So who still believes all this hype about Global warming then?
Sir Sidney Snot
2007-03-09 05:58:36 UTC
I believe that the whole subject is a job creation sham! The evidence points to CO2 NOT being anything to do with the warming of the planet.
92 answers:
2007-03-09 06:06:56 UTC
According to last night's C4 prog, most of it is due to the activity on the Sun - solar flares etc.
2007-03-09 14:19:07 UTC
As a scientist myself who has been involved in research, I can tell you that some scientists, can and do play politics with important issues such as this, usually for either their own financial gain or that of companies or organisations that they work for.

In the case of global warming though, it certainly isn't the scientists who have been gathering data on the human contribution to climate change for the last 30 - 40 years who are playing politics. I would certainly rather trust them than the small minority who deny the overwhelming evidence.

Yes - there is a natural cycle of climate change where the planet has warmed up and cooled down periodically. This does not, however, remove the fact that carbon emissions pumped into the atmosphere by human activities are accelerating the natural processes of global warming at an unprecedented rate.

If we do nothing to prevent it, there will come a time in the not too distant future (probably in 100 years or so at the current rate) when the methane hydrates on the ocean floor destabilise and emit massive amounts of methane into the atmosphere. Methane is eight times more powerful as a greenhouse gas than CO2 . So when that happens we're finished - the earth will become uninhabitable.

All the petty arguments and squabbles over whether its actually happening, whether humans contribute and what we should do about it are distracting us from what needs to be done. The scenario outlined above can and must be avoided at all costs. As a nation, the UK can't do it alone, but we can set an example to the rest of the world by setting the right targets. If other nations take notice and follow our lead we might just save ourselves. If not and it all ends up counting for nothing, then at least we tried.

Even if 90% of climate scientists do turn out to be wrong and last nights documentary was correct, can we afford to take the risk that it might not be? If we're going to go down, lets go down fighting at least.

The irony is, there is an obvious solution that would actually enhance our way of lives and produce all the energy we could ever need or want in the long term with no emissions whatsoever from the energy production itself. Nuclear fusion power. Massive amounts of relatively cheap energy, with no waste products except helium and water. Very expensive to get it going initially - which is what puts governments off the idea, but inexpensive to run in the long term. I think its now the only way we can reduce carbon emissions by enough to avoid catastrophe. Its already too late for anything else.

Also, I find it interesting that many of the people posting here who deny the human contribution to global warming, or even global warming itself, are the same people who moan on and on about immigration and how its ruining the country. I wonder if they might change their minds about climate change in 20 - 30 years time when parts of Africa and Asia become uninhabitable (at current rate if nothing is done), When that happens millions - yes MILLIONS, of refugees will be heading north, many of whom will be heading for the UK. If they think immigration is a problem now - think of that and multiply it by ten thousand. That will be the first real catastrophic effect of global warming.
Roaming free
2007-03-09 14:22:50 UTC
Some very interesting comments here. I personally don't believe global warming is man made, not when you look at the true facts of how long we've been producing CO2 and in that time the world has world temperature has continually fluctuated with periods of cooling and warming. 1940 to 1975 the world went through a cooling phase. From 1975 the world has entered a warming phase and so on. The middle ages the world was a lot warmer than it is now, but many of you appear to completely ignore these facts it's almost as if you don't want to hear an alternative argument.

Last nights programme had a Japanese scientist who was head of the Antarctic survey. He stated that the melting of the Artic ice is a normal phenomenon. Over thousands of years the ice pack has increased and contracted in size throughout the history of this planet and nothing is going to change that process.

No one is saying we should just standby and ignore pollution and keep producing gas guzzling vehicles. Our resources are finite but at the same time lets calm down on the hysteria because that's exactly what it is, hysteria.
2007-03-09 16:17:45 UTC
I personally don't believe it is happening. We have no real evidence that it has not happened in the past apart from records of heat. Also, being 15, i had to do something on global warming and found a lot of interesting facts that i didn't know before. these include that the ice caps are actually increasing and the earth has always been heating up and cooling down over centurys in a normal pattern.

I wouldn't say it is a job making sham. However, i think the hype of it is slowly wearing away. I still think we should recycle and use other forms of producing electric though. Just to be on the safe side.
2007-03-09 13:07:35 UTC
Global warming is a natural cycle caused by many things. The main causes are sunspot activity and the heating/cooling of the oceans. How else can previous temperature fluctuations be explained. How many factories and cars were there when there were vineyards in Scotland?

Non political evidence proves that rising temperatures CAUSE rises in CO2 and not the other way round. The human CO2 production is no more than 1% of the whole produced by mother nature.

Its a political strategy to prevent third world countries expanding their economies.

Dont blame the terrible human suffering on global warming, its down to overcrowded populations in the worst possible places. Yes the western world could do more but how many £billions have been poured into helping such suffering in the last 5 decades?

I'm not keen on the good old USA but they are not responsible for global warming and all the bleeding heart liberals screaming about people suffering in Africa and similar places should look at how their economies have been destroyed by their own ineptitude and corruption. Wake up and smell the freetrade coffee - Many of these countries governments are responsible for their own suffering to a great extent and I truly feel for their people.

Its time to change direction and concentrate on the real causes of the problems.
The Global Geezer
2007-03-09 11:08:57 UTC
Not really. You are right when you say a job creation scam. By creating a whole fear consciousness about the heating up of the planet, environmental scientists 'scare' governments into giving them lots of money in research grants. They even have a one-time American presidential candidate, acting as their mouthpiece.

