Survey for the global warming... A assignment for my courses.?
2007-03-12 19:16:52 UTC
Please Do as below For Giving Your Answer:


(And So On)


Q1: Rate Your Knowledge About Global Warming:
1 to 10

Q2: Global Warming is defined as the rise of temperature of the Earth's Atmosphere.Do you agree that global warming is currently occuring?
C.No Comment

Q3. Would a temperature rise a few degrees really change the global climate?
A. Yes
B. No
C. No Comment

Q4. Do you think mankind is responsible to the global warming?
A. Yes
B. No
C. No Comment

Q5. Do you think global warming is harmful toward our economy?
A. Yes
B. No
C. No Comment

Q6. Do you think by recycling our daily thrown rubbish will decreases the chances global warming from worsen?
A. Yes
B. No
C. No Comment

Q7. Do you think the largest resource that caused global warming is the releasing of the carbon dioxide around the World?
A. Yes
B. No
C. No Comment

Q8. Is our country on the right track when it comes to global warming?
A. Yes
B. No
C. No Comment

Q9. Which of the following statements comes closest to your view about global warming?
A. Global warming is proven FACT.
B. Global Warming is a theory that has not yet been proven.

Q10. Do you think global warming is an environmental problem that is causing a serious impact now?
A. Yes
B. No
C. No comment

Q11. Which of the statements below that you feel most possible to change the global climate?
A. The source come from the power plants and vehicles.
B. The increasing of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere.
C.The Deforestation around the world.

Q12. Do we need laws requiring industry to cut emission of global warming pollution?
A. Yes
B. No
C. No Comment

Q13. Is the earth really getting hotter?
A. Yes
B. No
C. No Comment

Q14. Could global warming triggers a sudden catastrophe?
A. Yes
B. No
C. No Comment

Q15. What country do you think to have contribute the largest source of causes for the global warming
A. China
B. Indonesia
C. United States of America(USA)
D. India

Thanks for your co-operation!
Seventeen answers:
2007-03-13 14:50:59 UTC
Age: 22

Gender: Male

Q1: Rate Your Knowledge About Global Warming: 7

Q2: Global Warming is defined as the rise of temperature of the Earth's Atmosphere.Do you agree that global warming is currently occuring?


Q3. Would a temperature rise a few degrees really change the global climate?

A. Yes

Q4. Do you think mankind is responsible to the global warming?

A. Yes

Q5. Do you think global warming is harmful toward our economy?

A. Yes

Q6. Do you think by recycling our daily thrown rubbish will decreases the chances global warming from worsen?

A. Yes

Q7. Do you think the largest resource that caused global warming is the releasing of the carbon dioxide around the World?

A. Yes

Q8. Is our country on the right track when it comes to global warming?

B. No

Q9. Which of the following statements comes closest to your view about global warming?

A. Global warming is proven FACT.

Q10. Do you think global warming is an environmental problem that is causing a serious impact now?

A. Yes

Q11. Which of the statements below that you feel most possible to change the global climate?

D. All of the Above

Q12. Do we need laws requiring industry to cut emission of global warming pollution?

A. Yes

Q13. Is the earth really getting hotter?

A. Yes

Q14. Could global warming triggers a sudden catastrophe?

A. Yes

Q15. What country do you think to have contribute the largest source of causes for the global warming

C. United States of America(USA)
2007-03-12 23:08:51 UTC
Age 46

Gender male

Q1 = 8.5

Q2 = I agree it is occurring, but your definition is wrong. Water holds much more energy than air. The biggest heat sink is the oceans, not the atmosphere.

Q3 = A one degree Celcius rise in ocean temperature = 1.3 BILLION atomic bombs. Throughout history climate change has occurred because of a fraction of a degree change in average temperature. We are looking at more than one degree.

Q4 = Yes. Nature doesn't work this fast.

Q5 = All those bombs worth of excess energy are expressed as bad weather. Tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding, heat waves all have devastating effects on the economies of the world.

Q6 = No comment. (Not by much, if any)

Q7 = I think you mean largest "source", not largest "resource". Either way I think CO2 is a major contributing factor.

Q8 = No. Spending billions of dollars and killing thousands of people in an illegal war doesn't help fix global warming, it adds to it.

Q9 = A. proven fact

Q10 = Yes

Q11 = D all of the above

Q12 = Yes. The problem with competition is that no one company can do it first if it is a competitive disadvantage. If change causes competitive disadvantage it must be legislated so that everyone has the same disadvantage applied at the same time ... big problem, with globalization it has to be applied globally at the same time.

