such as zinc.[15][16][17]

While metals, such as zinc, have been shown to drive photoelectrolysis of water, more intensive research has focused on semiconductors. Most research has examined tranisition metal compounds, in particular titania, titanates, niobates, tantalates, and many more. Unfortunately, these materials exhibit very low efficiencies, because they require ultraviolet light to drive the photoelectrolysis of water. Current materials also require an electrical voltage bias for the hydrogen and oxygen gas to evolve from the surface, another disadvantage. Current research is focusing on the developement of materials capable of the same water splitting reaction using lower energy visible light.

It is also possible to use solar energy to drive industrial chemical processes without a requirement for fossil fuel.


Phytochemical energy storage (Biofuels)

See Biofuels and Biodiesel The oil in plant seeds, in chemical terms, very closely resembles that of petroleum. Many, since the invention of the Diesel engine, have been using this form of captured solar energy as a fuel comparable to petrodiesel - for functional use in any diesel engine or generator and known as Biodiesel. A 1998 joint study by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) traced many of the various costs involved in the production of biodiesel and found that overall, it yields 3.2 units of fuel product energy for every unit of fossil fuel energy consumed. [18] Other Biofuels include ethanol, wood for stoves, ovens and furnaces, and methane gas produced from biofuels through chemical processes.


Solar cooking

Main article: Solar cooker

A solar box cooker traps the Sun's power in an insulated box; these have been successfully used for cooking, pasteurization and fruit canning. Solar cooking is helping many developing countries, both reducing the demands for local firewood and maintaining a cleaner environment for the cooks. The first known western solar oven is attributed to Horace de Saussure.


Solar lighting

The interior of a building can be lit during daylight hours using fiber optic light pipes connected to a parabolic collector mounted on the roof. The manufacturer claims this gives a more natural interior light and can be used to reduce the energy demands of electric lighting. [19]


Energy storage

Main article: Grid energy storage

For a stand-alone system, some means must be employed to store the collected energy for use during hours of darkness or cloud cover. The following list includes both mature and immature techniques:

Electrochemically in batteries

Cryogenic liquid air or nitrogen

Compressed air in a cylinder

Flywheel energy storage

Hydrogen produced by electrolysis of water and then available for pollution free combustion

Hydraulic accumulator

Pumped-storage hydroelectricity

Molten salt[20]

Superconducting magnetic energy storages

Storage always has an extra stage of energy conversion, with consequent energy losses, greatly increasing capital costs. One way around this is to export excess power to the power grid, drawing it back when needed. This appears to use the power grid as a battery but in fact is relying on conventional energy production through the grid during the night. However, since the grid always has a positive outflow, the result is exactly the same.

Electric power costs are highly dependant on the consumption per time of day, since plants must be built for peak power (not average power). Expensive gas-fired "peaking generators" must be used when base capacity is insufficient. Fortunately for solar, solar capacity parallels energy demand -since much of the electricity is for removing heat produced by too much solar energy (air conditioners)! This is less true in the winter. Wind power complements solar power since it can produce energy when there is no sunlight.


Deployment of solar power to energy grids

Deployment of solar power depends largely upon local conditions and requirements. But as all industrialised nations share a need for electricity, it is clear that solar power will increasingly be used to supply a cheap, reliable electricity supply.

Several experimental photovoltaic (PV) power plants of 300 to 600 kW capacity are connected to electricity grids in Europe and the U.S. Other major research is investigating economic ways to store the energy which is collected from the sun's rays during the day.



Africa is home to the over 9 million km² Sahara desert, whose overall capacity — assuming 50 MW/km² day/night/cloud average with 15% efficient photovoltaic panels — is over 450 TW, or over 4,000,000 terawatt-hours per year. The current global energy consumption by humans, including all oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear, and hydroelectric, is pegged at about 13 TW.



The largest solar power station in Australia is the 400kWp array at Singleton, New South Wales. Other significant solar arrays include the 220 kWp array on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Lands in South Australia, the 200kWp array at Queen Victoria Market in Melbourne and the 160kWp array at Kogerah Town Square in Sydney. Numerous smaller arrays have been established, mainly in remote areas where solar power is cost-competitive with diesel power.[21]



As of 2004, Japan had 1200 MWe installed. Japan currently consumes about half of worldwide production of solar modules, mostly for grid connected residential applications.

In terms of overall installed PV capacity, India comes fourth after Japan, Germany, and the United States (Indian Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources 2002). Government support and subsidies have been major influences in its progress.[22] India's very long-term solar potential may be unparalleled in the world because it is one of the few places with an ideal combination of both high solar power reception and a large consumer base in the same place. India's theoretical solar potential is about 5000 TW·h per year (i.e. 600 GW), far more than its current total consumption.

In 2005, the Israeli government announced an international contract for building a 100 MW solar power plant to supply the electricity needs of more than 200,000 Israelis living in southern Israel. The plan may eventually allow the creation of a gigantic 500 MW power plant, making Israel a leader in solar power production.[23]



The 10 megawatt Bavaria Solarpark in Germany is the world's largest solar electric system, covering 25 hectares (62 acres) with 57,600 photovoltaic panels. [24]

A large solar PV plant is planned for the island of Crete. Research continues into ways to make the actual solar collecting cells less expensive and more efficient.

The scientific solar furnace at Odeillo, French CerdagneA large parabolic reflector solar furnace is located in the Pyrenees at Odeillo, France. It is used for various research purposes.[25] Another site is the Loser in Austria.

The Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA) in Spain, part of the Center for Energy, Environment and Technological Research (CIEMAT), is the largest center for research, development, and testing of concentrating solar technologies in Europe.[26]

In the United Kingdom, the tallest building in Manchester, the CIS Tower, was clad in photovoltaic panels at a cost of £5.5 million and started feeding electricity to the national grid on November 2005.[27]

On April 27, 2006, GE Energy Financial Services, PowerLight Corporation and Catavento Lda announced that they will build the world’s largest solar photovoltaic power project. The 11-megawatt solar power plant, comprising 52,000 photovoltaic modules, will be built at a single site in Serpa, Portugal, 200 kilometers (124 miles) southeast of Lisbon in one of Europe’s sunniest areas. [28]


North America

A laundromat in California supplements water heating with solar panels on the roof.In some areas of the United States, solar electric systems are already competitive with utility systems. As of 2005, there is a list of technical conditions that factor into the economic feasibility of going solar: the amount of sunlight that the area receives; the purchase cost of the system; the ability of the system owner to sell power back to the electric grid; and most important, the competing power prices from the local utility. For example, a photovoltaic system installed in Boston, Massachusetts, produces 25% less electricity than it would in Albuquerque, New Mexico, but yields roughly the same savings on utility bills since electricity costs more in Boston.

In addition to these considerations, many states and regions offer substantial incentives to improve the economics for potential consumers. Congress recently adopted the first federal tax breaks for residential solar since 1985 -- temporary credits available for systems installed in 2006 or 2007. Homeowners can claim one federal credit of up to $2,000 to cover 30% of a photovoltaic system's cost and another 30% credit of up to $2,000 for a solar thermal system. Fifteen states also offer tax breaks for solar, and two dozen states offer direct consumer rebates.[29]

Solar One is a pilot solar-thermal project in the Mojave Desert near Barstow, California. It uses heliostats, and molten salts storage technology, to achieve longer periods of power generation.

Solar Two, also near Barstow, has now built and elaborated on the success of Solar One. It was an R&D project in Barstow, California, financed by the US federal Department of Energy. Solar Two used liquid salts as a storage medium in order to continue to provide energy for much of the time when sunlight is not available. Its success has lead to the larger Solar Tres project in Spain.

On August 11, 2005, Southern California Edison announced an agreement to purchase solar powered Stirling engines from Stirling Energy Systems over a twenty year period and in quantities (20,000 units) sufficient to generate 500 megawatts of electricity.[30] These systems — to be installed on a 4,500 acre (18 km²) solar farm — will use mirrors to direct and concentrate sunlight onto the engines which will drive generators. Less than a month later, Stirling Energy Systems announced another agreement with San Diego Gas & Electric to provide between 300 and 900 megawatts of electricity.[31]

The world's largest solar power plant is located in the Mojave Desert. Solel[32], an Israeli company, operates the plant, which consists of 1000 acres (4 km²) of solar reflectors. This plant produces 90% of the world's commercially produced solar power.

On January 12, 2006, the California Public Utilities Commission approved the California Solar Incentive Program[33], a comprehensive $2.8 billion program that provides incentives toward solar development over 11 years.


Deployment of Solar power in transport

Development of a practical solar powered car has been an engineering goal for twenty years. The center of this development is the World Solar Challenge, a biannual solar powered car race over 3021 km through central Australia from Darwin to Adelaide. The race's stated objective is to promote research into solar-powered cars. Teams from universities and enterprises participate. In 1987 when it was founded the winner's average speed was 67 km/h. By the 2005 race this had increased to a record average speed of 103 km/h.


World solar power production

Total peak power of installed solar panels is around 5,300 MW as of the end of 2005. (IEA statistics appear to be underreported: they report 2,600 MW as of 2004, which with 1,700 installed in 2005 would be a cumulative total of 4,300 for 2005). These figures include only photovoltaic generated power and not that produced by other solar means. Inclusion of the U.S.'s solar reflector plants would double its total, putting it at the level of the second place country on the list.

Installed PV Power as of the end of 2004 [34] Country PV Capacity

Cumulative Installed in 2004

Off-grid PV [KW] Grid-connected [KW] Total [KW] Total [KW] Grid-tied [KW]

Japan 84,245 1,047,746 1,131,991 272,368 267,016

Germany 26,000 768,000 794,000 363,000 360,000

United States 189,600 175,600 365,200 90,000 62,000

Australia 48,640 6,760 52,300 6,670 780

Netherlands 4,769 44,310 49,079 3,162 3,071

Spain 14,000 23,000 37,000 10,000 8,460

Italy 12,000 18,700 30,700 4,700 4,400

France 18,300 8,000 26,300 5,228 4,183

Switzerland 3,100 20,000 23,100 2,100 2,000

Austria 2,687 16,493 19,180 2,347 1,833

Mexico 18,172 10 18,182 1,041 0

Canada 13,372 512 13,884 2,054 107

Korea 5,359 4,533 9,892 3,454 3,106

United Kingdom 776 7,386 8,164 2,261 2,197

Norway 6,813 75 6,888 273 0


Large PV power plants

This list shows the largest photovoltaic plants in the world. For comparison, the largest solar plant, the solar reflector-based SEGS in California produces 350 MW and the largest nuclear power plants generate more than 1,000 MW.