I believe global warming is a cycle of nature. The world has heated up and cooled down since time began. We have had ice ages, and also much warmer times when vineyards could grow in southern Britain. In fact, this is probably a cooler period of history because we actually have ice caps. There were times before when we didn't have them.

The exact same thing happens on Venus and they don't have cars and power stations putting so-called greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Could it be that these elements are present in nature anyway? And in the post war boom in consumer goods (more cars, more flights, more demand for electricity etc) the temperature actually decreased for a few years.

It doesn't mean we should get complacent. We should still work on ways to conserve energy (ie switching off lights, walking instead of driving 5 mins down the road) because this will encourage us to be more responsible and less wasteful.....but let's not get worked up and fearful.
2007-03-09 12:31:18 UTC
I was always thought that global warming was dubious but after watching last nights program I feel that we have all been lied to.

Time and time again we are told that humans have produced co2 gases that is the root cause of global warming but when you look at the facts it becomes obvious that this in not only not the truth but is a fairy tail.

We are a part of an extremely complex Ecosystem that we still do not fully understand and it is plain stupid to thing that we can change the temperature of our earth.

For all the eco-warriors out there consider the following facts:-

The highest contributors to co2 production are as follows:-

1) The sea

2) Volcanic action

3) Decomposition of organic matter.

4) Cows/Sheep/Animals farting

Mans co2 production is a fraction of the total co2 products every day by cows farts.

Green house gases, if we agree that green house gases are reflecting the earths heat back down to the earth. Then we would expect that the temperature rise would be not only seen at sea level but also at altitude. Why then is there not only no increase in altitude temperatures but in fact temperature reductions.

Ice core sample, we are all told that core samples prove that with and increase in co2 there is a co-responding rise in temperature. The main thing that was not told to us all was that there is an 800 year delay in the increase in co2 relative to the temperature rise. In other words when the temperature increases over an 800 year period the co2 production from the sea is also increased.

For all those Eco-warriors out there please remember that when we ask the third world to reduce its co2 emissions what we are actually asking them to do is stay in the middle ages and not bring electricity to the population.
2007-03-09 14:05:56 UTC
The sun being our nearest star is enlarging all the it is becoming closer to the earth thus heating it up.

Yes there is a lot of hype from both camps and yes maybe we are contributing to it but hey...we gotta live somewhere.

No seriously...I remember better summers when I was a wee tot in the 70's than the summers now.

Yes they may be a degree or so hotter...but its the wetter weather I hate.

The West of Scotland is wet enough for 9 months of the year without the summer months being wetter too.

12 months of wet is a bit much
2007-03-09 15:26:01 UTC
FACT: global warming is occurring

FACT: human activities are contributing to global warming

FACT: by reducing our CO2 emissions we can help reduce the rate of global warming

FACT: global warming has occurred many times throughout history

MYTH: global warming is a result of human activity- there is a distinct lack of information to support any claim otherwise

MYTH: the world is about to end

MYTH: the weather models can predict what the weather is going to be like in the furure. We currently have great difficulty predicting what the weather is going to be like in a couple of days time. All weather predictions make a large number of assumptions each of which may or may not occur.
2007-03-09 12:41:38 UTC
I watched a show on TV last night that showed that CO2 didn't cause global warming and that the earth has been warming since before industry was very big. It aslo pointed out that in when there was a lot of industry starting after the war, temperatures actually dropped and that a lot of people thought there was going to be another ice age. I still think global warming is happening but it is not being caused by human activity. p.s. wildlife produces more CO2 each year than all industry put together!!!!
2007-03-09 11:10:32 UTC
Going green is big business these days and governments know this, unfortunately some of the facts and figures have been distorted or missed out all together to confuse us into thinking its all our fault so we pay big money to put it right. Global warming does exist but then it has since the earth started orbiting the sun millions of years ago and will carry on doing so no matter how green we try and get, sooner or later everything will start to cool down and there will no doubt be a panic about that until things warm up and the whole cycle starts again. I say drive your car, burn your coal then act all smug when we start getting 2 feet of snow and short summers back or at least try and make some money out of those people who'll buy any product that claims to be eco friendly then preach to you about how big your carbon footprint is
2007-03-09 14:33:44 UTC
Sadly, everything becomes an industry of sorts... like mental health, adoption, child abuse, ecology, global warming, you name it, someone deeply cares, someone has experience and someone starts off meaning well.

Then others jump on board with agendas of their own and suddenly, the money makers rule the whole shebang and it spirals out of control. Demeaning what began as something genuine.

That's life... sadly... that's the human condition homing in again... the only enemy of all things, including our own planet... are the human beings in it:-(

The thing to do, is to take it all in your stride, to do the best you can and to remember that for every user on the planet, there are other people out there who genuinely care and do it for the right reasons.

You eventually learn not to be panicked by the scare mongers, not to be coerced by the trouble makers, and not to be bullied by the bureaucrats and persuaded by the zealots and find a level of your own that you can live with... and still care about your world and others in it... cal it a kind of resignation as we age... or, a shrugging of the shoulders too.

Take a look and listen in to my generation now and then, listen with a different stance and not indifference... and you'll realise the smiles and the shaking of the heada, are really saying all of the above... like, "been there, done that, heard it all before... tried it all myself... and still the world evolves in much the way it did inside my youth..."