Q13 = not the whole thing, just the ecosphere

Q14 = It already has triggered several

Q15 = USA, China is a close second.
2007-03-12 19:46:22 UTC
Male - 41

Q1: Rate Your Knowledge About Global Warming: 1 to 10

Spent 23 years studying it so probably a 10.

Q2: Global Warming is defined as the rise of temperature of the Earth's Atmosphere.Do you agree that global warming is currently occuring?

Not a very good definition, yes I agree it's occuring.

Q3. Would a temperature rise a few degrees really change the global climate?

Yes. Temperature rises less than a degree have changed the global climate many times over already.

Q4. Do you think mankind is responsible to the global warming?

Historically no, since the Industrial Revolution we have contributed to it.

Q5. Do you think global warming is harmful toward our economy?

No - the amount of money and wealth in circulation remains the same it's just ends up in the pockets of different people, some losers, some winners.

Q6. Do you think by recycling our daily thrown rubbish will decreases the chances global warming from worsen?

Yes. Landfill is one of the biggest causes of methane and other greenhouse gases. Methane is much worse for the atmosphere than CO2.

Q7. Do you think the largest resource that caused global warming is the releasing of the carbon dioxide around the World?

No. Estimates for the contribution to global warming attributable to CO2 vary from 9 to 26% of the total, this is less than the the natural contribution. CO2 is the largest anthropogenic component.

Q8. Is our country on the right track when it comes to global warming?

No. In comparison to the rest of the world it's years behind, is dragging it's heels, increasing it's output of greenhouse gases whilst much of the world cuts theirs etc.

Q9. Which of the following statements comes closest to your view about global warming?

Global warming is proven FACT.

Q10. Do you think global warming is an environmental problem that is causing a serious impact now?

A. Yes

Q11. Which of the statements below that you feel most possible to change the global climate?

A. The source come from the power plants and vehicles.

Q12. Do we need laws requiring industry to cut emission of global warming pollution?

A. Yes but only if they fail to do so voluntarily first. The countries with the most successful records on combatting global warming are the ones with the least legislation - the policy has been one of education.

Q13. Is the earth really getting hotter?

A. Yes by about 0.0195 degrees Celsius a year, 39 times times as fast as the natural increase.

Q14. Could global warming triggers a sudden catastrophe?

A sudden catastrophe is highly unlikely, a long term catastrophe is a possibility.

Q15. What country do you think to have contribute the largest source of causes for the global warming

C - USA, 4% of the worlds population and 26% of the world greenhouse gas emissions. China is catching up and in a few years will probably overtake the US.
2007-03-12 19:37:02 UTC


Q1: Rate Your Knowledge About Global Warming: 9

Q2: Global Warming is defined as the rise of temperature of the Earth's Atmosphere.Do you agree that global warming is currently occuring? Yes

Q3. Would a temperature rise a few degrees really change the global climate? Yes

Q4. Do you think mankind is responsible to the global warming? Yes

Q5. Do you think global warming is harmful toward our economy? Yes

Q6. Do you think by recycling our daily thrown rubbish will decreases the chances global warming from worsen? it will decreases the chances

Q7. Do you think the largest resource that caused global warming is the releasing of the carbon dioxide around the World? Yes

Q8. Is our country on the right track when it comes to global warming? Its starting to wake up to it now (im Australian)

Q9. Which of the following statements comes closest to your view about global warming? A. Global warming is proven FACT.

Q10. Do you think global warming is an environmental problem that is causing a serious impact now? Yes

Q11. Which of the statements below that you feel most possible to change the global climate?

A. The source come from the power plants and vehicles.

B. The increasing of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere.

C.The Deforestation around the world.

All of the above im not sure

Q12. Do we need laws requiring industry to cut emission of global warming pollution? Yes

Q13. Is the earth really getting hotter? Yes

Q14. Could global warming triggers a sudden catastrophe? Yes

Q15. What country do you think to have contribute the largest source of causes for the global warming United States of America(USA)
2007-03-12 20:11:53 UTC

Q1: Rate Your Knowledge About Global Warming:


Q2: Global Warming is defined as the rise of temperature of the Earth's Atmosphere.Do you agree that global warming is currently occuring?


Q3. Would a temperature rise a few degrees really change the global climate?

A. Yes

Q4. Do you think mankind is responsible to the global warming?

A. Yes

CFC's the biggest problem

Q5. Do you think global warming is harmful toward our economy?