World's largest PV power plants [35] DC Peak Power Location Description MW·h/year

11 MW* Serpa, Portugal 52,000 solar modules Press Release

6.3 MW Mühlhausen, Germany 57,600 solar modules 6,750 MW·h

5 MW Bürstadt, Germany 30,000 BP solar modules 4,200 MW·h

5 MW Espenhain, Germany 33,500 Shell solar modules 5,000 MW·h

4.59 MW Springerville, AZ, USA 34,980 BP solar modules 7,750 MW·h

4 MW Geiseltalsee, Merseburg, Germany 25,000 BP solar modules 3,400 MW·h

4 MW Gottelborn, Germany 50,000 solar modules (when completed) 8,200 MW·h (when completed)

4 MW Hemau, Germany 32,740 solar modules 3,900 MW·h

3.9 MW Rancho Seco, CA, USA n.a. n.a.

3.3 MW Dingolfing, Germany Solara, Sharp and Kyocera solar modules 3,050 MW·h

3.3 MW Serre, Italy 60,000 solar modules n.a.
2016-12-24 03:03:34 UTC
2006-07-01 16:16:17 UTC
Yes , however the initial cost may be high but it more than pays for itself in the long run. It will actually be free at one point when you have paid the installation off. The only costs you will have after you pay off the system is a small maintenance cost. Be sure you thourghly check out the system you purchase and the installation contractor. A poorly installed or underpowered system will cause you to wish you never got into solar home products. In some cases there are even tax write offs you can receive. Plan for the future and get a system that is 30% over your current needs. Your storage will be better and you can add appliances at a later date without rebuilding the system. Contractor should be a certified electrician who has worked with solar powered systems and kept up to date with training in the field. Check with other solar users before you install. Don't believe the power company hype that they are cheaper,remember if we all are solar powered their existance ( power companies) and product would be decreased. There goes their profits and their stock holders money. Utility companies are ripping off the consumers now and energy will be a rarer commodity in the future, leading to higher prices and the possibility of rolling blackouts and even daily periods of no power. When the carbon based fuels get harder to find and more expensive to supply the utility companies the prices will be astronomical. You should have a backup connection to a utility for periods when your system is down for maintenance. Remember you only pay for the killowatts you actually use( and the ridiculous taxes on energy) see that your provider does not bill you for power you don't use by having your electrician install your own meter in your basement beside your solar power meter and storage level meter and compare your usage to the bill you get for utility usage. You can power your entire living space. Heat, Air Conditioning,Appliances and Lighting with power to spare with a properly installed and properly maintained system.We have a five bedroom house with all the extras and have power to spare.We also installed a wind powered system 5 years so if solar is down for maintenance or a problem we still have power.Very rarely do we need to use utility company power and the best part is the utility must purchase our excess power when the wind mill is on.
2006-07-02 21:52:29 UTC
Solar is extremely effective, particularly in the southwest where you have much sunlight. The problem is that the prices are marked up so high that few can afford it. On an individual level, it is not really cost effective yet, with the exception of calculators and landscaping lights. However, if there were serious incentives to develop and use solar technology at home and in commercial settings, we could have a very viable endless source of energy. It would be a wonderful relief for our environment because using solar energy does not produce harmful fumes, emissions or gasses.
2006-07-02 09:11:20 UTC
we have solar panels in our house, which seem to do a pretty good job. We have almost no energy bill. Solar panels are expensive to install and buy, but they do raise the price on your house and make your energy bill almost nonexistent. However in the future solar technology will be improved and will become cheaper. I read that scientists already have a prototype of a solar cell so tiny it's practically invisible. These solar cells when combined are something like paint, so they can replace the large solar panels, and also are much cheaper.
Farmer Andy
2006-06-30 16:19:03 UTC
Solar technology is a pretty good alternative source of energy, but for now it is cost prohibitive. Purchase and installation of solar systems is extremely expensive and there are many mechanicalm moving parts within the system which need maintenance. Cost benefits of solar energy take more than 10 years to actualize, whereas with current technology most systems require maintenance every 7 years.
2016-12-20 20:36:09 UTC
Lisbon is Europe's second-oldest capital and after home to the world's best explorers like Vasco da Gama, Magellan and Prince Henry the Navigator, becoming the initial true earth city, the capital of an empire spreading overall continents, from South America (Brazil) to Asia (Macao, China; Goa, India) and know you can invest a few day to understand that historical town, with hotelbye is wherever you must start. The most acknowledged of Lisbon's important attractions may be the St. George's Castle. This fortress instructions a fantastic place near Alfama on the top of a mountain overlooking the Portuguese capital. That is among Lisbon's most popular tourist destinations. Its extraordinary battlements, participating museum, and intriguing archaeological site mix to help make the castle a rewarding experience for all the family, and children particularly will like clambering within the tough surfaces and systems that encircle the grounds.
2014-06-15 10:10:58 UTC
It should also be noted that a recent concern is that of Global dimming, an effect of pollution that is allowing less and less sunlight to reach the Earth's surface. It is intricately linked with pollution particles and Global warming, and is mostly of concern for issues of Global climate change, but is also of concern to proponents of Solar Power due to the existing and potential future decreases in available Solar Energy. The order of magnitude is about 10% less solar energy available at sea level, mostly due to more intense cloud reflections back into outer space. That is, the clouds are whiter, brighter, because the pollution dust serves as vapor-liquid phase change initiation site and generates clouds where otherwise there would be a moisture filled but otherwise clear sky.
2006-07-02 16:21:37 UTC
There are useful, but limited applications on earth, such as solar powered fans for hats to keep you cool when the Sun's out. It has no large scale practicality here, because the atmosphere filters out most of the Sun's radiation (thank goodness). In space, however, solar power is extremely practical, because the sun is almost always available, unless you're hiding behind a planet. The sunlight in space is unfiltered, constant and raw. Did you know the Sun sheds four billion *tons* of light every day? That's a lot of power.
Max J
2006-07-02 14:20:00 UTC
For some purposes yes. Farmers where I'm from have been using solar power systems for small uses such as electric fences, irrigation systems, and power for out building for years. In some cases, its cheaper from the start simply due to set up cost associated with miles and miles of power lines for a low power application. Conversion of a home to solar power depends on the home, but from what I've seen, often times over time solar systems pay for themselves if they're fully sustaining because often times when you're not home and all the lights are off, electrical power gets sold to the power company, so you're actually making money when you're not home. It all depends on the setup cost and system output. Regardless of cost, it's better for the environment.
2006-07-02 00:26:04 UTC
Well to keep it simple, I bought a solar oven with reflectors and cooked a 2 pound meatloaf in it in bout and hour and a half. Now considering their was nothing but free (sun) energy and no gas or electric used, I guess you would call that effective. Their are many variables to consider when pondering going solar for heating , cooking, etc. Just make sure it will actually work and be cost efficient in the long run.
2006-07-01 13:21:28 UTC
As it is: according to a report on the news not too long ago, putting a solar shield in the foor of your house will signifantly reduce your electricity bill. However, solar does not work by itself yet. The average cost of the added solar in a house is 8000 dollars, but it will pay itself in no time flat---according to that news report, your electricity will go down up to 75%, which can really add up. So yes, I think adding solar is very beneficiary.
2006-07-03 19:32:59 UTC
I truly belive in solar power because I stronly feel that America is addicted to oil and electricity. Solar power will not only save on energy costs, but it will stop us from poluting and destroying the o-zone and other forms of nature. Why not use a totally natural, totally free resource like solar power? I don't know about you but when I get my electric bill every month I am totally disgusted at the amount.
Fairy Girl
2006-07-03 08:16:14 UTC
In my community many people use solar power as there are no Hydro lines out here. It is extreamly effective for charging battery packs which are then used to run a home. Living off the grid leaves more energy for the power hogs, and it pays for itself in the long run through the simple fact that you don't have monthly plans or anything like that.
2006-07-03 05:24:32 UTC
In theory. You have to look into the price of the cells, batteries, wiring etc. One of the most notable advantages would be independence from a power grid (out door lights), or use in remote locations (a cabin in the woods) as an alternative to a generator. It is beneficial but you also have to consider that one house out of many is not going to make a mark. Also some homeowners or neighborhood organizations might declare your solar cells an eyesore. Right now i think solar power is largely in its infancy until photo-voltaic(sp) cells become cheaper and more efficient its not going to be useful to the layman.
2006-07-02 16:37:37 UTC
Solar energy is sufficiently cheap... mainly because it is used to reduce the amount of energy wasted. Solar energy is very beneficial in the ways in which it can be used freely. However, the appliances used may cost highly. The benefits of getting solar products around the house includes low electric bills, cheap energy and uses of products, and ont he safe side, you don't have to worry about electric lines being overpowered. In addition to that, solar energy is very useful in keeping balances in check. For example, there is no need to worry on whether an appliance is left running on or not, because solar energy is free. Therefore, it is very beneficial in some cases. Hey, who wouldn't want free energy source? It's FREE!