Then, just like all of us... you wont feel the urge to change the world again... because you'll know you can't!

Just enjoy the time you have and be as considerate to your fellows as you can... take just enough and never more, than you will need... for you and yours... and life will still afford the best it can to you.

Life's a gift... whatever it entails.


Granny with experience:-)

I see you watched channel 4 last night as well;-)
2007-03-09 15:29:15 UTC
After watching the program on channel 4 I differently think we are not being told the truth on the subject of global warming. I have had my doubts about the ozone layer as well, basically the sun is running the show, and governments are taking advantage, nature will clear the mess up eventually, it is all about controlling the population
2007-03-09 14:06:55 UTC
It doesn't really matter what you think - or what any of the half educated contributors to this site think. The only people who have any power to change anything are the governments and organisations that rule this world, and yes they are getting itchy about it.

The first evidence came from comparative planetary studies comparing the Earth with Venus (v. hot) and Mars (v. cold), followed by careful measurements of the rising pollution in the atmosphere.

Many people appear scared stiff of losing the slightest privilege, they appear to want ever increasing levels of consumption even although it is not making anyone happy. Some of the happiest societies have the greenest record. Unfortunately the American model of free market economy relies on stuffing the poor and raping the planet, and it doesn't even deliver for average consumers, who live in fear of illness and job loss. Think about it. Oil took millions of years to accumulate (unless you are stupid enough to believe that the world is only 4000 year old) and we want to burn it as fast as we can get it out of the ground, and what for? So we can speed down to the shops for a newspaper in a two tonne vehicle at 40mph plus? Where's the sense in that, who wants to fight wars across the planet for the oil resources for that!! Who would lose a son to protect your right to unlimited SUV use? I wouldn't. Get back to trains bikes and buses I say, speak to your neighbour, live near your work.
2007-03-09 06:39:01 UTC
As an open minded individual, I must admit that it has caused me to question the validity of the science - but this type politicing and pursuasion happens on both sides of this debate. Clearly its a Commie/Leftist/Marxist plot OR its Capitalism gone crazy and profits so large they cost us the Earth. Poles apart to say the least.

The answer surely is have all this in the model - which if it's not there already AND these factors are as large as is claimed, then clearly, at the moment, the models are wrong.

Anway, irrespective of the debate on global warming, this does not release us from our responsibility towards the enviroment; the extinction of species, environmental degradation together with our exploding population. All of these are issues which remain unaddressed and are just as equally serious and pressing as GW (is/might be).
2007-03-09 22:44:12 UTC
Global warming as it is presented by the world's governments and some scientists is a con to enable the aforesaid governments to tax us out of existence and for the scientists to be able to continue with over-sized budgets while they explore this phenomena.

The fact that they admit that they think things have gone too far for any alteration in human habbits indcates that they have left the door open for a retraction in a few years time.

It is not that long ago that we were told to prepare for a mini iceage.
2007-03-09 11:31:30 UTC
I do believe in global warming, however it seems like it isn't happening due to the super cold weather and snow that my area has been getting.

However, I believe that global warming has SOME human fault to it but mainly, it's a process the earth goes through every some years.
2007-03-09 12:14:23 UTC
after all the arguments about the global warning just divert a moment and ask where is the £billion going/gone that's being collected at the airports added onto the fares which Mr Brown put on at a moments notice and we in Britain really are the only ones who are paying any attention to all this nonsense so how about some refunds because the money being horded is not going anywhere we know of but someone will benefit// i believe this warming and anyway we could do with it here in the British Isle is something that takes place every say 2000 years or so nothing to do with humans disregard
2007-03-09 16:26:45 UTC
I have looked into many things the trouble is who do you believe it is impossible to know. That is why the term I think there for I am is so correct all we actually really know is we are conscious. The media can control us by brainwashing us by making us think lies are facts we know there was an ice age and coal proves there has been climate change in the past but it is hard to tell truth from fiction. I havn`t given a good answer as all I have said is it is hard to know who to believe is that an answer in itself
2007-03-09 16:42:54 UTC
We are so often fed a load of guff these days, however, it is about time we all started taking responsibility on how we treat our environment, we are mucking it up, the rain forest is the biggest mistake we are making. No one snow flake feels responsible for an avalanche, but we have got to get our acts together, or we could be in for a BUMPY ride, if not us then our grand children!
2007-03-09 12:17:39 UTC
OK, kids, this is the science. Whether or not humans contribute to global warming, the sun goes through cycles, getting hotter and less hotter (can't really say cooler!) - the sun sends out radiation which heats up the ocean. About 800 years later, co2 is emitted from the sea. So as the temperature of the sea rises, so does the co2 levels. Its natural. It's the sun that causes the warming, not co2.

CO2 is not a green-house gas as you are wrongly told. CO2, remember is carbon dioxide. We exhale carbon dioxide when we breath. Leaves when they rot give out CO2 and so do volcanoes when they erupt.
2007-03-09 09:41:18 UTC
Well there are two sides to this question:

Firstly, yes, the Earth is warming up, and it's reasonable to understand that humans have been a part of this; we are pumping out more carbon dioxide emissions than ever before, with the constant expansion of trade and industry. But it could go either way: are we being lead to believe that it has nothing to do with us so that the companies concerned (e.g. airlines) still have their pockets lined? Or is it all propaganda and are we being lead to believe that it is us, to try and stop developing countries expanding themselves? Like most things; you have to make sense of the political confusion and find the truth.
2007-03-09 06:13:01 UTC
Best-Of-Enemies - get a grip - it's got nothing to do with smoke! Arrrrrrrrrgh!