Short run yes-long run no. we shift to new resources

Q6. Do you think by recycling our daily thrown rubbish will decreases the chances global warming from worsen?

A. Yes

Q7. Do you think the largest resource that caused global warming is the releasing of the carbon dioxide around the World?

B. No

CFC, Methane-

Q8. Is our country on the right track when it comes to global warming?

The USA is not on any track-not even Al Gore is for solving the problem

Q9. Which of the following statements comes closest to your view about global warming?

A. Global warming is proven FACT.

Q10. Do you think global warming is an environmental problem that is causing a serious impact now?

A. Yes

From sea level rise to dust bowles, resical weather patterns

Q11. Which of the statements below that you feel most possible to change the global climate?

A. The source come from the power plants and vehicles.

B. The increasing of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere.

C.The Deforestation around the world.


Q12. Do we need laws requiring industry to cut emission of global warming pollution?

B. No

Pollution Tax

Q13. Is the earth really getting hotter?

A. Yes

and more UV is hitting the surface

Q14. Could global warming triggers a sudden catastrophe?

A. Yes

Q15. What country do you think to have contribute the largest source of causes for the global warming

Not into blame game

Want it fixed

a letter I sent to Al Gore:

Putting the technology together to start cleaning up and reintroducing new ozone to the atmosphere is possible. The cost and size of this project means taking a long term commitment. I am proposing the biggest cleanup in history. Al, I do not see any proposal that is realistic or proven at any cost, not even Washington can solve this problem. But if every person on earth does his or her share, we may be ok. Never-the-less, I see governments acting like a deer in a car’s headlights and people doing the same thing. The inevitable is almost upon us. Cleanup and change is the only option.

The first cleanup machine starts with a ten billion dollars investment. Ten year later with twenty-five machines operating, these machines will produce enough ozone to replace both holes at the poles. But more importantly, these machines will remove chemicals that deplete the ozone. Beyond making ozone, decreasing the poisons that deplete ozone, these machines reduce the major greenhouse gases and unbelievably we can have all this for fewer than one hundred billion dollars.

Beyond cleaning up our atmospheric mess as I am suggesting, we humans must do a better job reducing or cleaning up carbon monoxide, collecting and storing methane and ethane for fuel, burning less of everything, cleaning up our forests and using more solar insolation. Solar steam electric generators are the type of systems we need and are 90 percent efficient and near 100 percent if heat recovery is used. I believe nearly 30,000 MW are needed in the USA and Mexico over the next 30 years. This opens the door to new electric cars, new construction vital to our way of life, new bullet trains, and these industries produce new high paying jobs. From small scale solar generators on malls, to 2000 acre collector sights, these systems are viable and ready for production. The Federal Government must give up some land, money and have less regulation to help save the planet from disaster.

Al, spreading the message that we can help ourselves is a key to the development of these businesses. Washington can help: the businesses need grants, patents, land and regulations. Congress must create a pollution surcharge. From gas, coal, diesel, wood to cooling towers, from cattle, other ranches to cigarettes, from agriculture burning to airplane passengers, this surcharge can fund parts of these projects and many stationary pollution control devices in general.

Your personal support is very important to getting the atmosphere cleanup started and developing sights for solar generators.

2007-03-12 19:47:46 UTC
Male, 23.

Q1: 8.5, against the man in the street.

Q2: A.Yes

Q3. B. No

Q4. B. No

Q5. A. Yes

Q6. B. No

Q7. B. No

Q8. B. No

Q9. That the Earth's climate has warmed recently - fact. Ideas about what has caused this - theory.

Q10. B. No

Q11. C.The Deforestation around the world.

Q12. B. No

Q13. A. Yes, compared to 150 years ago. No, in terms of the Earth's history.

Q14. B. No.

Q15. A. China, due to the massively growing economy - future. USA current.
2007-03-12 19:37:53 UTC
39, M

1. Compared to what? Relative to the average citizen, about 9; relative to other scientists, probably 7; relative to Al Gore and Heidi Cullen, an 11.

2. Yes, although the exact amount is highly debatable. Also, emphasis on 'average' - some places have gotten colder!

3. Yes, but not much.

4. Absolutely not; nature (the sun, cosmic rays, volcanic activity) governs climate, as Lincoln put it, "far above our poor power to add or subtract."

5. Only if we respond to it incorrectly

6. Not enough to be worth worrying over; economic savings, however, remain a valid reason to do so.

7. Absolutely not; 96% of the 'greenhouse effect' which keeps our planet from being an inhospitable ice ball is caused by water vapor. The geologic record clearly shows that changes in CO2 *follow* temperature changes, not the other way around.