--Papia F.
2006-07-02 02:30:38 UTC
solar cell is a semiconductor device that converts photons from the sun (solar light) into electricity. In general a solar cell that includes both solar and non-solar sources of light (such as photons from incandescent bulbs) is termed a photovoltaic cell. Fundamentally, the device needs to fulfill only two functions: photogeneration of charge carriers (electrons and holes) in a light-absorbing material, and separation of the charge carriers to a conductive contact that will transmit the electricity. This conversion is called the photovoltaic effect, and the field of research related to solar cells is known as photovoltaics.

A solar cell, made from a monocrystalline silicon waferSolar cells have many applications. They are particularly well suited to, and historically used in, situations where electrical power from the grid is unavailable, such as in remote area power systems, Earth orbiting satellites, handheld calculators, remote radiotelephones and water pumping applications. Assemblies of solar cells (in the form of modules or solar panels) on building roofs can be connected through an inverter to the electricity grid, often in a net metering arrangement.
2006-07-03 13:39:56 UTC
I have seen programs that show homes that rely on solar totally. And after the first year the electric co has to pay them for the excess power. Yes it is true. It is just expensive to change everything at first. If more people would do it the price would lower. I am sure power companies do not like that at all.
2006-07-02 13:41:36 UTC
yes. energy from the sun is free, after all. photovoltaic panels last for many years. so if you are buying a house and planning on staying in it for 10 years then it is rather foolish to NOT convert to solar. again, just think about the source of the energy. does it cost anything -- any ONE -- money to create solar energy? the answer is clearly NO, the sun's energy is scientifically classified as a energy "source". conversion to solar costs upfront, and will take a few years to recoup, but from then on it costs nearly nothing. anyone telling you any different should go back to school..grade school!
2006-07-02 06:15:15 UTC
Presently whole of mankind inhabiting earth is mostly dependent on fossil fuels. These sources are not renewable and will come to an end sooner than later. Also geo-political situation is such that oil diplomacy is bordering on blackmail by some countries rich in oil resources.Iran is a living example. It is therefore imperative that alternate sources are explored by the civilized societies all over the world. There are three/four alternative sources worth considering namely solar,water,wind nuclear etc.Solar power is abundant cheap and will not exhaust for billions of years. Presently lot of research has gone in but solar power still not viable commercially. This has to be effort by all nations at UN level to go in for joint research to device methods/technology suitable for applications for household power/ lighting,automobile and industrial power to start with. if efforts are put in in time bound projects well-funded success is bound to come.
2006-07-01 12:43:47 UTC
When I was in college, I lived in a house with several solar panels on the roof and a gigantic battery in the basement to store the collected energy. It did not eliminate our electric bills, but cut them significantly, especially in summer! Solar isn't as effective as other fuels, but has not been around for as long. Petroleum fuels have the advantage of decades of R&D to improve the efficiency at which we can extract its energy. As solar technology improves and we can harness more of its power, It will likely be applied to more areas.
Robert F
2006-06-28 22:31:03 UTC
That depends

upon what type of solar heat ,electric,cooling...