Smoke obscures the sun - if anything it reduces the energy reaching the Earth's surface! (this was shown after 9/11 when all the planes were grounded) - greenhouse gasses are a different thing entirely!

And as for trees...... did you know that the rainforests (at best) just hold the CO2? they don't clean it - in fact the CO2 levels from rotting vegitation is one of the main contributors!

Sheesh - I know that we're getting "spin" from both camps - but at least read up before answering!
2007-03-09 14:31:33 UTC
Yes i do believe it is happening, but too much emphasis and blame is put on us and that is where i know they are wrong, at the end of the day it will be something natural that destroys the world just as it was the same that created it.
Richard T
2007-03-09 13:27:52 UTC
Yes we are getting spin from both camps. However what is CERTAIN is that the Earth is warming up and that the ice caps are melting.

That means that people in places like Polynesia and Bangladesh etc WILL be flooded out. London will be in trouble too. The Thames barrier is not that future proof.

Whose fault it is doesn't matter. If I am in my car and I see a guy coming for me I try to get outa the way. It doesn't matter whose fault it is, nor do I listen to the passengers in the back seat trying to work out who is to blame.

I just do something about it. OK?
2007-03-09 13:01:04 UTC
I saw a documentary on it last night, i don't believe that humans are causing global warming and its nothing to do with carbon dioxide either

its all a sham what the media are saying and people need to know about it
2007-03-09 13:38:06 UTC
Its the undeniable evidence of the destruction and harm inflicted on this planet by people not prepared to look at the long term implications...We have probably gone past the point of saving the planet..Look at the facts,if half the predictions come true,the future does not look good..Global warming is undeniable..
2007-03-09 17:37:30 UTC
I believe it started getting "worse" during the industrial revolution and has just progressed from there it's a sort of natural evolutionary progression.To the person who mentioned 911 look to the U.S. govt check out the LOOSE CHANGE video and then THINK!!!!
2007-03-09 15:49:13 UTC
Who cares, the summers aint hot enough yet.

I want to burn baby!

Biking weather needed!

I would say if your interested in the subject, get off your **** and for the love of G** research and come to your own stand point.

1 point I will make is that, when water freezes, it expands (fact)

90% of an iceberg's mass is under the water line.

so if a piece of ice melts, no matter what the size the water will be less in mass then the ice.

With this in mind, the sea should in theory reduce if all the ice was to melt.
2007-03-09 12:26:19 UTC
Blair, Merkel and Chirac and their cohorts because it has become a vote winner. The anti globalisation anarchists and all those who's jobs depend upon the allocation of tax payers money for 'research'

I have always found it 'funny' how thousands of people fly all over the world to talk about global warming, you'd think they would use secure satellite video links.
2007-03-09 12:01:06 UTC
i belive that we are getting warmer but this is not all down to man yes we are proberly helping to warm the earth but not as quick as the government and green peice are saying a program on channel 4 last night explained that over the last many thousands of year the planet has warmed up and cooled down and man was not around then and the earth survived so all this hype is to get more tax from us and make us feel scared for our future all so governments of the worl do not want the likes of africa to use there oil and coal because thay want to have it for them selfs at a later date but wnt to sell costly power to the 3rd world country knowing full well thay cant pay which will all ways keep them as 3 world
Lynn G
2007-03-09 12:28:10 UTC
Global warming is a part of evolution. The plates shift, volcanos erupt, clouds build up, rain comes down, forest burn, new plants come up and man builds and man destroys. No matter what we do, the planet will change eventually. We have learned to fight and cure many diseases, we have learned to make planes fly, and messages to transport from one place to another wirelessly. We will probably find a way to live with whatever changes are coming, but they will be a long long time coming. And then there will be new changes. it is called evolution
2007-03-09 13:45:34 UTC
With three questions posted on the same subject I keep read ind the "do gooders" saying we should pay heed as to our abuse of the planet, I do not accept that man can make one iota of difference to the natural power of nature, and if mans abuse to the planet's destruction is proven, that in itself is the process of the planet , it need not have been man but some other creature , the desert was once a thriving jungle but life changed all that, should we blame th "Nomads for their own way of survival? it is the natural way life evolves and dies
2007-03-09 12:43:52 UTC
yes odd that isn't it. It's a known historical fact that the temperature of the earth rises and falls. That's why there are ice ages. We need to stop poluting and damaging the planet we live on, not to ensure we don't destroy the planet but to ensure that the planet doesn't destroy us. I think the only reason we are still able to live on it, is that it hasn't noticed we are here yet.
Robin C
2007-03-09 11:36:11 UTC
The hole in the ozone layer is getting smaller but they don't want to talk about that. I believe that the channel 4 programme was right , global warming is a big con.
nigel the builder
2007-03-09 14:42:29 UTC
were definetly having some freaky weather lately,i think aving energy is a good idea,have you seen the smoke in china,wow,what about them poor polar bears,we have a wonderfull planet,and we a shi#t at keeping it right,think we should all try to be more planet friendly,dont know if all this hype about global warming is true,but if we all try our best,they carnt blame us @\/@
stuart d
2007-03-09 12:14:53 UTC

Even President Bush has acknowledged Global Warming exists??