8. Need to define 'our country' since there are respondents from all over; in the US, hard to say but we have raised greenhouse emissions much *less* than Europe, China and India.

9. The question is meaningless; the debate is over the causes and expected magnitude of climate change.

10. Not really. Larger changes, within recorded history, have been at worst neutral and arguably beneficial.

11. C, but not for the reasons you've been indoctrinated to believe

12. NO, but regulation for other reasons is still justified.

13. Yes, but not to a degree (pardon the pun) that justifies panic or major concern.

14. Probably not.

15. In the past, the United States; in the future, China.
2007-03-15 00:12:50 UTC



q2: b, it stopped in 1998

q3:a, yes but it hasn't .6Deg. Celsius

q4:b, because man only causes 4% of co2

q5:A, because the wacky left have found a new religion and with the bureaucratic Europeans want more government, taxes and change the way of life we live.

q6:b, mans contribution is at best 4%


q8:a if people don't buy into this dooms day stuff,b if you want more government regs, taxes, government telling you what you can and can't do more.

q9:b, a crude theory.


q11"none of the above

q12:c, would take to long to answer

q13: b, hotter no, .6 Celsius in the last 150 years yes

q14:b, The alarmist want people to think that hurricanes wildfires and such are caused by global warming...they are scientifically not. Do some research.

q15: none because man is not causing global warming.
2016-12-14 22:34:38 UTC
a million. Early stages.. it is not so heat yet. 2. sure I do, i think the Earth truly is going by a warming degree. and that i will inform you why later. 3. climate chages alongside with El Nino and la Nina 4. we are in all risk doing a sprint harm, yet no longer almost as much as people choose for to assert we are. we ought to have greater recycling stations that are greater available by way of fact the gas on my own that transports our recylced products to stations form of offputs the forged deed itself. 5. No, i in my opinion do no longer. 6. The ice caps are melting, there is far less snow in the process the wintry climate in areas the place there is often snow, there are tornadoes interior the wintry climate in places while tornadoes shouldn't hit for yet another few months, and different loopy climate phenomenon. 7. i in my opinion have self belief the earth is in a warming section. The Earth truly does pass by warming and cooling stages. For standard that it replaced into 70 levels in February the place I stay, it replaced into seventy six levels on the comparable good day back interior the 70s. the place people complaining approximately worldwide warming then? No! Its merely a piece.. 8. we ought to consistently surely take care of the Earth greater desirable. even nevertheless i think this could be a warming section, i do no longer think of we ought to consistently trash our homestead.
2007-03-12 23:34:33 UTC


1 degree increase in temperature means 10% croploss

mankind is partly responsible

the economy already has lost billions of dollars

recycling is not the biggest issue

no comment

the USA is one of the largest problems and does not do nearly enough

it is not a theory for the thousands of people already dead

yes imensely

deforestation and desertification by irresponsible farming

yes more laws

yes getting hotter

triggering castastrophes all the time

2007-03-13 18:59:07 UTC


Q1: 7

Q2: A.

Q3: A

Q4: A

Q5: A

Q6: A

Q7: A and B; just carbon, not necessarily carbon dioxide

Q8: B

Q9: B, but i beleive very strongly that it is occuring I just don't think it's a FACT

Q10: A

Q11: B

Q12: A. heck yes

Q13: A

Q14: again A and B; I think it will cause a catastrophe, but not a sudden one, if that makes sense

Q15: A and C; so far USA, but China is catching up...
2007-03-12 20:49:30 UTC
1 10

2 B

3 B

4 B

5 B

6 B

7 B

8 B

9 B






2007-03-14 17:10:33 UTC
Age: 15

Gender: Male

1) 8



4)A (to an extent, there are other reasons)


6)B (It will slow it down considerably, but not stop it)







13)A (slowly but surely)

14)B (how fast is sudden?)

2007-03-14 20:04:44 UTC
This link is all you need to know about Global Warming!!!
2007-03-12 19:30:46 UTC


Q1: 9

Q2: A.Yes

Q3: A.Yes

Q4: A.Yes

Q5: A.Yes

Q6: A.Yes

Q7: A.Yes

Q8: B.No

Q9: A

Q10: A.Yes

Q11: C

Q12: A.Yes

Q13: Yes

Q14: A.Yes

Q15: C.USA
2007-03-12 19:51:25 UTC

















Good luck with your assignment!
Margaret K
2007-03-14 18:35:44 UTC

















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