Voltaic panels are getting more officiant but in my opinion are still too expensive. Heating panels can be reasonable to expensive .they are relatively easy to build for solar heating and can be built into the design of a new house and no-one could tell. Water heating can be a bit trickier but still Farly easy. Solar cook stoves are quite handy . look up some older Mother Earth News and others of like mind.
Katie G
2006-07-04 15:50:58 UTC
I've taken some classes on sustainability in college. Although I am an art student, it's one of my other passions. It is definately expensive to equip your house with solar paneling, but over twenty years, if you plan on keeping the premises, the savings in energy bills will pay off entirely. Other alternatives are energy saving bulbs and the like, which cost more upfront, but their long life more than quadrouples your savings. The downside of solar powered energy is that although it does reduce the amount of energy you consume, the process to create the products is not environmentally friendly or recyclable.
No More
2006-07-04 09:45:44 UTC
I have a solar power system that I use to provide electricty for my weekend retreat at a 25ft trailer on a 100 acre bush lot. I have 3 - 60 watt PV Panels connected to 6- 6volt wet cell batteries thru a charger regulator. Then I use a 3000 watt inverter to change my 12volt DC system into 120volts AC. That system cost me about $2500.00. In a rural setting most of our neighbours experience regular power outages, but we are oblivious to them because our system keeps on giving as long as we keep it charged up. If you are serious about converting your home to Solar power you must 1st calculate how much power you plan to use throughout the year. You have to look at all of the appliances in your home, including your furnace because even a gas furnace requires electricity for the fan blower & put together a list of all of them & their power useage. You may even have to consider getting rid of some of the older less efficient appliances and replacing them with new ones. By doing this you will get a better idea of how big of a system you will need to purchase. Some of the bigger solar energy system providers have manuals or software that help you with your calculations. Once on Solar you become your own power utility company, & over time you may realise a savings in cost, but the thing that requires the most maintenance are the batteries. Another thing to consider is where you are going to locate all of the components of your system. The panels need to be where they will get the most from the sun each day, the charger, batteries & inverter need to be in close proximity to each other, & in a place that is safe. (Some wet cells emit toxic gasses while charging, & need ventillation). You will also have to be more mindfull of the energy you consume each day, especially if your batteries are getting close to running down. Another possibility to consider is keeping your connection to the Grid, & install a less adequate Solar system. If it is done right you can cut down on the energy bills from the utility company, because you are generating your own power most of the time, & drawing from them only during times of higher demand. If their power goes out you will still have a back-up system for the fridge, lights, & heating that will be enough to get you through a longer than normal power outage. I have been told that with this type of system, it is possible to have the power companies meter run in reverse, so that they are paying you instead of you paying them.
2006-07-01 09:29:15 UTC
Yes, solar can definitely be effective. I have a friend, whose house runs on solar panels, she says, however that they did cost a lot of money. But i think as gas prices go up, you would be spending less on solar panels. Benefits? well... you end up conserving energy. Of course it can be beneficial but the downside of solar power is that the sun has to be out, obviously. But again, my friend says it simply stores the energy for night.
2006-07-03 05:33:08 UTC
It depends what you use solar energy for. Yes, it's effective for, say, heating your home and water, if you live somewhere where you get enough sunlight during the day. Installing the equipment to collect and process solar energy is expensive, but once you do it, you no longer need to pay for anything except maintenance...sunshine is free, won't run out for billions of years, and doesn't cause pollution of any sort.
2006-07-02 00:05:05 UTC
Solar energy is widely perceived as a promising technology for electricity generation in remote locations in developing countries. It is estimated that 1.3 million solar home systems had been installed by early 2000.

The estimated growth in the deployment of solar lanterns is less than for SHS. One out of every 100 households that gain access to electricity in developing countries uses solar power. In spite of these successes, doubts have arisen about the effectiveness and suitability of small PV systems for rural development. Many organisational, financial and technical problems appear to present difficulties. A literature survey has been conducted to make an inventory of experience with solar PVapplications for households in developing countries. The main finding is that an adequate service infrastructure is required to make projects viable. Household choice in system sizes is often too restricted in donor-funded projects. Smaller systems sold for cash can be a good alternative to credit systems by offering to increased affordability. Gaps in existing knowledge have been identified, which could be overcome by field monitoring programmes.
2016-03-13 23:38:17 UTC
In the long run, conventional energy will be used to almost nothing left. Solar energy is infinite. Solar technology is to develop this kind energy for people's use. So, in the long run, with enough suitable solar technology, it is effective and benifit. Now it is what we are doing .
2006-07-03 11:49:14 UTC
Considering how much OIL went into building

the solar panels, and the poisons that they are

made from and the tons of lead batteries they

have to have to store energy for when the sun isn't shining the short answer is no.