Who told him?

Did he go through the wrong door?

Is he mad?

Then you seen president Blair whisper in his ear 'It's good for a bit of stealth tax. Know what I mean, wink, wink'

Pres. Bush in reply, Tony my old comrade, 'fancy a freebie holiday in the states?

No, No replies Blair, "can you imagine what my tax paying little workers back in the good old UK of Blair would say?

'Ahh, go on' replies Gubba

Pres. Blair retorts 'Yeah, alright, but I'll need to get my spin doctors to justify it'

News just in from the BBC. President, I mean Prime Minister Blair has been delayed in the USA for two weeks because the aircraft he was about to use has far to many fumes billowing from it and he doesn't want to pay Gordon Browns' taxes.

Now you know how we feel!!!!

Edit., Poor deluded John thinks we're all kids. Or is he a government enforcer??

God forbid we can draw our own conclusions!!!
top cat
2007-03-09 11:28:46 UTC
its always been used as a conspiracy global warming has happened thousands of times over millions of years but there was no government around to use it as a way of making money by taxing the people

it will happen even if we all went back to living in caves
2007-03-09 12:44:47 UTC
hmmm im very doubtful about the whole global warming issue.. If the government was so concerned surely they would ban certain products which apparantly contaminate the planet..
2007-03-09 06:07:58 UTC
In short, no-one REALLY knows. Is it "natural" or is it due to us? Its all just specualtion right now.

Either way it is happening and only time will tell what the end result will be.

I just wont be buying a house on the coast or anywhere that may turn into a desert soon :P

Oh and UV suits and breathing aparatus are on order lol

BTW: I'd really start to worry when the rainforest dries up and all burns, then you know its over...
2007-03-09 07:01:31 UTC
The hype - whatever that is, no I don't believe

Our culture is addicted to an unsustainble life-style and most people and politicians that want their vote, & companies that want to sell more Stuff, will use any opportunity to justify that addiction and deny that it causes any harm to themselves, society, or the environment - this is how smokers & the tobacco industry reacted when the science showed smoking kills

the consensus of facts from 20years research sumarised by the IPCC, that anthropogenic climate change is happening, yes I believe.

There is no planet B; it would be irresponsible to ignore the risk of something of this magnetude.

and the simple logic that we cannot have infinite industrial growth on a finite planet, as evidenced by the Club of Rome back in the '60s; we do need to take responsibility for the impact of our personal lifestyle. and to claim that it is all some govenment conspiracy is just Stupid; people have to take reponsibility for their goverment as much as their waste.
2007-03-09 12:55:35 UTC
spot on! i was looking through some archives and during the time of henry vlll english summers were so long and hot that there were vineyards all over the country. since those days the uk has got colder.remember the so called experts also said many years ago that the world was flat.
mother sensible
2007-03-09 15:25:41 UTC
Whether you believe it or not there is no harm in recycling, cutting fuel consumption, etc. We humans are a greedy bunch of idiots as a rule aren't we? Lets face it.
2007-03-09 13:48:14 UTC
I watch the C4 programme last night. Very interesting.
2007-03-09 07:53:59 UTC
Is it? A scam you say? You *are* aware that you have just implicated the single biggest conspiracy to ever exist in human history right? And you *are* aware that this makes you sound completely barking mad right?

You very much need to research the science behind global warming. A good place to start is, and Not that you'll ever read them, but hey, it's worth a try no?
2007-03-09 12:25:51 UTC
For anyone who thinks that climate change is a joke, should come to Australia. Even with the cyclone and all the raining in the eastern far north, the rest of the country is experiencing the worst drought on record. There are towns that don't have a water supply and have water trucked in. Farm land is parched and cracked, many people are losing jobs, businesses and homes. Houses are falling apart, due to the dryness of the surrounding ground. Water rates will go up by at least 15% in the next few weeks, and will climb by more than 140% should the drought continue unabated for the next 36 months. Dams are at 18-21% in some regions of the country, and cities are turning to recycling waste waster and effluent, and desalination plants to met water demands. Brisbane dams have enough water for 18 months and then they will be dry. yesterday the Queensland state government implemented level 5 water restrictions, meaning that households can not use more than 800liters of water per day. Houses that do so, shall be fined $150 per day, should they continue after the first warning. Continual offenders open themselves up to in home inspection by government officials. Levels six and seven will be in place by the end of the year. You can prattle on all you want about how some scientists say blah blah and others say bleh bleh, but how about reading the diverse news media of the world and research the Amazon, the rain forests of Western Canada and the Pacific northwest, where beetles have been ravaging trees, and denuding large swaths of forest on a per annum basis with no end in sight. No, not everything happening around us is Human related, but you can't possibly believe that we don't have some large part to play in our current situation. Who cares about climate change in the big scheme of things? CO2? What about all the other toxins that are released by all the cars and trucks and tractors and heavy machines and factories and humans and smokers and general waste? What about all the deforestation of the very creatures that give us oxygen and clean our air supply for us? Free too I might add. What about all the emissions from road building? Electrical use? Cooking? What about all the bombing that goes on all the time? I'm sure there's loads of cows and pigs on the planet, none of them that I know of, drives a car to and from work, uses electricity knowingly or throws out tons of waste per annum apart from that which they make naturally. Very responsible of us to lay blame at the feet of innocents. Yes it was the cow in the shed with the farting bum. Next we'll be blaming them for making us domesticate them and put them in huge containment areas, just so they could exact their revenge by killing us with their farts. I was watching where somebody reckons that the average cow puts out as much CO2 as ten cars. Man, that's alot of farts by anyone's standards. Cows must fart all the time, just to keep up with that production rate. Imagine how tired old Bessy must feel after a full day of solid farting. You turn ten cars on, put them in a closed area and stand in there with them. How long do you think you'll live? Now do the same thing with ten cows. Or better yet, take a cow into a garage and run a hose from it's bum to you sitting in a car. See if that really kills you as fast as doing it with a car exhaust. Then come back and tell me all about global warming, climate change and human's degree of affect upon it. And while you're at it, bring me some water too.
2007-03-09 12:06:53 UTC
To all you people that think this is just HYPE, I suggest you take your heads out of the sand and face reality. It's real, it's happening, but sadly it's easier for 99% of you to deny it than deal with it. We have to do what we can to protect the future generation. How would you feel if your Grandparents could have done something to protect the future but couldn't be bothered for YOU and just thought, what the heck, I won't be around then, so who cares?
2007-03-09 15:48:25 UTC
not me and never did. it is just hype to bring in extra road charges and tolls. The earth is just going through one of its fazes that happen every so often.
2007-03-09 11:50:35 UTC
Someone at my place of work blames Global Warming on smoking.

