Hello, i bought my first car last year from a man and woman off Craig's list who lived in riverside, OH... after getting it home my dad and i realized the bottom of the trunk that held the spare tire was filled completely with water. there were bugs flying in the water and what we thought was maggots. we were completely disgusted and tried calling the people to ask about what it was and they had already changed their numbers the next day...sketchy huh? we got the water cleaned out, and i kept seeing little tiny black bugs all in my car... well summer came and went and winter i seen none of them at all... but since it has gotten warm again they would pop up here and there. i lived in west carrollton ohio, close to dayton ohio and just a week or so ago moved to west milton ohio if that helps any? i have a problem with just throwing clothes bags ect in the backseat so after moving and cleaning out my car, i realized those bugs we thought were fly maggots were these bugs larva? they were crawling all over everything and i about threw up.. these tiny black bugs were crawling all over my shirts, blankets, in my back seat, over everything. they hide anywhere they can.. i sprayed RAID in my trunk because that's where they are coming from and thousands of them died along with hundreds other bugs in the backseat of my car... i vacuumed out my car and sprayed another can...next day they are all covering the back seat of my car again.. dead. and im not exaggerating "hundreds of them" to describe the bug its tiny...about the size of an earring backing..(that's the only size comparison i can come up with) they are roundish and long..their larva look like maggots but have stripes on their white bodies. the bugs are just black... they can fly though. i haven't noticed to see if they hop, but they definitely are not fleas because i used to have animals and i know what fleas are and these aren't fleas. there were none in winter like i said but now that its warmer they've been coming out again. i don't see how anything can live in my car with as hot as its been up here... 98 degrees in the day and even hotter inside of my car.. i think they are coming from the carpet my friend said he thought they were carpet beetles but i looked up pictures and that's not what they look like. i have no idea what they eat and are surviving on, because i keep no food in my car unless they are eating crumbs off the ground. they aren't bed bugs either. it could be a type of beetle perhaps but they dint have any antennae like most beetles do.. you can really even tell where their head starts and ends until you see which direction they're crawling in.. i don't know how many legs they have because they're too tiny to tell, but they don't bite or they haven't bitten me anyways. in the light it kinda looks like they have orange stripes or dots along the body of it kinda like the white larva have.. i keep vacuuming and spraying my car and hundreds have died but there's still those few that wont and its really grossing me out, does anyone have any idea or has anyone had a similar problem? im willing to try anything at this point