If you HAVE to run something out in the boondocks

where there is no electricity they DO work,

But are they beneficial? No.
danny boy
2006-06-28 22:24:03 UTC
Solar gadget is using solar energy and converting it to electrical energy. During summer, solar is good because there are plenty of sunshine, but during winter and rainy season this solar thing is not as effective as in summer. Another thing is that, this gadget is a little expensive. it is good if you are living near the equator. The only benefit is that you can save on electrict bills.
2006-07-03 12:36:26 UTC
Solar energy would, even in the short term be a cheaper, cleaner, and at least as effective way of supplying energy for virtually anything.

The short and long term effects would be cleaner, cheaper energy...saving the need to burn coal or gas to generate it, leaving much less pollution.
2006-07-01 15:13:22 UTC
Think about your experience with sun burns...There is much to learn and best not to burn. Power is power, now is your turn. Do solar my friend. Clean energy to the very end. Cost should not be a consideration when it comes to the salvation of the very planet that supports our ecosystems. Just think if each person alive today contributed one dollar towards clean energy. DUDE or DUDETTE what ever the case might be, we could be so much better off I'am sure you can see.
2006-06-28 22:52:09 UTC
Many things to consider-much Sun where you live? Cold,cloudy days-how many(average) year round.Tight,heavy insulated house? This is a very large subject-not enough room here for full answer.Best to go to the net and explore the subject-homemade solar heaters work very well and cost much less! Generally the answer to above questions is "Yes" Good Luck==.
2006-07-03 16:43:29 UTC
I think its the best source of natural energy out there. Imagine the sun heating your hot water? Wow, how much could you save on oil bills? Or a reflective substance absorbing the suns energy in the day and providing light at night for bus stop. Just two things off the top of my head. Bet someone can come up with more
2006-07-03 13:06:59 UTC
people complain about the cost, but then go out and buy a six dollar cup of coffee every morning as they drive their suv to work. If you have an ounce of self control and discipline you wont miss the extra couple bucks it may cost to install solar, which you will make back in the long run as it pays for itself, not to mention help save the environment and not giving money to terrorist oil sheiks.
2006-07-01 16:06:45 UTC
Given the tiny amount of money that gov't has put into its research and development, it's surprisingly effectively. Consider that nearly all forms of energy on this planet derive from solar energy in one way or another. Imagine how effective it would be if our gov't actually cared to make it a primary energy source, versus bowing down to the oil industy lobbies?

Good reading:
2014-06-03 10:59:56 UTC
You can have the excess of what you use deducted from your bill, thus the 'sell it back' idea. But a properly situated, solar panel can run many household items and you would have to do your own cost benefit analysis to see if it would work for you.
2006-07-01 19:45:50 UTC
2 points: one, the manufacturing of solar panels creates toxins. I saw a photo of a plant where the employees were all dressed as though they were inspecting bee hives or taking another giant step for mankind.

two, this topic came up at a family reunion recently. My relations said that their neighbors who had invested in solar panelling found them not as effective as they'd hoped were now trying to remove them and that the expense of removal was hefty as well.

This is a very good question. We must keep asking. I think it is very very important to: one, not be such gluttons about mother nature's gifts. and two, we need to break our co-dependency with other countries.
2014-09-28 14:53:47 UTC
Solar hot water systems are generally composed of solar thermal collectors, a fluid system to move the heat from the collector to its point of usage, and a reservoir to stock the heat for subsequent use. The systems may be used to heat domestic hot water or a swimming pool, or to provide heat for a heating circuit. The heat can also be used for industrial applications or as an energy input for other uses such as cooling equipment.

2016-01-28 18:25:14 UTC
Yes,solar is effective free of pollution.
2006-07-03 17:34:25 UTC
I have a solar-powered wrist watch. My body chemistry stops baterries in watches. You can't find wind up watches any more. So I tried this solar-powered watch. 15 minutes in the sun gives power for one month. It works great. I haven't had any trouble with it. Keep s great time. Now I can wear a watch again.
jimi p
2006-07-01 04:42:48 UTC
As long as the sun stays out! Solar panels have really evolved. You can now get it in thin film rolls, rather than the old bulky panels.

Main benefit? No emissions.
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2016-01-27 17:15:15 UTC
After passing through the Earth's atmosphere, most of the sun's energy is in the form of visible and Infrared radiations. Plants use solar energy to create chemical energy through photosynthesis. Humans regularly use this energy burning wood or fossil fuels, or when simply eating the plants.
Book of Changes
2006-07-01 04:23:15 UTC
while the implementation of solar panels has prove satisfactory in satellites the mass production of ground solar farms has a high cost to production quotient however it is a highly clean energy and appeals to many on that basis
2014-06-17 19:44:30 UTC
When grid connected, solar electric generation can displace the highest cost electricity during times of peak demand (in many climatic regions), can reduce grid loading, and can eliminate the need for local battery power for use in times of darkness and high local demand; such application is encouraged by net metering). Time-of-use net metering can be highly favorable to small photovoltaic systems.
2006-07-03 15:11:26 UTC
The solar is a pure light that gives energy, heat, and electricity. It

is effective to run on machines.
2006-07-01 09:32:13 UTC
it is great i saw this on the news the other day but someone put up alot of solar panles that can light over 200 housed here in california and that what the solar is for
2006-06-30 23:10:21 UTC
Lol i think solar is the best non-conventional energy just because its almost everywhere and almost everyday....... It moreover never ends...

we already made upto 70% efficient(rather more). While conventional sources can last for limited time and they are even very costly.... many non conventional sources like wind, bio fuel etc.. are rather seasonal or limited. Sun insted gives radiates immensey and always!!
2016-03-22 10:09:45 UTC
In future solar is getting more cheaper.we can have solar water heaters,solar panels for electricity and for solar street lights and many more...
2006-06-30 21:56:01 UTC
I would think so? but then every thing cost money. In the long run once you think your saving money you tend to start spending more of what you have like for instance, if gas prices go down you want to travel farther but in the long run you are just spending the same or more by driving to far like a dumb asss~!.
2006-07-02 14:49:20 UTC
Yes, if a person know how to utilize this. I going to build a self sufficient house one day, or hope to anyway. Been studying this a long time for options. I believe I can make it work.