I blame it on Extra Strong mints..Creates too much gas.
2007-03-09 14:44:55 UTC
all hype to increase prices and allow new taxes earth,s weather is mostly dependent on solar activity like sun spot activity.
Michael G
2007-03-09 12:54:50 UTC
I belive that we could do more to stop it, and one day, when the world blows up, everyone's going to be going in a spaceship and flying away so every second counts and we can't affort to waste any.

However, I believe global warming is with us and we could do a lot more to stop it. We should kill all the cows, as they produce high amounts of methane and contribut significantly to global warming or the green-house effect, whatever.
2007-03-09 15:31:21 UTC
it's part of life get over it.

stone age

ice age

now it's human age that's too blame
2007-03-09 13:32:47 UTC
Its happening, but has been for many years, take a look at what happened to the ICE age, what that down to aerosol spray--I think not..
*♥* donna *♥*
2007-03-09 11:11:50 UTC
i didn't see the program the other day but, what caused the end of the last ice age. humans not recycling i don't think so. but we should recycle because not everything is renewable. somethings will all run out one day.
2007-03-09 06:07:24 UTC
If you look up any global temperature chart on the net, you'll find the earth's temperature has only increased by about 6/10 of one degree (C) - that's 1.1 degree (F), in the last 125 years. So yes, the globe is warming up, but it's not overheating like some would have you to believe.

If the climate change alarmists are serious about the warning of the impending disater, they MUST become vegetarians. Even Greenpeace's own web site shows that the methane from cows and pigs is a major factor in the increase of "heat trapping gas". It's actually 23 times more potent as a heat trapping gas than is carbon dioxide.

According to the newest UN report on Global Warming, "Livestock are responsible for 18 per cent of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming, more than cars, planes and all other forms of transport put together."

So if Al Gore and all the alarmists really want to do something about climate change, again, they MUST become vegetarians and shut down cow and pig farms. I mean seriously, if they truly believe that global warming is as disastrous as they are preaching then they need to stop eating meat, period! I seriously doubt that will happen. If not, then they are the hypocrites that some of us already suspect they are.

Also Al Gore preaches to you to conserve, but he does not practice it himself. He uses 20 times more energy in his Nashville mansion than the national average.

One thing he has not learned is that you MUST practice what you preach... at some point you will get caught as he has.
2007-03-09 11:12:58 UTC
It is not possible to ignore the fact that human activity has not contributed to the present situation. It is so easy to absolve yourself from the blame of this 'impending catastrophe'. It is no good turning a blind eye to this probable disaster.
2007-03-09 15:20:24 UTC
Yea, remember the millenium bug and the devastation that we were led to believe that would cause!
Lauren M
2007-03-09 11:54:25 UTC
Maybe that's what you chose to believe but cutting down on carbon emissions and recycling will save us in the long run.

OPEN YOUR EYES!!!This is a serious issue,if you would rather live in a heated hell hole that will be our earth, at least think of those who would prefer not to!
2007-03-09 13:01:34 UTC
Ok so all of you idiots believe that all of the poisonous gasses we keep pumping out are doing no harm atall?

people will believe anything
2007-03-09 11:13:08 UTC
global warming is not created by is nature alone that is doing it.when will these idiots learn its yet another excuse by this government to raise taxes.thank lucifer they will be gone in the next election.
2007-03-09 06:16:44 UTC
There's been a minority view which has been shouted down for far too long, for whatever reasons - e.g. keeping developing countries behind us.

The C4 program was excellent and I hope it will encourage the silent minority to become more vocal (and we'll maybe see who is really in the minority).

