FOTE: We have to stop our dependence on foreign oil.
ME: OK, let us look for oil at home. We now have the technology to do it cleanly and safely.
FOTE: NO! That will harm the habitat of the wildlife.
ME: When we put in the Alaskan pipeline, you said the same thing, and the Caribou ended up loving the pipeline so much that they actually made more caribou.
FOTE: That's not fair, you are using facts. We "listen with our hearts", so our intentions are better than yours.
ME: I give up. Next subject, lets build a new Nuclear plant to supply us electricity so we don't need as much fossil fuels.
FOTE: Haven't you seen "The China Syndrome". It was made by all the people in hollywood who have advanced knowledge of science and know what's best for us.
ME: It was a movie.
FOTE: Why don't we have windmills and solar farms.
ME: OK, lets put one up over there behind Teddy Kennedy's house. Oh I forgot. He went to court to stop us, because the windmills might kill a seagull. Oh, and it ruined his ocean-front view.
ME: Yea, like he cared about the woman drowning in his car.