Dang!!! You can always tell the ones that know nothing, they Copy the Whole Encyclopedia and Paste it.
2006-07-01 02:23:37 UTC
solar energy, any form of energy radiated by the sun, including light, radio waves, and X rays, although the term usually refers to the visible light of the sun. Solar energy is needed by green plants for the process of photosynthesis, which is the ultimate source of all food. The energy in fossil fuels (e.g., coal and oil) and other organic fuels (e.g., wood) is derived from solar energy. Difficulties with these fuels have led to the invention of devices that directly convert solar energy into usable forms of energy, such as electricity. Solar batteries, which operate on the principle that light falling on photosensitive substances causes a flow of electricity, play an important part in space satellites and, as they become more efficient, are finding increasing use on the earth (see solar cell). Thermoelectric generators convert the heat generated by solar energy directly into electricity (see thermoelectricity). Several projects have produced electricity on a large scale by using the solar energy available in desert areas. In one system, large numbers of solar batteries generate electricity for Coconut Island, off the coast of Australia. In another, oil flows through pipes that are set in reflecting parabolic troughs that can trap the heat from sunlight falling on them. The heat from the oil is then converted into electricity (see power, electric). Heat from the sun is used in air-drying a variety of materials and in producing salt by the evaporation of seawater. Solar heating systems can supply heat and hot water for domestic use; heat collected in special plates on the roof of a house is stored in rocks or water held in a large container. Such systems, however, usually require a conventional heater to supplement them. Solar stoves, which focus the sun's heat directly, are employed in regions where there is much perennial sunlight. See also energy, sources of.
2006-07-11 06:52:15 UTC
truefully, solar objects are very friendly to the environment, but if it does not store enough energy for some emergency, anyone of us cannot think of the effect it have on us if we depend on it too much.
2006-07-03 10:45:44 UTC
You can save hundreds, even thousands, a year on solar. Besides being good on the environment, it'll keep your energy bills down.
2006-07-02 16:08:50 UTC
You will never make your money back by the time you need to replace your solar panels, plus the fact that they tend to leak poisons at end of life.
golden eagle
2006-07-03 18:48:03 UTC
yes solar is effective,hydrogen,anything that keeps us from abusing our environment, wind mills that generate electricity. spend more of our tax dollars on how not to pollute and less on war more on health care. A cleaner environment is beneficial for the entire world!
Tommy M
2006-07-03 04:57:55 UTC
It is a good supplemental way to lessen our energy burden. It is not economically feasible to go total solar. It is too expensive for the equipment.
2006-07-01 11:33:43 UTC
Yes it is effective, but it still can not STAND alone 100% everywhere in the world ALL the time...


Combining different Eco friendly Alternative Energies and diffrent ways to save energy is the FULL PROOF way to go

::: Peace :::
2006-07-11 06:08:19 UTC
yes. solar energy would save you money because you don't have to depend on the commercial energy consortiums. having solar products around the house would make your ecological footprint less than other products.
2006-07-01 20:58:32 UTC
I have solar water wheels driveway markers and security lights. No batteries wires or plug ins to short out. Wouldn't go any other way.
2006-07-01 13:24:40 UTC
If we perfect collecting solar energy, there's more energy sent out from the sun than we can ever use up.
2006-07-02 21:10:24 UTC
It takes a small investment, but if you look at the skyrocketing energy costs, it is worth it. It needs to be tapped in a more efficient and cost effective way to make it more accessible to the masses.
2006-07-04 12:05:39 UTC
solar panels are getting better fast just take a look at there use on sailing boats,also wind is gaining in tech. as well
2006-07-07 17:21:37 UTC
The benefit of having solar products around the house is it doesn't cost you much money, but it doesn't work at night.
☼Jims Brain☼
2006-07-02 20:49:21 UTC
Beneficial and effective, to reduce the use of fossil fuels by only a small percentage is a victory for the environment and ultimately for humankind!
2014-09-28 08:26:47 UTC
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2006-07-01 16:47:36 UTC
2006-06-30 20:36:51 UTC
I think it is effective though had to adjust to the difference over electricity & cheaper over a period of time. It is beneficial to the enviorment, but expensive to have installed & kept in proper repair.
Report Abuse
2006-07-02 17:07:25 UTC
It really depends on which kind of solar you get and how the sunshine is where you live
Tommy D
2006-07-02 15:20:46 UTC
It is a step in the right direction (ad free year round - even in the Winter). Let's at least explore what it can do and try to expand on it.
papricka w
2006-07-03 17:45:22 UTC
I've heard that the cost of replacing batteries is very expensive. This cost should be taken into account when deciding what to do. See for more information.
2006-07-01 02:50:47 UTC
Yes, you don't have to pay electric bills. I think everything should be solar powered.
2017-04-06 03:18:56 UTC
Homemade Solar Power Videos :
2017-02-28 10:02:56 UTC
2006-07-03 07:53:00 UTC
certainly, but there are too many private interest to avoid promoting Solar Energy
Little Wifey
2006-07-02 16:31:32 UTC
I think solar power is wonderful!
alan m
2006-07-04 04:19:16 UTC
It certainly is beneficial, because it is clean, does not cause harm to the environment and above all it is free!!!... mind you the equipment is expensive but I guarantee you that in the long run it becomes cheaper. Just do your part my Friend go green and help to save the planet.
2006-07-04 10:27:14 UTC
ABSOLUTELY. I have a friend that installs them and one of his customers is extatic about the amount he saves on his business, plus the extra energy that he creates, he sells back to the electric company. If it weren't so expensive, I'd have them installed on out home.
2006-07-02 21:40:32 UTC
well i think it is only becasye it saves you a ton in your electric bill! i love solar powered stuff. come on i build a solar powered boat every year
2006-07-03 19:20:15 UTC
One thing for sure about solar power. It will work forever, becuase when it stops (aka the sun implodes) we will all die.
warrior princess
2006-07-01 22:37:37 UTC
it is quite effective but it takes a lot of space you know....