As to where does smoke go?, posted above. Yes it goes into the atmosphere - but don't forget that e.g. the sulphur reflects solar radiation and particulates can increase cloud condesation - this is a question of pollution rather than global warming effect.
steven w
2007-03-09 10:52:15 UTC
it is still happening, all of them shows on channel 4( which is proberly where you got the idea for this question) are trying to make humans feel better and to make everyone happy 'it is not in our hands.' but it willl happen and not a moment too late.
2007-03-09 06:41:10 UTC
Most of the worlds scientists, I thought -other than the ones accepting money from the oil industry to say otherwise.What comes out of the back end of cars boats and aspecially planes is obviously damaging and needs to be kept to a minimum. Time we all took responsibility for the health of ourselves and our planet -whatever 'world leaders' do! (or dont do)
2007-03-09 10:54:39 UTC
i think...yes the world is warming, but it will whether we want it to or not. theres nothing we can do, espescially now. the government will use any reason to increase and create new taxes.
2007-03-09 12:57:40 UTC
Zen禅Maiden :ジェダイ
2007-03-09 11:55:59 UTC
I agree with zippy 100%
2007-03-09 08:28:15 UTC
I will believe it when the government does something that does NOT involve increasing taxes.

When they are not doing it for the money..then I will get REALLY worried.
2007-03-09 12:34:44 UTC
thank godddd someone brought this subject up!! i am also sik and tired of hearing about recycling and stuff wil reduce gloabal warming. its reali not. it wil happen at its own pace and there is seriously not much we can do to stop it!!
2007-03-09 11:43:21 UTC
I agree with you 100% I have always thought that way that it is no more than political hype
2007-03-09 11:41:46 UTC
It seems to me that it is just another excuse for Politicians to get peoples hard-earned cash yet again.
2007-03-09 06:07:03 UTC
Even if it was causing it, there is no way we could prevent it.

Merely delay its devestating consequences by a few hundred years.

I say, let nature take its course. If it is to be the thing that causes the extinction of humanity then so be it, I do not think it is worth the hassle.

So what if humanity dies? It will die eventually. Why not sooner rather then later?

What sort of world would it be anyway if we could not drive cars and not be able to travel our world on Planes.
harold l
2007-03-09 13:41:12 UTC
i think it is the one big con of the century yes polution is bad but the doom and gloom merchants have a hidden gender i think.
2007-03-09 11:06:48 UTC
Better to do something rather than nothing. Complacency is worthless. So Turkeys, will you vote for Christmas, or make the effort ?
Joan H
2007-03-09 06:08:12 UTC
The evidence is piling up. More every year. Even President Bush admits it is true. What is your evidence that CO2 has nothing to do with warming?

The current natural cycle is for an ice age to be moving in instead of warming. But, the human made emissions are causing things to go the other way.
2007-03-09 06:06:37 UTC
Global warming is occurring at the rate of 0.6% a century? I do not really think a change like that is going to cause world wide devastation. If I had a house on the beach I would consider moving (because it is such a large investment) but beyond that it is all just speculation.
2007-03-09 06:14:46 UTC
Sure I do.

I agree that some people are making a packet out of it (as they do in any time of fear and doubt) but it is warming up, even if some voices are hysterical.

If you don't think it is happening, I have a whole lot of beachfront land to sell you.
2007-03-09 13:04:31 UTC
Me.....its bloody freezing here and I cant wait.
2007-03-09 08:06:30 UTC
These guys.

They're serious people, they don't get their science from Al Gore, they get it from the best scientists in the world. They've heard the arguments of the global warming deniers, and they don't buy them. Many are conservatives, and not inclined to go along with false environmentalist claims. You won't respect all of them, but you surely respect some.

"The science of global warming is clear. We know enough to act now. We must act now."

James Rogers, CEO of Charlotte-based Duke Energy.

"The overwhelming majority of atmospheric scientists around the world and our own National Academy of Sciences are in essential agreement on the facts of global warming and the significant contribution of human activity to that trend."

Russell E. Train, former environmental official under Presidents Nixon and Ford

"Global warming is already starting, and there's going to be more of it. I think there is still time to deal with global warming, but we need to act soon. Humans now control global climate, for better or worse."

James Hansen, Ph.D. climate scientist, NASA

"Global warming is the most important challenge we face in this century. The hour is no longer for skepticism. It is time to act, and act urgently."

Prince Albert II of Monaco

"Global warming is the most challenging problem our society has ever had to face up to. Ice is the canary in the coal mine of global warming."

Britain's chief scientist David King

"By mid-century, millions more poor children around the world are likely to face displacement, malnourishment, disease and even starvation unless all countries take action now to slow global warming."

Michael Oppenheimer, professor of geosciences and international affairs at Princeton University

"We simply must do everything we can in our power to slow down global warming before it is too late. The science is clear. The global warming debate is over."

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Republican, Governor, California

"Our nation has both an obligation and self-interest in facing head-on the serious environmental, economic and national security threat posed by global warming."

John McCain, Republican, Senator, Arizona

"These technologies will help us become better stewards of the environment - and they will help us to confront the serious challenge of global climate change."

President George Bush

Tons more solid scientific data here than you get from any of the deniers.
2007-03-09 10:53:50 UTC
Oh I don't know who to believe - a tv channel or hundreds of scientists..
2007-03-09 06:07:17 UTC
Global warming has been with us since for 10,000 years since the end of the last ice age.

If there hadn't been any 'global warming' then large parts of it would still be covered in ice, including most of the UK!
serene irene
2007-03-09 12:01:48 UTC
Please watch (Oscar awarded) An Inconvenient Truth.