the benefit is that sun is always available and free and less pollution. (except if after using it or if it is destroyed you will dump it so it still adds pollution)

the cons are- it is costly at first, maintenance is badly needed, etc.
Sandra O
2006-07-01 11:52:39 UTC
solar is much better, and more cost saving. one downfall though, lot of money to have solar panels installed
2006-07-03 10:04:59 UTC
yes. the sun's energy is free and solar panels can be made with recycled materials.
2006-07-02 08:21:13 UTC
Solar - It's hot!
2014-08-05 15:47:27 UTC
What's your Source (Optional)
2006-07-04 19:31:56 UTC
Believe it or not! the SUN DOES NOT CHARGE FOR ITS ENERGY.

Until someone finds a way to fill the sky with clouds to block the Sun like in the film "The Matrix" you are going to get FREE ENERGY.
2006-07-02 10:13:58 UTC
Yes, it can be, Read some of the above plaragized answers (some are, (Mesmerizer, e.g. takes credit but slote from, the others are just rambling by semi-illiterates.)
On Earth
2006-07-01 11:25:24 UTC
i think they are, if you dont want to live in a polluted craphole help the environmment by solar powered electronics
2006-07-03 21:26:30 UTC
the best part is it is safe and clean and kills no one or anything.

as far as the house...I think we should think on a larger scale first and then maybe house hold energy can be obtained from the wind mills and water like it is already in the USA. the beautiful wind mills and dams.....
2006-07-02 12:11:39 UTC
yes. you just need to have good technology and proper organization of your appliances. expensive at first, but it would last a lifetime (unless your much powerful than Yoda and you can reached the endlife of our sun.).
2006-07-03 17:33:19 UTC
Oh yes, very much so......and it helps gas on cars..know if we can find a solution for energy and power.
2006-07-10 05:29:23 UTC
Anthony B
2006-07-03 15:43:58 UTC
2006-07-01 16:37:17 UTC
2006-07-02 06:04:50 UTC
yes may be so but may be its products will cost alot cuz they will in demand so nothing is cheaper in this world.
2006-07-04 14:04:12 UTC
It depends on where you live if it is effective.
2006-07-02 10:56:08 UTC
You must know that by now. So I won't bother you with an intelligent and sophisticated answer.
2006-07-02 08:19:20 UTC
yes, it is better and cheaper in the long run
mark v
2006-07-02 21:13:04 UTC
yes,no middle man in the long run over if everyone doesn't do it
2006-07-03 22:33:43 UTC
its healthier. and they are developing nanoparticles to transport it's energy to places all over the U.S. from one place (like the desert or something)
2006-07-04 09:16:06 UTC
it is somewhat effective but very expoensive, but hey, what the heck, it is environmentally friendly afterall.
2006-07-01 07:59:24 UTC
jack p
2006-07-01 05:57:05 UTC
2006-07-04 17:40:16 UTC
yes,provides shade for the rooftop as well,cuting down stress on the air conditioner
2006-07-01 20:06:19 UTC
Yeah, no electricity needed!
2006-07-02 22:30:49 UTC
i love how ur question is featured, and you only got 70 responses before this one.
2006-07-02 03:42:23 UTC
yes - it's free once your set up . it paid trough the sun free free free
2006-07-04 15:39:54 UTC
of course
2006-07-04 12:48:37 UTC
yes in the long run it is better and cheaper

look at this site:
Dustfinger the master of fire
2006-07-03 12:46:54 UTC
it can be benificaial if the sun is out
2006-07-02 17:36:46 UTC
yes i think it is no bills to pay
2006-07-01 01:42:58 UTC
i think there is also an effectivity regardless through this solar....

it is effective somehow people got misuse onto people dont mind wat happened to their ambiences so they ignore it.....Right???
2006-07-01 11:30:04 UTC
2006-07-03 03:50:34 UTC
yes, it is effective
2006-07-05 17:05:09 UTC
what ever tickles your pickle
2006-07-01 09:38:25 UTC

2006-07-02 23:40:19 UTC
no not at all
2006-07-04 11:36:24 UTC
...i don't know what the crap you just said...
2006-07-02 07:38:31 UTC
2006-07-01 15:06:43 UTC
i think so.
2006-07-02 13:24:47 UTC
2006-07-03 12:01:43 UTC
LOOK ... INTO ... IT ... SERIOUSLY .... !!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-07-02 23:37:08 UTC
yes it is duh
2006-07-01 13:14:49 UTC
duh! no bills!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.