You probably can't handle the truth though.
2007-03-09 12:47:53 UTC
We ignore all the evidence at our peril and worry for our children and children's children......
2007-03-09 06:34:14 UTC
The earth's getting warmer through a natural cycle. I'm all in favour of it! England could do with being a few degrees warmer in the summer, and losing Norfolk underwater would be the icing on the cake.
2007-03-09 06:09:49 UTC
if your around in about 60years time you will find out...
2007-03-09 11:02:18 UTC
You read the Daily Mail don't you? Oh, I'm right, aren't I?!
2007-03-09 08:15:08 UTC
it was not hype to the thousands of people that are dead already or to those that have lost everything

nice to be sitting far away from the problems claiming there is no problem

how i envey the bliss of ignorence enjoyed by so many ,

but for how long can one have his head in the sand ,before noticing that your a**s is on fire

Is global warming a man-made menace?

not all there are natural cycles in the planets life

but a lot is influenced by mans existance ,and this is increasing with overpopulation,putting strains on Natural resources and increasing contaminations as well as destructions of essential componants the ensure living conditions for all life forms

some home truths

politicians and scientists who work for politicians have downplayed the facts because solutions are expensive and means change and change effects many people income,and most of the world is kept in the dark of the real things that are going on.

in North Africa,India,Mexico ,millions of people are effected by land loss and desertification

in recent times thousands of people have died because of exessive heat,usually old India ,Mexico and France,

deforestation causing desertification,the desert conditions causing very cold nights and scorching hot days

in china, thousands of what used to be farmers are running for their lives from the dust storms that have burried their towns and turned their lands into dessert,the globe where they were got to hot for them .

and instead of producing food they are now needing it from some where else,and they will drastically effect the world food prices when they start buying water in the form of grains ,at any cost destabalising governments, in some countries ,could be the result

(are you seeing more Chinese around interested in agricultural lands ,we do here in Mexico)

,the Sahara is growing by 7 kilometers a year

and all of the desserts we know are a results of mans actions ,and they are increasing ,not getting less ,in the dinosaurs days ,there were no desserts.

collectively this planet is drying up because of bad farming practices like,over grazing and fertilizers,

as far as the food production is concerned, Global warming or some of its effects are serious,rising seas result in landloss

each degree rise in temperature means 10%crop loss

more landloss because of desertification every year,we have less areble land to produce food ,for an extra 70 million people ,

and there is less and less water (because of deforestation),to irrigate this production ,

and there are less and less farmers to do it..

who are overpumping deep carbon aquifiers

who are plowing more and more unstable lands because they have lost so many million hectares to desertification ,

because of bad farming practises ,such as using fertilizers and heavy machinary or over grazing


The northpole is melting ,and we will know it without ice in our life times.

this does not affect the sea level because it is ice that is already in the water.but the melting ice from Green land and the south pole ,are another matter.

Global warming is in theory reversable,but it will mean global co operation between all countries ,and taking into account human nature and the world politics ,it is unlikely that this will happen,

At least not untill we are all in the middle of planetary disastres and it becomes a battle for the survival of humanity every where.


if you want to help the planet ,plant a tree every week ,if everyone on the planet did we we would be able to reverse the destructive processes

reduce carbon emisions,and they are already working on that by alternative forms of energy and regulations on carbon producing materials,aerosol cans,burning rubbish,industrial chimneys,powerplants etc.

the capture of carbon and the production of water and assist the aquiferous manta.

the world bank pays large subsidies for reforrestation to capture carbon and the best tree for this is the Pawlonia

Waterharvesting projects ,such as millions of small redirect over ground waterflows from the rains into the ground to supply subteranian water supplies.

the protection of existing forrests.

stop building more highways,urban planning to include vegetation stop building cities encourage people to return to the land to conduct their business from there which now has become possible thanks to the internet.

education to motivate people to auto sufficiency by building more home food gardens.

education on environmental awareness

education on family planning to curb over´populaion

Agricultural education and improvements to follow the principals or sustainability and soil management.

more environmental or land ,design to prevent bush fires,such as--fire breaks

,more dams.regulations and control for public behaviour

alternative effeciant public transport to discourage the use of the internal conbustion engine

recicling wastes,limit water use

i am a Permaculture Consultant for the department of Ecology for the regional government in Guerrero Mexico

Source(s) Lester E Brown is the director and founder of the global institute of Environment in the United states .he has compiled a report based on all the satalite information available from NASA,and all the information that has

come from Universities and American embassies WORLD WIDE ,

his little book--a planet under stress , Plan B has been trans lated into 50 languages and won the best book award in 2003.
2007-03-09 11:11:00 UTC
shut up mate, i hope you can swim because if many people share your attitude we will be tredding water very soon!
2007-03-09 11:00:12 UTC
2007-03-09 06:39:44 UTC
i believe there are things we can do to reduce it, but you're right...this isn't the first's a part of the earth's cycle.
2007-03-09 16:20:44 UTC
not me!
2007-03-09 06:07:52 UTC
I do. The big hole in the Ozone layer sorta of makes me think that as well as the less trees we have, the more carbon dioxide we have. We'll cutting down trees more than we're making them, thus the world is heating.
2007-03-09 06:07:04 UTC
The extent to which it is happening now has NEVER happened before - at any age.

And if you REALLY think all the science is a myth, pray tell us, where does all the exhaust and factory emissions go???

Hello doofus Physics 101, the smoke has to go somewhere and our atmospeher is a contained area..

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.